
Brother Liu came after him.

Saw a mutated electric catfish hiding in a reef.

This guy is trembling now.

The reason why Brother Liu kept chasing after him was because he had noticed something strange a long time ago.

This mutated electric catfish has a suitcase-sized device on its head, fixed on its skull with thick steel nails! At this time, the electric catfish no longer dared to move an inch.

Brother Liu slowly approached.

But I saw that the equipment was fully insulated, with the island's characters written on it: Dominant No. 2.

Signature: egg monster research institute.

The demon boy searched instantly and found out that this egg was a rumored department that specialized in studying various weird creatures, but it had not made any achievements and was called a useless department! Brother Liu opened the box.

See it is full of complex circuit modules.

The demon boy instantly analyzed, "Positioning system, neurotoxin system, communication system... My dear, the islanders have discovered these mutant creatures a long time ago and are trying to control them!" "However, their equipment has failed. It is the transmitter that has failed. !" Then, a piece of news appeared from Liu Di's perspective.

Two years ago, a high-precision signal transmitting ship located nearby in the island country was attacked by a giant sea beast. The entire ship sank, and no crew member survived! certainly.

The end of this news was officially defined as a rumor by the island country.

Brother Liu understood everything instantly.

The island country discovered these mutated creatures and then tried to control them through technology, but in the end the monsters resisted desperately and the plan failed! Devil Boy: "The principle of these devices is bionic bionic transmission. I'll try to see if I can take over. This requires invading the firewall and decrypting their language codes... It's a bit difficult.

"After 1 second.

Devil Boy: "It's done!" Liu Di pursed his lips and nodded, and gave the first command to the mutated electric catfish, which was translated and delivered by Devil Boy, "Stretch your body straight.


The water flowed, and the rocks behind were shattered by the electric catfish's tail, and its body stretched twice as straight.

Brother Liu smiled slightly, reached out and crushed the neurotoxin module in the electric catfish device, and then closed the lid.

"From now on, if I don't threaten you, will you be willing to obey my orders?" Dian Catfish nodded.

Liu Di is not only super powerful in combat, but the amount of radiation in his body is also amazing! The device sends commands.

The electric catfish is defeated! Brother Liu nodded slightly, "Go, go to the waters near Ghost Island and protect Ghost Island!" The mutated electric catfish did not hesitate, and with a whoosh, its body sank into the deep sea! Liu Di turned around, "What are you looking at? Do you want to stay and make sashimi?" Behind Liu Di, there was a giant squid with a body of a hundred meters! Watching with eager eyes! It also has an egg control box on its head! This guy is the culprit who sank the island country’s signal ship! The overlord squid was very confused and stared at it for a long time, and its tentacles squirmed! It was floating in the dark sea water, its body was huge, Liu Di was like an ant in front of it! "Huh?" Brother Liu narrowed his eyes and released a powerful force! The overlord squid's tentacles twitched fiercely! I just feel that this little human being in front of me is invulnerable! Sashimi? It seems to understand! Instantly giving up the thought of committing suicide, he followed the mutated electric catfish away with a whoosh! “He who understands current affairs is a good squid.

"Brother Liu stretched himself slightly and jumped out of the water.

Even he didn't expect to give Xiaoshu a little time to eat.

Conquered two ocean mutated behemoths! The people of the island country are so polite! And the next goal.

It’s the Fukutori Nuclear Power Plant! The plan has become extremely clear, and the shells of the two reactors at the Fukutori Nuclear Power Plant have cracked.

The island country Tokai Electric Power Company has been using fresh water for physical cooling! This is a perfunctory approach that temporarily suppresses the reactor.

But it produced huge amounts of nuclear contaminated wastewater! At the earliest, nearly a hundred meters of emissions from island countries entered the ocean, causing large-scale pollution.

Under condemnation from all parties, they switched to land storage and built large water storage tanks near the nuclear power plant! In these huge water storage tanks, there is an independent buffer tank. All wastewater must be flowed here regularly for technicians to detect radioactivity! And Brother Liu’s plan.

That is to install an oscillator near the reactor to speed up the decay of nuclear material and increase the release of radiation.

And he himself has to enter the buffer chamber.

Absorb radiation with the help of radioactive wastewater! certainly.

The devil boy has already hacked into the nuclear power plant monitoring system.

Because they monitor all the data.

But since 5 minutes ago, the data that the monitoring personnel have seen is only what Brother Liu wants them to see! 20 minutes later, everything is ready! Liu Di entered the buffer chamber, built a bridge in the air with the help of liquid metal, and arranged a decay weakening system around it.

Underneath him, nuclear wastewater is constantly flowing, emitting astonishing radiation! Brother Liu closed his eyes.

Body functions start to work rapidly! A large amount of deadly radiation began to pour into his body! at the same time.

A control room inside a nuclear power plant.

A staff member tapped on the screen in front of him with confusion on his face, "Kojima-san! How did I find that the infrared monitoring showed that there was a figure in the buffer chamber?" "Huh?" An engineer on the side came over, " Isn’t this possible?” The two came to the screen and took a closer look.

The red figure in the buffer chamber just now disappeared as expected.


"The engineer shook his head and said, "Mr. Tian, ​​I told you that you are too nervous. How could there be anyone there?" "The radiation there is at least 10,000 roentgens!" "If someone really walks in there, the speed of cell mutation will exceed the speed of self-healing by 500 times!" "The disease will break out instantly and death will occur immediately!" "No one can survive there for more than a minute!" "Do you think the Hulk really exists?" The staff scratched his head, "But, I clearly saw a figure just now..." The engineer laughed, "Why don't we go to Kitamachi after get off work tonight? I think you need a singer to accompany you and drink some sake! "These two people don't know that the radiation value of the reactor has exceeded the limit under the action of Liu Di's oscillator! Once released, it will complete a historical feat - the Dahe people will be wiped out! However.

Because of the existence of Liu Di's radiation black hole, no radioactivity is missed!...5 days later.

Liu Di's eyelids trembled slightly.

The amount of radiation carried by the nuclear waste water under him is getting less and less, and the energy of the two leaking reactors is almost gone! And in the perspective.

His own DNA has undergone amazing changes! From the previous second stage of the gene lock 82%, it has risen to 99.9%! But that 0.1% has lasted for 30 hours and will not grow no matter what! Even so, this less than 30% increase still consumed 40% more nuclear material than Chernobril! But.

There was also a change that Liu Di did not expect! His own A, the structure became more complex, like the DNA of the past appeared double, forming a double helix! Demon Child: "The DNA structure that has been explored has 4 levels. The first level is single-celled organisms, and the second level is the double helix, intelligent organisms represented by humans.

"And now, you have a tendency to enter the third-level super-helical DNA, the DNA molecules are strengthened, and the structure is rearranged!" "This is the prototype of advanced life!" "Liu Di, your existence at least subverts half of the current biological gene theory, it is valuable!" Liu Di was also surprised, "So, at present, there is only one third-level DNA in the world?" "No!" "There are many such lives! "The demon boy said again: "Those viruses that cannot be killed, reproduce infinitely, and can survive in various harsh environments all have this kind of DNA structure!" "What kind of flu..." "Hepatitis..." Liu Di was a little speechless.

Demon boy: "Don't underestimate these super-helical DNAs. Small doesn't mean weak!" Liu Di sighed slightly, "I don't know how good my control of special abilities is now?" Demon boy: "Well... It's hard to say. This is an essential change. There is no data to measure. The only thing that can be determined is that it will definitely become stronger!" Liu Di's eyes flashed, "The Tucker Desert is vast and just right for testing!"

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