My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 458 Little Tree Eating Food

The Silver Shuttle arrived in the waters of the island country.

There is a vast ocean beneath your feet! The demon boy has already hacked into the official system of the island country, and the drawings of Reactor No. 1 and Reactor No. 4 of the Fukutori Nuclear Power Plant appear in the perspective! More than 1,000 kilograms of highly enriched uranium are hidden under two reactors.

There are many more than in the sarcophagus in Chernobyl! Moreover, the decay time is short and the amount of radiation is sufficient! Just what Brother Liu needs! but.

The Fukutori Nuclear Power Plant was not an explosion, but a leak caused by an earthquake.

Therefore, there are still many workers active within 2 kilometers of the nuclear power plant at this time.

We can’t be like Chernobyl, where we feel like we’re in a deserted place! Remember http:// in one second Just when Brother Liu was thinking about his plan.

Gulu...Gulu...a huge stomach sound came.

Brother Liu turned around and saw Xiaoshu sitting listlessly in the corner, holding two cubs in his arms, his stomach growling pitifully.

"Xiaoshu, you are hungry.

"Roar..." Xiaoshu roared feebly and answered Brother Liu.

Liu Di sighed, "I can't let you go down and eat the islanders. They have Ultraman who specializes in fighting little monsters.

"Hoo... Xiaoshu pointed to his two children and signaled to Brother Liu that the children were also hungry.

Brother Liu shook his head and smiled, thinking of the information about Futiao Nuclear Power Plant.

The Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant was built on the seaside. When the nuclear leak occurred, a large amount of radioactive material flowed into the seawater.

Presumably, there should be some mutant creatures in the depths of the ocean! Brother Liu immediately stretched his muscles and said, "Xiaoshu, I'll take you into the water to catch fish!" Plop! Plop! Then, two figures jumped up and down from the silver shuttle, one big and one small, making a huge splash! With Brother Liu’s new human system, holding one’s breath for 1-2 hours is no problem! As for the little tree, its four paws were flopping in the water! Grrrr...bubbles came out of its nose.

Liu Di demonstrated the action of covering his mouth and nose, "Xiaoshu, learn to hold your breath, the mutated king of land must not be cowardly!" Roar...Xiaoshu is not to be outdone, and is also quite smart.

Follow Brother Liu's example, close your mouth, hold your breath, and hug your limbs into a ball.

Like a gray fur ball with long hair floating in the water, slowly diving down! Brother Liu smiled knowingly, "Sure enough!" One man and one beast sank into the water.

The ground underfoot was soft, with splashes of mud and sand floating around.

This place is not far from the coastline, the water is not deep, and you can barely see a trace of light.

Xiaoshu stared at Brother Liu with big black eyes and gestured with his paws - Where is there food here? Brother Liu shook his head slightly, signaling Xiao Shu not to worry.

Brother Liu took action like lightning and caught a swimming fish.

With a click, it was crushed into pieces, blood slowly floated, and the fishy smell filled the air! Hold your breath and concentrate for a moment.

I saw a dense mass of gray and white crabs crawling on the seabed in the distance! Each of these crabs is the size of a pot lid, with two huge steel-like scorpion claws on its wrist-thick front tentacles! All tentacles are spread out, 2 meters away! Brother Liu narrowed his eyes.

There have long been rumors that mutated killer crabs have appeared in the sea area where the island country's nuclear leak occurred! Once all the fishermen on more than a dozen fishing boats were killed! It seems that this is what they did! Devil Boy: "The Gan's giant claw crab itself is the largest known crustacean. Now it has undergone radiation mutation and has more than doubled in size. At the same time, it has become bloodthirsty and cruel!" Liu Di nodded slightly.

He put his five fingers together and pointed at the crabs, "Xiaoshu, please have a meal."

"Hoo... Xiaoshu roared, a lot of bubbles popped out of his mouth, he grabbed a killer crab and started chewing it.

It tastes delicious! As for those terrifying killer crabs, they pinched and pinched Xiaoshu in various ways. To Xiaoshu, they were like itching and he ignored them completely.

Brother Liu squinted his eyes and saw that Xiaoshu was eating it as happily as if he were chewing potato chips. He wanted to take a few bites.

