My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 425 Promotional Video

Brother Liu was shocked! Back quickly! The next moment, countless moths soared into the sky. They were actually hiding in the soil before! In the blink of an eye, moths in the sky cover the sky! When everyone looked at their feet again, their hair stood on end! After countless moths flew up, the true face of the underground was revealed! It turned out to be a deep valley more than ten meters deep and several thousand meters long! And at the bottom of the canyon, there are countless cocoons wrapped in white spider silk, densely packed! Each one has to be half a meter in size! There is no end in sight! Everyone's scalp is exploding! m is extremely disgusting and terrifying! A scream came from the sky! I saw the girl from the crew who was captured before being released by a moth and thrown into the bottom of the valley! Apparently, this moth wants to feed its kind below! Liu Di, with his quick eyes and quick hands, jumped up and directly picked up the girl from mid-air. Then he used a little black light coming out of his sleeves to twist his body and return to the side of the valley! The girl in his hand had already fainted from fright! The people in the tree were sluggish again, with cold sweat breaking out all over their bodies! No wonder the giant rat didn't dare to climb the tree. It turned out to be because it was afraid of disturbing the moth! But what to do now! I saw Brother Liu standing on the edge of the valley with his hands behind his hands, looking at the moths in the sky. Each one was huge, at least thousands of them! He is not easy to deal with on his own! From Brother Liu's perspective, the scene inside the silver shuttle quickly appeared.

Kun Sang, the tail end of the crane, has not yet come out, his face is green and he is vomiting! He fainted... flying saucer! There was a low roar in the sky! The giant moth flapped its wings and swooped towards Brother Liu! Brother Liu frowned slightly, "Demon boy, why doesn't my radioactive devil work?" "Of course it's a tragedy!" "These moths probably absorb more radiation than mice. They have a greater amount of radiation, so they are not afraid of you!" "The devil boy appeared, wearing a half-sleeved shirt with a huge red cross covering the word 'worm'!" "Brother Liu, you absorbed radiation before to strengthen your DNA. Now you can try to reverse your system and let you release some of the radiation.

"To put it simply, to deal with this crisis, you need to shed some blood..." Liu Di glanced at a few people on the tree in the distance. He couldn't resist all the moths attacking at the same time. If he was not careful, he would be Someone died.

"Forget it...let's try it!" Liu Di pondered.

"Hee hee, actually I've been operating it for a long time!" As soon as the devil boy's voice fell, Liu Di's body emitted an invisible energy field! Several people in the trees in the distance felt like they were being passed by an invisible barrier, and their whole bodies were stinging! The moths in the sky were in a panic! They screamed weirdly back and forth! It seems that he has realized that this small creature in front of him has a huge amount of radiation! Several giant moths that were about to rush to Brother Liu's side, but before they could get closer, they rose up again! The moths in the sky flew randomly for a while, and then slowly became orderly! They flap their wings in the air, and countless dust falls and flies all over the sky! At this time, the setting sun was just hanging on the horizon! The orange-red sunlight shone, and it immediately formed a reflection among the dust! A series of dazzling and illusory lights lit up! Some rays of light shoot straight to the sky! Some of the light is ethereal, like colored paint floating in the air! This is a strange scene that is 100 meters high and stretches for several kilometers! The bottom of the light curtain is the orange of the sunset, the upper layer is a faint green, and the next layer is a gradually weakening blue! Gorgeous! The audience in the live broadcast room also saw a small patch of sky! It's like an aurora! What a nice view! For a moment, everyone at the scene was surprised by this strange scenery! This magnificent scene made everyone forget the danger in front of them and fell unconsciously! Brother Liu was also shocked and envious! There is a cool air coming out of the soles of the feet. It is indeed beautiful and magnificent! Aurora caused by moth dust! Devil Boy: "Excuse me, this is the method used by female moths when courting. Brother Liu..." "Ahem!" "To put it simply, Brother Liu, you have successfully conquered them again!" I was still immersed in this just now! Brother Liu in the beautiful scenery, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

I saw moths in the sky flying for a while, circling around Liu Di for several times, and then all flew back to the valley and hibernated! Just a moment ago it was a scene that blocked the sky and the sun, but in an instant everything was quiet! The crisis is over! Devil boy: "Brother Liu, according to the biological characteristics, if you walk into the valley at this time, they will not reject you..." "Hiss..." "Demon boy, believe it or not, I will dig you out and throw you away!" Brother Liu’s head is full of black lines! The devil boy stuck out his tongue and disappeared! And this scene.

In the eyes of everyone, it can be called a miracle! This man... is amazing! This moth was obviously showing off to him and even showed off beautiful scenery to please him! Who is he? As soon as he appeared, the scene was so magical that people couldn't believe it! suddenly.

An audience member in the live broadcast room woke up the dreamer with one word! "Haha!" "It's a shame I'm still worried!" "Murderous giant rat, giant moth, super aurora, alien flying saucer, mysterious man!" "This must be a promotional method for the movie!" "These are all special effects!" I have to say, the special effects are amazing!” “It’s absolutely awesome!” When he said this, everyone suddenly realized! "I'm just telling you!" "How could such a bizarre thing happen!" "Haha, I really admire the director of this film, he is so talented!" "This kind of promotional video is awesome!" "Radiation Shock," I'll definitely buy a ticket to watch it! "Who is the actor in white? He looks a bit handsome!" "Don't worry, you won't be able to see his face. This is the organizer's trick." , you must buy a ticket!" The live broadcast room suddenly became excited again! no way! No one would believe such a bizarre incident! but.

After just one minute, the live broadcast suddenly stopped because the phone ran out of battery! The people lying on the tree at the scene were like clay sculptures or wooden sculptures! This... this... even though it was right in front of them, they still couldn't believe it!

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