"The old man at sea sits on the rocky edge, but white flowers and water flow in the sea."

"The bamboo pole is curling up into endless waves. I wonder who will swallow my hook?"

Mr. Song sat on the rocks, watching the waves hitting the rocks under his feet, and chanting poems.

This is an ancient Chinese poem from the Tang Dynasty, but he changed the word "lake" to "sea" and "peach blossom" to "white flower".

But the meaning is looming.

"Educated old man!"

The voice of the demon boy came, "Brother Liu, the competition has begun, prepare to accept my invincible fishing subconscious fusion!"

Brother Liu shook his head gently, "Mo boy, no need this time. What I am competing with Mr. Song today is not fishing."

"Not fishing?"

"What's the comparison?"

The demon boy was a little puzzled, "Is it possible that he is deeper than anyone else?"

Liu Di's eyes flashed, "This is a game, a comparison of psychology, magnanimity, and structure. Whoever loses will be eaten up by the big fish."

Devil Boy: "I don't understand!"

Brother Liu: "I'm going to teach you this time. You have to watch carefully."

"Teacher Liu!"

The avatar of the devil boy appeared and turned into a primary school student, with a desk and books, sitting upright and concentrating.

But I saw Mr. Song catching a lively little shrimp in the bait box on the side.

Embedded on the fishhook, looking at the ghost island in the distance, he said to Brother Liu: "Little friend, choose your bait."

Brother Liu nodded.

Instead, he picked a piece of dough-like solid bait and pinched it on the fishhook.

Mr. Song shook his head gently, "Brother Liu, you have to use live bait for sea fishing, otherwise it will be difficult to gain anything."

Brother Liu relaxed and smiled, "Thank you, Mr. Song, for reminding me, but I still think that a matter of destiny like fishing depends on luck. What the bait is is not the most important thing!"


"A good sentence is not important!"

"You young man, you are indeed extraordinary!"

Mr. Song smiled heartily, and he and Brother Liu threw out the fishhook in their hands!

Devil Boy: "What are you talking about?"

Brother Liu smiled softly, "Mr. Song's first idea was to recruit people and make my Ghost Island belong to China!"

"What he meant by 'live bait' was that I could make conditions."


The demon boy stared, thoughtfully, "Then you rejected him!"

Brother Liu nodded, "Demon boy, you answered the first question correctly."


Mr. Song and Brother Liu were just sitting on the rocks. They didn't speak, and there was only the sound of waves lapping on the shore.

far away.

Mr. Song’s secretary’s cell phone kept vibrating.

He kept answering and just said, "Mr. Song has important matters today. All schedules have been postponed!"

Nan Tianhai watched everything.

If you think about it, in just ten minutes, the Secretary-General has rejected more than a dozen meetings!

Mr. Song, in this line of work today, something must be won!

While feeling something, he looked at his daughter again.

The Nan Ruoyi who is now tall and graceful, even charming.

She only said one thing before, 'Don't alarm the fish that is about to be hooked! ’

Nan Tianhai suddenly realized.

Ruoyi already understands everything!

When exactly?

His daughter has grown into such a wise, sharp and restrained person?

Is it just because I followed that boy Brother Liu?

Does that young man have such magic power? !

Time passes by minute by minute!

It's been at least 40 minutes!

The two men fishing found nothing!

No wonder, it’s so easy to catch fish on such a seaside with splashing waves. !

But the two of them had no intention of leaving.

Mr. Song first broke the silence, "Brother Liu, where is your hometown?"

Brother Liu nodded and said, "Brother Liu is from Dongjiang Province, a small town called Heshui, 200 kilometers away from Haishi. His mother is an accountant in a porcelain factory."


"Porcelain factory, good job!"

"I dare not say anything else, but this porcelain"

Mr. Song chuckled, "As long as those foreigners meet, they have no other choice but to give a thumbs up. This thing - huaxia!"

Brother Liu said in his mind: "Demon boy, Mr. Song is reminding me not to forget my roots."

Demon Boy: "Tsk, tsk, advanced! Your human language is so complicated!"

Brother Liu looked into the distance and said sadly: "The motherland and the mother, everything must be protected with all your heart, especially when you are still a little weak!"

Mr. Song nodded, "Very good!"


Liu Di added: "There are too many restrictions in this world. Only by having a free body can we do better."

Mr. Song's eyes flashed, "My little friend is right, but the word 'freedom' requires a lot of explanation!"

"Just like this ghost island."

"It is located on the high seas 24 nautical miles from our Chinese coastline and is free."

"The Punisher is so powerful that he can make waves in the world at will!"

Mr. Song sighed again, "But to me in China, it's like there is a tiger lying next to the bed."

Mr. Song smiled again, "Don't be surprised, little friend. As I hold such a position, it's not an exaggeration to consider this matter, right?"

Brother Liu said to the devil boy: "Mr. Song's words are soft yet strong, and he is trying to point me out."

Devil Boy: "I understand this time!"

Brother Liu smiled slightly and said to Mr. Song: "But then again, since it is a tiger, doesn't it always lie down wherever it goes?"

"Nowadays, with the advanced technology, climbing over several mountains is just a snap of the fingers."

"And you can also think about it from another angle. Since there is a tiger lying at the gate of China, how dare outsiders easily cross it?"

"Haha, what you said makes sense!"

Mr. Song said again: "It can be said that there are many masters like you who hide their identities and protect our China!"

"For example, the Mohist school, which was born in the Dongzhou period of China and has always been ahead of the dynasty in academics and technology, has always been thought to have declined and disappeared."

"In fact, they are now looking down on China and protecting China from a high-profile perspective."

Mr. Song said, blinking at Brother Liu, "Friend, this is a state secret, don't tell others."

Brother Liu nodded in agreement.

Mr. Song said again: "Of course, there are some you know."

"You have supernatural powers, smashed the meteorite, and became the second-generation savior."

"But before you, there was another person who did the same thing. He is a hundred years old and currently lives in seclusion in Xiuxiangshan, Kyoto!"

Brother Liu nodded again.

"Brother Liu, at 5:06, Mr. Song said you are a small fish! Don't show off!"

The demon boy took the small notebook and recorded it frantically!

At this time.

But Mr. Song's fishing rod was shaking slightly!

"A fish is hooked!"

Mr. Song was shocked and quickly reeled in the line, but was disappointed!

What he caught was a bunch of seaweed!

Brother Liu shook his head and smiled, "Mr. Song, you may have made a mistake."

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