‘Radiation Shock’ crew.

Several people were lying on the trees, their hearts were swallowed by fear and despair! Suddenly.

Someone saw a faintly glowing mobile phone in the distance.

The crew member who was responsible for the live broadcast before had died, and now the mobile phone fell aside, and the live broadcast was still going on! A strong desire to survive suddenly surged in the hearts of several people! They waved their hands frantically at the mobile phone and frantically asked for help! The audience in the live broadcast room were stunned by this scene! It took a long time for someone to react! "Oh my God, they are really in danger!!" "Mutated rats in the radiation zone!" "It turns out that the rumors are true!" "Someone has died!" "Let's call the police!" "How to report, we don't know where they are!" "Even if the police are called, will anyone dare to go in?" "Even if someone goes in, can he hold on?!" "What should I do, are we going to watch them die like this?" "My sexy goddess Yan Siwen is still in there!" The people in the live broadcast room were in chaos, but no one could do anything! And the hope that had just been ignited by the people in the tree was about to be shattered! Suddenly! There was a trembling sound of air in the sky! A long silver rainbow crossed the sky, and a disc-shaped aircraft arrived in an instant! "F*ck!" "What is this!" The people in the live broadcast room were instantly attracted by the scene! Helplessly, the live broadcast mobile phone was thrown on the ground, and the camera could only see part of the content! Especially when the hatch of the aircraft slowly opened, the person who walked out of it could only see a back! The people in the tree were also completely sluggish! The scene was so magical that it made them insane! Inside the flying saucer, there was a dazzling light, and the figure seemed to walk out of the light and into the darkness! And Liu Di frowned, looking at the red-eyed giant rats on the ground, and was slightly surprised! Mutated creatures under nuclear radiation really exist! In an instant, countless pairs of scarlet eyes looked at Liu Di, but the bodies of these giant rats suddenly stiffened, and they stopped the riot! Liu Di was on guard and stepped out of the Silver Shuttle! The moment he landed, the giant rats suddenly dispersed, leaving a gap for him! Liu Di was also a little puzzled! He continued to move forward, and the giant rats continued to make room! Brother Liu only felt that these giant rats had no intention of attacking him! Brother Liu stood in the field with his hands behind his back. The giant rats suddenly moved, gave up the dead tree, and turned around to face Brother Liu! Then, the giant rats actually began to spin busily.

It was as if Brother Liu was a magnet and they were tiny iron filings! Squeak! In the iron cage in the distance, the two-headed little mouse was still screaming! Brother Liu frowned, and with a sense of intuition, he slowly walked towards the two-headed mouse! The remaining giant rats surrounded Brother Liu and moved with him! The scene was extremely weird. The overwhelming giant rats moved parallel to the ground with Brother Liu as the center! Everyone was stunned! What was going on! The people in the tree also forgot about the danger and stared at Brother Liu! Brother Liu came to the small iron cage, and with a little force on his fingers, he crushed the small iron cage! The two-headed mouse squeaked and got into the group of giant rats! The next moment! An even weirder scene appeared! The giant rats in front of Brother Liu were stacked on top of each other! The higher they piled up, they actually piled up to the same height as Brother Liu! The little two-headed rat climbed to the top, and its four eyes looked at Brother Liu! Squeak! The two-headed rat stroked its head with its front paws, and its two heads kept shaking, as if nodding to Brother Liu! Oh... Brother Liu exhaled slightly, "It turned out to be you, the king of this group of rats?" The two-headed rat seemed to have intelligence! It actually lowered its head, as if to show goodwill to Brother Liu! Demon Child: "These rats are all radioactive! They are not surrendering to you, but to the radioactivity in your body!" "After years of reproduction, this area has formed a new ecological balance. The one with the strongest radioactivity is the king!" "Compared to these little rats, you are the radioactive devil!" Brother Liu pursed his lips slightly, "I am really ashamed!" Then, the rats seemed to have finished worshiping! With a crash, they scattered and retreated like a tide! In a blink of an eye, this wilderness was empty, as if nothing had happened! Everyone was stunned! They couldn't describe their feelings at all! This was incredible! The audience in the live broadcast room could only see Brother Liu's back until now! However, this man is now in their eyes. It's like a god! Controlling the rats! It's too amazing! The bodies of the people on the tree had already turned to stone. Seeing this scene at such a close distance, the impact was ten times stronger than that of the people in the live broadcast room! It was simply shocking! He came in a flying saucer, and the rats worshiped him? ! He was an alien! ? Only Yan Siwen had a buzzing in her head! She was familiar with this face! The sisters at home had mentioned this person to him hundreds of times! He had too many identities! The benefactor of the third sister, the driver of the Yan family, the creator Emperor San, the god of song Emperor Yi, and now the largest shareholder of Yingzhi Group! He was Liu Di! Yan Siwen was once crazy about the god of song Emperor Yi! She also wanted to invite him through Yan Xinxin to sing the theme song for her new movie, which was this "Radiation Shock"! But it was impossible to invite him successfully! Yan Siwen had seen his photos hundreds of times, and even fell asleep holding his photos! Although this mysterious man had never met, he had been deeply imprinted in her heart! Yan Siwen was a little fascinated at this time. How could he come here! What about that flying saucer and the mutant rats? ! All this was even more miraculous than Yan Siwen had imagined! At this moment! Something unexpected happened! The huge moth that was originally lying on the tree trunk moved! Its wings began to tremble slightly, and then began to stretch! The few people who had just escaped from the giant rat were stunned again, looking at the moth with horror! The wings of the moth began to stretch and get longer and longer! Before, its wings were actually curled up on its body! Whoosh... After a gust of wind, the wings of the moth were fully stretched, and the gray dust was shaken off. The wings were actually two meters long! The moth flapped its wings and flew directly up. How could it still be an insect? From a distance, it looked like a giant eagle! The legs of this moth were as thick as a child's arm, and it actually hooked a girl from the crew on the tree! The girl screamed! Then, the moth flew into the air! Like a monster, it took the girl away! Another mutant creature? Brother Liu frowned and rushed out quickly! But the moth had just flown about 100 to 200 meters when it suddenly stopped! Brother Liu was also caught off guard! He had just stood still when the ground shook! The ground thousands of meters below him seemed to become soft and cracked! Rumble! Dust flew up! The grass on the ground also began to shake! Pairs of moth wings stretched out from the soil!

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