"Haha!" "It's just a bigger catfish. In this kind of water that has no natural enemies for 30 years, fish with super long lifespans are common!" "I have seen 20-meter-long pythons and spiders the size of footballs in the jungles of North Africa!" "No matter how big it is, it's just an animal, nothing surprising!" The bodyguard captain stepped on the corpse of the giant catfish with one foot like a hero.

Everyone was in awe! Although this man was startled, he was indeed brave! The female staff member was full of hearts again! Clap, clap, clap! Yang applauded repeatedly, "Anyway, this is also a 2-meter-long fish, and its strength is definitely not small! Captain Wall can kill it, he deserves to be the first bodyguard of Wu Lan!" "Haha, thank you for the compliment!" The bodyguard captain straightened his chest and looked at Yan Siwen, "Miss Siwen, I'm here, you can rest assured to shoot!" Yan Siwen's eyes flashed at this time and nodded slightly.

At this time, the mobile phone live broadcast continued.

Muscular man fighting catfish? ! The audience in the live broadcast room also shouted awesome! Yan Siwen and Yang returned to the director's tent again! However.

This catfish was so big that Director Yang ordered that it was forbidden to eat it! The bodyguard captain and the bald man were really bored and were looking around in the grass again! "Haha!" "This guy is special!" The bodyguard captain got up from the grass with a mouse in his hand! Everyone felt sick! This mouse is about the same size as a normal mouse, about 10 cm.

But this gray mouse is a deformity! It has two mouse heads and four small red eyes! The mouse is still alive, and the bodyguard captain is holding its tail and struggling in the air! The bodyguard captain is addicted to being cool, holding the mouse for various displays! The prop master in the crew's eyes lit up! This thing is a good prop! The crew spent 50 euros to buy this mouse directly and locked it in a small iron cage! However, Yang also ordered the bodyguard captain and the bald man to take care of the props to prevent them from causing any danger! 10 minutes later.

The bodyguard captain was extremely depressed.

Squeak, squeak, squeak... The two-headed rat behind him made him upset! The bodyguard captain turned around and looked at the rat that was screaming desperately, jumping up and down, and constantly biting the cage with its sharp teeth.

"Little monster, it's useless to scream, you can't run away! "So annoying!" The bodyguard captain pulled out a dagger and smashed the two-headed rat with the back of the knife! Squeak, squeak... The rat's cry became even more miserable! At this moment.

The endless weeds around the crew's landing place began to surge irregularly! It was like a chaotic wind, blowing the calf-high weeds all over the place! People were still unaware! Finally, in the grass near the camp, a fist-sized head poked out! "Huh?" "Another rat? "The captain of the bodyguards stood up with a dagger in his hand and walked forward with a smile! Then.

The rat continued to crawl forward, and its body gradually emerged! 10 cm, 20 cm, 30 cm... The captain of the bodyguards froze, and his scalp numbed! This gray rat was half a meter long! It suddenly stood up and made a strange cry! Its eyes were red and its mouth was full of fangs! The captain of the bodyguards' face suddenly changed, and he took out his pistol, bang bang bang! He smashed the rat to pieces! But the next moment.

