My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 504 Meeting at the Top

At this moment.

On the top of a tall building in Wanghai District, Haishi.

Brother Liu let out a long breath and slowly took off a "hairpin" from his head!

These are two cross-shaped arcs of metal, with dense neural sensors on the inside!

He did not let the demon boy control the Iron Emperor Seven.

Instead, he realized the remote transmission of his consciousness through this device!

This technology is a work from the experimental cemetery!

It was a helmet made by a student, the purpose of which was to connect human consciousness!

However, the so-called consciousness connection cannot be achieved for the time being!

But the activity signal of human brain nerves was successfully decrypted by Brother Liu and Demon Boy!

The device in his hand folded automatically.

Brother Liu put it in his pocket and looked up into the distance!

There were several figures standing on the coastline.

An old man in a black Zhongshan suit stood behind a majestic old man in a gray suit.

5 meters away.

It was another old man in a black suit.

6 meters away.

It was 2 young men with briefcases and straight shoulders.

10 meters away.

There are ten majestic figures wearing black sunglasses!

15 meters away.

There are 20 C+ level modified people hiding in the building!

And on the top of the building.

There are 8 heavy snipers!

On the street 200 meters away.

It is the cordon of the Haishi Special Operations Group!

With such a scene, I am afraid not even a fly can fly in!

Passersby speculated that they were probably filming a movie inside!

At this moment.

A pretty figure, her long hair fluttering in the sea breeze.

She stepped on the rocks and slowly came behind the two old men, "Hello, Mr. Song, hello, father."

"Ruoyi? Why are you here?"

The old man in Zhongshan suit was slightly stunned, turned around and looked at the old man in gray suit in front of him, "Song"

The old man in gray suit waved his hand, "Tianhai, when you are out, just call me Mr. Song."


Nan Tianhai nodded slightly, "Mr. Song, you are really thoughtful and specially called my daughter Ruoyi here."

Mr. Song smiled slightly, "Ruoyi was not invited by me."

Nan Ruoyi shook her head gently and looked at Nan Tianhai, "Father, I came here with my husband."

"Your husband?"

Nan Tianhai stared, confused!

Mr. Song laughed, "Tianhai, it seems that you don't know yet that your Nan family is really full of talents. The eldest son is already a city-level cadre, the second son is already a business leader, and this youngest daughter Ruoyi"

Mr. Song pondered for a moment and nodded repeatedly, "The Nan family has three heroes, well-deserved!"


Nan Tianhai was completely stunned, "Mr. Song, you are too modest, but what do you mean, Tianhai is ignorant!"

Mr. Song shook his head slightly, "Ruoyi, where is your master?"

Nan Ruoyi saluted again, "My master didn't mean to keep you waiting for a long time, he arrived here early."

After that, Nan Ruoyi looked into the distance.

I saw a young man in white, stepping on the white pebbles under his feet, walking slowly.

All bodyguards of various levels within 200 meters were stunned!

When did this man come!

Just looking at the momentum of this young man, it seems to be there and not there, no different from an ordinary person!

Not a modified person, not a martial arts master!

Why didn't I find him just now!

Nan Ruoyi took a few steps forward to greet the young man.

The bodyguards understood instantly that this was the person the leader was waiting for today!

The closest to Brother Liu.

It was the old man in a black suit 5 meters away, Nan Tianhai's younger brother, Nan Tianfeng!

He looked stunned, "Is it you?"

Brother Liu smiled slightly, "It's me."

Nan Tianfeng opened his mouth wide and passed by Brother Liu!


Brother Liu walked past Nan Tianhai!

The old man still hasn't figured out the situation, "What's wrong with you?"

Nan Tianhai wanted to call his name!

But suddenly his mind went blank!

Since meeting this young man, although he has talked to him many times, he still doesn't know his name!

Brother Liu took a few steps forward and shook hands with the old man in a gray suit, "Hello, Mr. Song."

Mr. Song's eyes flashed and nodded repeatedly, "Young man, I never knew how to call you."

Brother Liu smiled with relief and glanced at Nan Tianhai, "My name is Brother Liu, the younger brother's brother!"

Nan Tianhai was struck by lightning!

He turned his head woodenly and glanced at the Punisher Ghost Island floating in the sea fog in the distance!

Liu Di

Emperor Wu

Mr. Song seemed to see the clue, patted Nan Tianhai on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Tianhai, do you know why I asked you to meet Emperor Wu?"

"It's a pity that you are not a good father. You don't even know what your daughter is doing recently!"

Nan Tianhai was a little dumbfounded, "Ruoyi, this is the gentleman you mentioned, the owner of the shop? Punisher"

Nan Ruoyi nodded gently.

Nan Tianhai's mind was buzzing!

At this time.

Liu Di took out a small wooden box.

With a smile on his face, he handed it to Mr. Song, "I know you love tea. This is a box of white tea, but there is no year. It is this year. The younger generation planted it and baked it by themselves. It should have a different taste."

The box of tea in Liu Di's hand.

It came from a small area in the experimental cemetery that he had opened up!

Artificial sunlight, soilless cultivation!


Mr. Song smiled heartily, "I'm so ashamed! I was so rude when we just met. Brother Liu brought me a gift, but I didn't prepare anything!"

Mr. Song's eyes swept over Nan Tianhai and several followers!

These people looked embarrassed!

They thought that Emperor Wu was a devil-like figure!

He only cared about preparing for safety work!

But he found that he was polite and decent!

"Brother Liu, look."

Mr. Song turned sideways and saw two fishing rods next to the reef. He smiled and said, "I have prepared two fishing rods. Why don't we go fishing quietly?"

Brother Liu nodded, "I'll listen to your arrangements."

Mr. Song waved his hand.

The others retreated 5 meters away!

Only Brother Liu and him were left, the old and the young, each holding a fishing rod, sitting casually on the reef!

And straight in the distance was the ghost island!

Nan Tianhai and several others stood in the distance.

The corners of his eyes trembled!

At this time, even he was not qualified to approach the two reefs!

His voice trembled and he said: "Ruoyi, Brother Liu, when did you..."

But Nan Ruoyi said softly: "Father, let's try to be quiet and don't disturb the fish that are about to be hooked."

Nan Tianhai's expression was stern!

He immediately shut up!

But Mr. Song said slowly: "Brother Liu, let's make a bet? Whoever catches a fish first will win."

Mr. Song said this and slowly turned his head, "The loser must agree to a request from the winner."

Brother Liu nodded calmly, "Okay."

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