Thar desert.

It is one of the harshest desert environments in the world.

A camouflaged dune lizard lay on the sand, turning its head quickly and scanning the steaming desert with its vertical pupils.


On the back of a huge sand dune, a door made of sand appeared! The lizard ran away in panic! call.

The door is opened.

The magician walked out and waved slightly to the non-existent audience, as if he had transformed into a living person and appeared on stage! But the next moment.

He bent down again and started coughing violently. Looking closely, he was covered with wounds, large and small! m His eyes were cold, looking into the distance across the sand dunes! This is a full 5 kilometers away from the place where he fought with Brother Liu.

Previously, he used the substitute technique in magic to abandon his clothes, throw out the prepared minced meat props, and use his ability to escape directly! "Hmph!" "My method is... what is his name?" "He didn't even tell me his name?!" "That's not important, my method is something you can never imagine. "When I invent a new trick, I will kill you!" The magician looked angry! However.

Seven or eight kilometers away, on a towering sand dune.

Liu Di's right eye flashed with purple light, and the demon boy magnified the distant scene tenfold.

What is this psycho talking to himself about? Why don't you hurry back to the base? Brother Liu was naturally not fooled by the magician’s tricks! And he will use it to his advantage! He deliberately spared the magician's life and deliberately allowed him to escape.

Just to follow the clues and uproot the experimental base of the Doomsday Association! ...The electronic synthesized sound sounded in the magician's head, "How strong is he?" "President, I don't dare to question you anymore, he is very strong, very strong!" The magician walked cautiously in the desert. , while putting gold on his face, "Because his ability is the same as mine!" "So, you lost?" "President, I didn't!" The magician gritted his teeth, "He just has better tricks than mine. I'm going back to the base now, give me some time, I will defeat him!" The electronic synthesized voice said calmly: "Thank you very much.

"President, this is what I should do."

"Bang! Suddenly there was a muffled sound in the magician's head, his body suddenly stiffened, and his eyeballs became bloodshot! Then corrosive liquid flowed out of his facial features! Boom.

The magician's body fell straight down! not good! Brother Liu was shocked and accelerated suddenly! But when Brother Liu came to the magician, the magician's eyeballs had been completely corroded! He is physically strong and still has a bit of breath left.

"They... actually killed me..." The magician sensed Brother Liu's approach, "It's you... At least, I can do the last trick..." "It's you..." "Forever. My base will not be found..." "Never will be found... ha... ha..." "Never..." the magician said, his voice gradually becoming blurred, and his tongue was corroded. clean! "Forever..." Before he could finish his words, the magician died! Within a moment, the body turned into a pool of blood! Devil Boy: "The satellite signal disappeared before we came!" Liu Di frowned.

In the face of self-protection, the Doomsday Association directly eliminated a branch president! Like a used tool, thrown away without mercy! What exactly are they trying to protect? ! and.

Once again, the clue was cut off at a critical moment! But the magician's words were engraved in Liu Di's mind! Look around.

The vast desert is all around! Looking for a base is extremely difficult! But no matter what, the Doomsday Association must be eradicated, and the revenge of Tianluo soldiers and Yulia villagers must be avenged! Brother Liu narrowed his eyes slightly.

I can never find you? wrong! I will make you regret it forever! Immediately, Liu Di simulated all 82% of the variable DNA into a magician! His feet moved slightly.

A layer of invisible ripples appeared on the sand dunes, slowly spreading with Brother Liu as the center! He is searching, searching for the secrets under the dunes.


This ability to control sand particles is indeed limited! Five kilometers away, it is beyond reach! Based on this, it would take at least a year and a half to search the entire Tucker Desert! Liu Di said in a low voice: "Devil boy, the magician's ability only allows him to move 5 kilometers. If my DNA variable reaches 100%, how much more powerful can I surpass him?" The devil boy thought: "The third stage of new humanity, Of course, these ordinary people can't compare! "" By then, qualitative changes will lead to quantitative changes, and the ability will never be limited to that crazy level!" Liu Di nodded slightly, and the Silver Shuttle slowly descended, "Devil Boy, let's improve our strength first. I must find this apocalyptic association!" Then.

The Silver Shuttle took off, and its speed increased to its maximum speed in an instant.

The destination, the island country Fukutori Nuclear Power Plant! The island nation lives up to its name.

Just an island surrounded by water.

Because of their small area, they have to rely on nuclear power generation! There are more than fifty nuclear power plants built in a small place! Until March 2010, a magnitude 9 earthquake caused leaks in the two reactors of the Fukutori Nuclear Power Plant! It became the second worst nuclear leak in human history! Let 130,000 residents living within 25 kilometers of the nuclear power plant be evacuated urgently! There were not many casualties.

It's a bit of a pity.

Although the fuel rod casings were damaged and the reactor core melted down.

But Fukutori and Chernobyl handled things completely differently.

At that time, warriors from the Wulan Kingdom and the former Soviet Union used 2,000 dense borax to cover it and built a sarcophagus. It could be said that they risked their lives to stop the reactor! As for the island country, it still allows the reactor to be overloaded and is just using water to cool it down! They only touched the reactor nuclear residue for the first time a year ago, and they reacted immediately! A group of people who are greedy for life and afraid of death!

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