The little boy was stunned when he saw the plane.

"The violent bear, crush it with one punch!"

Liu Di shrugged, "Now, I really can't blow it away with my fists!"

The moment the drone is about to shoot!

But Brother Liu suddenly turned around!

Protect the little boy behind you!

Bang bang bang!

Gatling spits out flames and bullets pour in!

An unbelievable scene appears!

After these bullets hit Liu Di's body, there was no blood as expected, but sparks flying everywhere!

at the same time.

Brother Liu's chest glowed with a round red light!



There is a mechanical sound!

Brother Liu's white shirt melted inch by inch!

Reveal a chest of steel!

At the same time, the metal covering on 'his' chest quickly separated the two ends!

Among them is a red reactor with a diameter of 20 centimeters!


Amidst the hail of bullets, the reactor began to gather energy!

call out!

A beam of energy that looked like a substance streaked across the sky and directly penetrated the drone in the sky!

The resulting air tremors make people's eardrums hurt!


The drone was penetrated straight by the light, and a huge hole appeared in the fuselage!

There is still molten iron dripping!

The drone lost control instantly, emitted black smoke, and fell crookedly!


The ground is also dusty!

Look at Brother Liu again!

The white shirt on his upper body had been burned to pieces by the huge heat of the reactor on his chest!

The surrounding air became distorted and steaming due to the huge heat!

In a mist of steam!

The pure silver steel body is looming!

Standing upright, like a god incarnated with technology!

His mask also peeled off!

Under the towering metal nose bridge, there is no mouth. Instead, there is a mesh metal sound generator!

Click click click!

There was a mechanical sound, and the reactor on his chest slowly closed!

Only the smooth chest is left, glowing with dazzling silver light!

"This is crazy"

"I'm going!"

"Genos, is that you!!!"

The audience looked stunned!

Metal Emperor Qi shook his shoulders, and a stream of steam spurted out from his shoulders!

The whole place was petrified!

The air is surprisingly quiet!

This ‘Emperor Seven’ is undoubtedly a robot!

Awesome robot!

It’s become a sperm!


He comes to this robot competition!

Watch a bunch of robots clumsily climb over obstacles and answer questions!

Everyone was excited for several hours!

No one discovered that this contestant was actually a robot!

When other robots fall and get up, the whole audience cheers!

But people!

He wandered in, sat on a chair, talked, and made a gesture of giving up!

Finally, he used the energy cannon on his chest to destroy Moore's drone!

All the previous robots looked like idiots in the eyes of others!

This is what we call a robot ‘human’!

This height defeats everything!

at this time.

Several financial bosses who had already reached the exit of the venue all retracted their stepped legs!

They finally realized a problem!

"Di San himself didn't come at all!"

"And the technology of the robot in front of me has reached the point where it looks like the real thing!"

"Not to mention building a smart restaurant!"

In unison, the 16 bosses all looked at Heidina who was still in the stands!

Heidina was also confused at this time!

More than a dozen financial bosses looked at each other!

Suddenly he rushed towards Hetina!

Pushing and pushing along the way, I completely left the image of a financial giant behind!

"Ms. Tina!"

"It turns out Mr. Di San prepared such a show!"

"As expected of him!"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

More than a dozen financial bosses were panting!

Hetina pursed her lips, "Haha, of course I know all this, but if I tell you too early, there will be no surprises."

"Ms. Tina!"

"We need to discuss the investment in detail. In the next two years, all my funds will be tilted toward you, the pioneer!"

“Yes, so does our institution!”

"Our family can spend trillions of dollars on this project!"

Several bosses moved closer to Heidina!

Di San’s technology proves everything!

How could people like them not see the future!

And Heidina glanced at the 'Iron Emperor Seven' waving to him in the field!

She sighed slightly, "I still need to go back and think about the policies we discussed before!"

Several bosses were stunned!

She is worthy of being the Queen of Investment Heidina, starting from the ground up! ?


"I admire the arrogance of you pioneers!"

"Mr. Tina, let me tell you, no matter what price you offer, I will never leave!"

Heidina heard.

Looking at the sky, he raised his eyebrows slightly!

My Mr. Liu

I'm convinced!

Behind ‘Brother Liu’.

A pair of small hands caressing slowly!

Looking back, Little Brother Liu was raising his head with a look of dementia on his face, "Ah this"

Di Qi's voice came, "Boy, remember, your dad will always be your dad."

Brother Liu, "Ah this"


The robot ‘Emperor Qi’ scanned the audience, and suddenly the speakers in the audience were synchronized with his voice!


"I believe that Master Moore's drone was just out of control for a moment!"

"He is a young man with a strong scientific spirit."

"I will forgive his mistakes today!"

Speaking of this, Iron Emperor Seven stretched out his iron palm and bowed his head to the little boy and said, "Let's go?"


The little boy squinted his eyes, a little bit unbelievable!

But he still held the iron hand with his little hand and followed 'Emperor Seven' to slowly leave!

And Master Moore's eyes were blank at this time!

Self-confidence turned to ashes!

The man in white flashed in his mind!

He could actually build such a robot?

This is illogical

I just wanted to show them my hovering drone, why did it suddenly open fire?

This is illogical

Emperor Seven was so generous that he forgave me directly?

This is illogical

Also, why are there such fathers and sons in the world?

This is illogical!

Five minutes after the incident.

The whole audience was still silent!

On the competition leaderboard, the first place was still 'Little Bear'. ’

But the championship trophy was placed alone on the podium, and no one claimed it!

Everyone knows!

Who is the real first place?

It is the Emperor Seven who did not participate in the competition!

No one even knows who controls him!


If Emperor Seven claims to be the second, who dares to claim to be the first? !

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