A scene that shocked him extremely appeared! "Everyone be careful!" The captain of the bodyguards shouted with trembling legs! The whole crew was also stunned, "What are you doing again? "But when they saw the surrounding situation clearly, they were all horrified and stepped back! The grass was now full of scarlet eyes! Densely packed giant rats stood up from the grass! At least the grass covered an area of ​​several hundred meters! What's even more frightening is that when you look around, this small camp has already been surrounded by giant rats! Then, those giant rats standing up made shrill strange noises! Some timid girls covered their ears directly, half squatted on the ground, and trembled! "Don't be afraid, I'll scare them away! "A bodyguard looked cautious, pulled out the rifle from his back, and rushed towards the rat group, firing loudly! Sure enough, a gap was blasted out of the rat group! But the good times didn't last long, the bodyguard suddenly screamed! A giant rat jumped to his feet at some point and tore off a large piece of flesh and blood from his leg! The bodyguard wailed and staggered to fall! The next moment, countless giant rats gathered and crawled all over his body! From a distance, the bodyguard turned into a human figure made of rats! His body twitched, and his screams became smaller and smaller! In less than half a minute, the rat group retreated and approached everyone again! The bodyguard before turned into a bright red skeleton, without a trace of flesh and blood and internal organs left! His soul was scattered! Only then did everyone in the crew understand what they were facing! A mutated group of killer rats! "Everyone retreat together! "The captain of the bodyguards yelled frantically, and quickly took the gasoline barrel from the car! He sprinkled the gasoline on the surrounding grass and ignited it immediately! The flames spread instantly, forming a large fire circle, protecting everyone inside! There were strange squeaking sounds from the rats! The smell of burnt fur also emanated! Everyone huddled together, watching all this in horror, hoping that the fire could save their lives! But.

The scene that followed was chilling! I saw an endless swarm of rats pouring out of the grass! A giant rat was ignited by the raging fire and burned to death.

The latecomers stepped on their corpses and continued to approach! A large number of giant rats were set on fire, but they didn't care about life or death, trampled on each other, and continued to crawl! The flames were blazing, and the giant rats were densely packed! Everyone was stunned! Finally, someone couldn't bear this oppression, left the crowd, ran madly into the car in the distance, and locked the car door! However, the giant rats were the first to cover those vehicles! Bang! The tires of the car burst one after another under the sharp teeth of the giant rats! Crash! The car glass was also eaten and shattered! The people in the car were full of despair, watching the giant rats file in! After a few short wails, the few people in the car turned into bones again! Everyone was scared silly! Some people even had urinary incontinence! The giant rats seemed to be able to devour everything, crawling closer and closer! The range of activities for everyone was less than ten meters! The bodyguards had run out of bullets. Although they could kill many giant rats, it was completely useless compared to the huge number! Everyone saw a big tree next to them! Crazy climbing up! There was almost no place to stand, and this big tree was the last straw! The bodyguard captain was fast, and at the critical moment he pulled Yan Siwen! He took the lead and climbed up desperately, and suddenly felt a soft and sticky object in his hand! He almost fell under the tree! He raised his hand and saw that his hand was full of gray powder, which was extremely itchy! It turned out that what he had just caught was a huge moth that had been lying on the tree! The gray body of the moth was very similar to the bark and it was difficult to distinguish! Moreover, the body of this moth was at least half a meter long! The bodyguard captain felt sick! But he didn't care too much and climbed to the top of the tree desperately! And under the tree, at least three or four people were too slow and were directly knocked down by the giant rat and gnawed into bones! Now, there are less than ten people left in the entire crew of more than 20 people lying on the tree! The bodyguard captain, the bald man, Yan Siwen, Yang, and several other staff members! A group of people trembled all over! The tree was already full of giant rats, swarming and screaming! Looking from a distance, there were giant rats surging within at least one kilometer around! There were more gathering in the distance! Everyone was desperate! This scene was so horrifying that it gave people goose bumps! A girl in the crew suddenly lost her footing and fell from the tree! Under everyone's eyes, the girl was instantly overwhelmed by the rats and eaten clean! Ugh...someone couldn't help vomiting! Everyone stared with horror! But.

After several minutes, the giant rats under the tree didn't climb up! They kept screaming under the tree and were extremely uneasy! From time to time, they looked up at the tree trunk! There seemed to be something there that made them quite afraid and dared not approach! The scene at this time was bizarre and weird! On a dead tree in the wilderness, there were seven or eight shivering figures lying.

On the ground a few meters below, there were countless killer giant rats! Countless pairs of scarlet eyes were staring at several people! The brave bodyguard captain was now pale.

He regretted it now! Entering Cherno-Beil was the most wrong decision in his life!

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