Then I thought about it.

What's the point of fighting a sloth for food? Brother Liu frowned slightly.

However, this is Xiaoshu's first time eating seafood, so he should do his best.

"Devil boy, fuse 50% of witch genes!" The next moment, Liu Di reached out and summoned the liquid metal, forming a thin stick several meters long.

Then the thin stick began to glow slightly red, and eventually became extremely hot! The surrounding sea water instantly rose to 200 degrees! But this temperature is insignificant to Brother Liu and Xiaoshu! but.

The swarming killer crabs ushered in the highlight of their lives.

If you get close to Brother Liu, you will become popular! moment.

Xiaoshu grabbed a cooked killer crab and took it into his mouth, huh? More fragrant! Brother Liu pursed his lips slightly. Is this considered a kind of cooking skill? 30 minutes later.

Xiaoshu ate at least hundreds of killer crabs! Gradually, my stomach becomes full, my movements slow down, and I begin to feel sleepy.

Just when Brother Liu was bored, his fighting consciousness came over! When he raised his head, his heart trembled! Above the head, a huge thing was swimming slowly, with the feeling of covering the sky and the sun! This thing is dark in color, has a flat body, and is at least 50 meters long! It seemed to have discovered Brother Liu, opened its big mouth full of fangs, and rushed towards him! When Xiaoshu saw this, he dropped the crab in his claws, roared, and swam forward! Bang! There was a muffled sound in the water, and the undercurrent was surging! A claw of the small tree fell down, and the huge thing and it retreated a few meters each! Xiaoshu's body is 5 meters tall, but it is less than one-tenth of that guy's size! But the land radiation king lives up to his reputation and can compete with big fish! Liu Di's right eye flashed purple, and data appeared.

‘Electric catfish! ''One of more than a dozen known fish species that can generate electricity! ’ Demon boy: “This guy has obviously mutated!” At this moment.

Xiaoshu was about to have another confrontation with the mutated electric catfish.

But I saw that the two huge whiskers on the mouth of the electric catfish were flashing with fine electric currents! Liu Di rushed up.

He directly blocked the small tree and the mutant electric catfish! Liu Di pointed his finger, signaling Xiaoshu to return to the surface first, and he would deal with it himself! But Xiaoshu wiped his mouth and swam away unwillingly.

Liu Di understood then.

Is this guy still waiting to eat fish? Then.

Under the water surface at a depth of one thousand meters, only Liu Di and the mutant electric catfish were left, and other creatures fled! Liu Di looked at the huge black fish in front of him calmly.

They are both biological generators, so I want to see who is stronger between you and this arc DNA! Since Liu Di obtained these DNA abilities, he has never used them at full power, and he doesn’t know the upper limit of these abilities! "Demon boy, adjust 82% arc DNA!" 82% is exactly the upper limit of Liu Di's variable DNA! The next moment.

On Brother Liu's body, electric currents were generated, and high-voltage electric flashes formed jumping arcs, covering his whole body! In this deep blue sea, he was like a dazzling electric flash! The mutant electric catfish also felt the power of the other party! It also generated electricity from its whiskers, and finally the blue current covered its whole body! It was not afraid of the king's momentum at all, and suddenly burst out! The next moment! Boom! The currents released by the two were transmitted through the sea water, like two gravitational fields, emitting electric ripples, and collided with a bang! Even the fish schools thousands of meters away were startled and scattered in an instant! Buzz... The two fought for 5 minutes! Brother Liu gradually felt powerless! Then, the current he released was defeated, and he was instantly crushed by the electric eel and rolled back! Brother Liu only felt numb all over! Sweeped by the electric current of the mutant electric catfish! Devil Boy: "Bioelectricity comes from the electrode units on the organism, which depends on the number of neurites and the chemical conversion of their own energy!" "It's so big, you can't compare!" "Slap in the face!" Liu Di frowned instantly, "Then change the project, take my punch!" Liu Di drew a string of bubbles underwater, and his figure arrived in an instant! Boom! The next moment, the electric catfish's values ​​were re-established. It had never suffered such a blow in its life, and it flew backwards! Someone has no martial ethics!

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