My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 423 The weird one is coming

The Silver Shuttle streaked across the sky.

It circled around a 300-kilometer radius around Chernobyl.

Finally, it hovered 200 kilometers due south.

"The sky is full of spirits and the earth is full of spirits..." The devil boy suddenly appeared, wearing a zombie Taoist priest costume and holding three incense sticks in his hand! He recited a mantra: "According to ultra-secret information, the Yang Qi is the strongest in the south, which is specially designed to restrain demons and ghosts..." "Enter from here to keep Brother Liu safe..." Well... Brother Liu exhaled for a long time. , the Silver Shuttle jumped to the ground.

"Demon boy, you are an artificial intelligence, and I am a new human being who absorbs radiation. We are riding in a supersonic flying saucer, and there is a nuclear contaminated area under our feet.

"You are indeed very foreign when you talk about Yang Qi with me."

"Remember for one second http: // The demon boy continued to burn incense, "You can travel through time and space and break the five dimensions. I worship God, a small witch can be compared to a big witch! "Brother Liu shook his head and smiled.

I knew the devil boy was joking.

But having said that, since the devil boy woke up this time, he seems to have undergone some changes. He has become more lively and more 'human', more like an 8-year-old boy! Brother Liu walked forward.

Ahead is a small town.

When he came to the edge of the town, he could still see the mostly corroded iron sign on the roadside - Turgwe Town.

There was no one here at this time, and it was as quiet as a ghost town.

Looking into the town.

The streets are very wide, and there are two or three-story buildings on both sides of the road.

It's just that the house is dilapidated or even collapsed.

But the vegetation here is extremely lush, and almost all the walls are covered with bright green moss.

The trees beside the road are also unusually large, their roots have penetrated the soil and are intertwined on the ground.

There are also many vines that have grown to a terrifying extent, covering the mailboxes and children's slides on the roadside.

Colorful flowers bloom everywhere on the vines, some of which are as big as tires, gorgeous and mysterious.

Brother Liu paced slowly.

Looking to the end, I found that the town was completely covered in green, with plants everywhere and full of life! A few sika deer walked leisurely in the distance.

Walking freely through the town, nibbling the flowers on the vines.

Further away, there is a group of short-footed wild horses, also walking casually.

Brother Liu came over and slowly touched the sika deer's head.

The deer was just chewing food, staring at Brother Liu with its big watery eyes, without any defense.

This place has been deserted for decades and has become a paradise for animals and plants.

Pure nature is reflected everywhere! Brother Liu suddenly sighed.

A strange thought came to mind.

Perhaps the earth without humans is the most beautiful.

Demon Boy: “There’s something wrong with you.

Liu Di chuckled, "Of course, I don't want this earth to be filled with monsters."

"Say it.

Brother Liu raised his head and looked into the distance.

It was almost sunset, and a black figure appeared at one end of the town.

He has human-like legs.

It also has a human-like torso.

However, there is no head above his shoulders, but a huge black square! Under the fiery red sunset, this figure walked slowly.

Brother Liu smiled and put his hands behind his back.

An extremely unpleasant voice came from the direction of the figure, "Ah, Xiao Baibai, yes, I'm here, don't worry, eh, damn, there's no signal.

"The figure gradually came closer, even the sika deer was scared away.

"Haha!" "The Three Strong Emperors!" Boom! The figure put down the huge box on his shoulder, trotted over, and hugged Brother Liu! Brother Liu frowned, "Master Kun Sang, pay attention to your behavior.

"Haha, Emperor Three, I can't believe you are still alive. I thought you were dead long ago!" Liu Di continued to frown and repeated: "Master Kun Sang, pay attention to your words and deeds."


"Even if I really die, I still have to find time to come back and take you away."

"The person who came was wearing a black sportswear.

It is none other than the legendary top master of Taigu Kingdom, Kun Sang! "Danger..." "Three powerful emperors, you don't know how difficult it was for me to give you this piece of equipment!" Kun Sang clicked his tongue and shook his head, "I saw that person again outside this place. 283 big men!" "They're going to beat me up again!" "But they seem to have a mission today and are in a hurry to leave!" "Otherwise... I'll be in trouble, no, they'll be in trouble!" Oh? Tianluo Group, are they nearby? Brother Liu's expression changed.

But Kun Sang's expression changed and he said mysteriously: "Three powerful emperors, this is nothing, guess what else I saw?" "I saw a flying saucer!" "Surprisingly!" "Silver, probably It's so disappears in a swish!" Kun Sang said, dancing and gesticulating, "That thing is so amazing!" Liu Di nodded, "Well, it's really amazing!" "If you see it! You won’t be able to calm down about that thing, it will shock you!” Kun Sang said, suddenly coming back to his senses, “Emperor Three, what are you doing here in such a place with flowers and plants? Also, you asked me to leave from the experimental grave? What exactly did the field bring?” “No comment.

Brother Liu walked towards the big box and turned his back and said, "The things have been delivered. You should go back first. It's not peaceful here."

"Haha, the Three Powerful Emperors have some good news for you."

"The plane that brought me here was sent away, and I can't go back."

Kun Sang scratched his head and said, "I have decided to follow you on this trip. I have to take care of you, mainly because I am afraid that you will die."

"Afraid of my death? Brother Liu turned around and looked at the man who was grinning at him.

My heart is kind...but it doesn't matter who takes care of whom! suddenly.

A scene appeared in Brother Liu's perspective.

This is a foreign live broadcast platform.

More than a dozen people were lying on a dead tree, with dense man-eating giant rats below! Devil Boy: "It's 100 kilometers away from us, can we save them?" Liu Di sighed helplessly, "There are no people here, and if we don't save them, they will basically have to wait to die.

"Then, Brother Liu looked up at the sky! Among the clouds, a silver shadow appeared in an instant! "My God, I caught that flying saucer!" "Three powerful emperors, look!" "Kun Sang put his hands on his waist, raised his head and shouted towards the flying saucer: "People inside, listen to me, I am the Punisher in Black! Hurry up and surrender..." Brother Liu was seen carrying a huge box with one hand.

The flying saucer landed, the hatch opened, and Brother Liu walked in slowly.

Kun Sang was stunned, his mouth opened wide, and he pointed at Brother Liu, "Ah this..." Brother Liu turned his back and said, "Are you leaving or not?"

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