My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 421 Catching Fish

"What are you all staring at?" "Set up the tent, set up the equipment, and select the scene!" "Hurry up and work!" A man with long hair, a straight body, and a handsome face came to Yan Si's tattoo.

He is also a well-known movie star.

His name is Yang Joyce, who is not only the male lead of this film, but also the investor + director of this film! "Look at our Siwen, this is called professionalism!" "One by one, you are staring at it!" Yang came to Yan Si's tattoo and handed out a thermos cup, "Siwen, drink some hot water, come to my tent, and let's study the script carefully.

" Inexplicably.

The whole crew felt that Yang was a little wretched at this time, and his eyes were fixed on Sister Siwen's buttocks! "Alas..." The captain of the bodyguards in the distance sighed slightly, "Bald, we may never be able to touch a beauty of this level in this life!" The bald wiped his mouth and said, "Captain, I heard that Yan Siwen's private life is very chaotic. Every male star who has worked with her..." "Okay!" "I told you, don't think about these unrealistic things!" "You don't have a hair at all. Even if she is really chaotic, it can't be on your head!" The captain of the bodyguards took a look with unsatisfied interest, followed Yang's graceful figure into the tent, and dragged the bald head to the lake.

"Now the crew is working, there is nothing for us to do, let's find some fun ourselves!" "Captain, what fun?" "There are good things in the lake here!" The captain of the bodyguards smiled mysteriously, "This place has been blocked for 30 years. The catfish in the lake are fat and big. Let's catch a few and grill them!" "Captain, are you not afraid of radiation?" The captain curled his lips, "What are you afraid of? Aren't we fine now? Of course, the fish will be fine too!" As they said, the two came to the lake.

They found that the lake water here was extremely clear! The bottom of the lake was covered with water plants, and no soil could be seen at all! The two squinted their eyes for a while, and suddenly found movement in the water plants! "Oh, what a big catfish!" With the bald man's exclamation, a half-meter-long black fish swam out! This seemed to trigger a chain reaction, and catfish kept swimming out of the water plants one after another! There were few people here, and the fat catfish were unbridled and leisurely! "There are really a lot of fish, they are all flooded!" The bald man's eyes were full of light! "Hello, everyone!" "We are the crew of "Radiation Shock", and we are now in Cherno-North, only 260 kilometers away from the nuclear explosion site!" At this time, a crew member was broadcasting live with a selfie stick.

He saw the two bodyguards find the big fish, so he rushed over.

But there was no mobile network signal here, so he had to use a satellite network transmitter to connect to the mobile phone for live broadcast.

The traffic is comparable to gold.

This person was also doing advance publicity for the crew according to Director Yang's arrangement.

At this time, the live broadcast had just started for 3 minutes, and the live broadcast room was very popular! After all, this is Cherno-Bely! Seeing someone live broadcasting.

The bodyguard captain also became bold, "Haha, then I will go directly to the lake and catch fish for everyone to see, and we will broadcast the outdoor barbecue later!" Then, under the camera, the bodyguard captain took off his shoes and socks, bare-chested, holding a military dagger in his hand, and jumped into the lake with a plop! Gurgle gurgle... A few bubbles emerged in the water, and there was no sound! Why is there no movement? Everyone suddenly became nervous, wouldn't something happen! Even the barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly stopped! Everyone stared at the water surface.

Wow! The lake suddenly splashed with water! A stream of blood spread on the water surface! Everyone was shocked! The bald man took out his pistol at the first time! But a figure suddenly emerged from the water! He held a half-meter-long catfish in his hands, and the military dagger was also inserted into the catfish's head, directly submerged! "Haha!" "First catch!" The bodyguard captain was safe and sound, and threw the catfish to the shore with force! Everyone breathed a sigh of relief! The bald man smiled and said, "Haha, don't worry, my captain is a retired European Navy special forces, catching a few fish is a piece of cake!" Gulp! The bodyguard captain sank into the water again! "Haha!" "Second catch!" A moment later, another catfish with its belly cut open was thrown to the shore by him! Everyone shook their heads, the captain is really good at playing! But no one noticed.

Under the water, among the water plants, a huge figure is approaching silently! Just when the bodyguard captain was still immersed in the excitement of the harvest.

The water surface exploded, and something strange appeared! A huge mouth like a black hole, as big as a pot lid, suddenly opened! After biting the upper body of the bodyguard captain, it dragged his body, dived quickly, and disappeared directly! The two people on the shore were stunned! Bang bang bang! The bald man finally reacted, took out his pistol, and fired several shots at the water surface! But the water was calm at this time, and there was no shadow at all! Hearing the gunshot, the crew members also ran over! In the director's tent, Yan Siwen and Yang also ran out in a panic, their faces flushed.

There was still some crystal liquid hanging on Yan Siwen's red lips.

"What happened?!" Yang asked loudly! "There is a monster in this lake, and the captain was dragged away by the monster!" The bald man was already panicked at this time! "What?!" "You guys hurry up and disperse!" Yang shouted while taking out his handgun and running towards the shore! But as he shouted this sentence, the water surface burst again! A black shadow rushed directly to the shore! Everyone panicked and dodged! But the black shadow turned out to be a giant catfish with a body length of nearly two meters! What's even more unbelievable is that at this time the catfish has landed on the shore and is rolling constantly, and there is a naked figure fighting with it! Puff! Blood splattered! A black dagger cut open the giant catfish! In the pool of blood, the bodyguard captain slowly stood up, "Damn, this fish is really strong!" Everyone was stunned! Captain Wall was so brave, not only was he safe and sound, but he also killed the catfish! The bodyguard captain wiped the blood off the dagger, raised his head and posed in a very cool pose, "Don't panic, I'm here!"

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