My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 372 27 countries agree

The always high-spirited Lei Pu Guotong suddenly stiffened and did not move! Everyone was confused.

Because the surveillance camera was facing away from the computer screen, everyone could not see the picture clearly! Lei Pu stopped signing, wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve, and said nervously: "Everyone, I have a problem here, wait a moment!" In the picture, Lei Pu waved to the first secretary beside him, "Hank, look at what this word means..." Lei Pu did not know Chinese characters! Everyone was puzzled! Hank, the first secretary, looked at the computer screen sideways and was shocked! His body twitched a little, but he did not dare to speak, for fear that the 27 countries in front of the camera would hear him! Hank thought for a moment.

Perform! Remember http:// in one second Pretend to sign at the desk, then point your finger at the sky, metaphorically saying that something will fly to the white palace.

Hank dubbed, "Swoosh... snap!" "Wow!" Hank made fireworks with his hands, and then rolled his eyes, meaning that he was dead! Uh... Lei Pu made a strange sound in his throat, and his face turned purple! A mouthful of old blood stuck in his throat! Lei Pu felt dizzy and almost fell off the chair! Liu Di said lightly: "Hurry up!" Everyone in the conference room changed their faces! This kid is too crazy! Bertram slapped the table and said angrily: "Asshole, how can you talk to Mr. Lei Pu in this tone!" "You are the bastard!" Lei Pu in the video also slapped the table and said angrily to Bertram: "How can you talk to the gentleman in this tone! Get out of here!" Bertram was stunned and said with wide eyes: "Mr. Lei" "What do you mean?" Lei Pu sat up straight and said righteously: "I now feel that this gentleman is upright! He is definitely a fair and just person, and his organization will also be the most fair and just punisher in the world!" "I will sign immediately!" Lei Pu stretched out his hands and grabbed the pen, as if he was making a bold move and must support it! Then, Lei Pu suddenly thought of something! He raised his head and looked at the representatives of the six major alliance countries, "You all must sign for me. Whoever dares not to sign is an enemy of me, Lei Pu! I promise to flatten you during my term of office!" Everyone was dumbfounded! I heard that Lei Pu was crazy, could it be... true? Is he sick? This is it! The representatives of the six major alliance countries still did not move, with doubts on their faces! They seriously suspected that this person was not Lei Pu! But Cao Chenghe was stunned and said: "Don't worry, this is my Chinese confidential line, directly connected to Europe, and the other party is undoubtedly the White Palace!" "Of course I am Lei Pu!" Lei Pu in the video shouted angrily: "Do you want me to dance for you? Time is running out, sign it quickly!" The representatives of the six major alliance countries were confused! Looking at Lei Pu, the leader of Europe, who was furious in the video.

With a tremor in his hand, he picked up the pen and signed his consent! Cao Chenghe turned his head to look at Brother Liu in a daze. According to convention, he should give an explanation at this time! Brother Liu smiled slightly, "Sorry, this time it involves a bit of a big deal, I can't tell you!" Cao Chenghe still didn't give up, "You tell me, kid, I'm very resistant!" Brother Liu shook his head slightly, "I don't want you to become like Commander Duan!" What? Cao Chenghe turned his head in a daze and looked at Duan Hua who was sitting in a corner! Duan Hua was holding a thermos cup to soak wolfberries, and he put them into his mouth with a horrified look, but his mouth didn't cooperate well and spilled all over! Cao Chenghe was stunned and asked, "Old Duan, are you okay?" Duan Hua looked dull, "I thought I knew enough... I didn't expect... puff..." In less than 2 minutes! Rep signed, and the six major European alliance countries signed! So far, Brother Liu has obtained the unanimous vote of 27 countries! The Punisher Transformation Organization has become an internationally recognized, independent organization independent of borders! But Brother Liu's operation is confusing! Bertram and the six allied countries are still confused! They don't understand what happened at all! They admitted it without knowing anything? It's a big trouble! Several people were shocked! But Lei Pu hadn't hung up the video yet, and rubbed his hands and asked, "I don't know what your name is, sir..." Liu Di smiled slightly. Lei Pu, this old guy, wanted to find out my bottom! He wanted to find out the fourth emperor! But it was Liu Di's smile that made Lei Pu tremble, "You don't have to say it, just pretend I didn't ask!" At this time, the dignified European country was like a dog that had lost its home, and it was ugly! But Liu Di smiled again, "My name is Liu Di, the brother of brother!" Everyone took a breath of cold air! Many people have heard of this name! But today's feeling is particularly different! God damn brother! You have a lot of hands and eyes, and countless trump cards! You call me brother? You are too modest! Liu Di used Chinese language, Lei Pu couldn't understand anything, he could only recognize the pronunciation of "di"! Lei Pu's heart trembled! But Liu Di said again: "But for this era of cyborgs, I will use another name - Emperor Five!" Liu Di looked at Bertram and the others, "From today on, Emperor Five and the Punisher will reveal your ugly faces, judge you, and become your nightmare!" Bertram and the six major allied countries trembled in their hearts, and nameless fear filled their bodies! But on Leipu's side, Hank translated the first scene, "difive!" Leipu's face turned pale! Four... five... there are really five! Cyborg field, five! Is he going to suppress me for the rest of my life? No! Leipu calmed down and pursed his lips, "Bertram, you should develop the transformation business with Mr. Liu well. If you have nothing to do in the future, don't bother me!" As he said, Leipu turned off the screen directly! Bertram collapsed again! Obviously, Leipu didn't want to get into trouble and abandoned himself! Moreover, it is said that from this day on, Leipu got a strange disease, and his behavior was to smash the monitor of the white palace crazily. The disease was named "computer mania"! However, there was another person at the scene who behaved strangely! He was Bertram's deputy, Lawson! After hearing the word "Emperor Five" from Brother Liu's mouth, he stared straight at Brother Liu's purple right eye.

He murmured: "Oracle..." Brother Liu was speechless.

It must be said that Qiu Beiming was very diligent, even the assistant CEO of Xingzhi was brainwashed! Brother Liu smiled and said: "Lawson, take good care of your boss in the future. How can he be unhappy? How can you come!" Then.

Brother Liu laughed and turned around and strode away! Downstairs.

Looking at Brother Liu's back, everyone was stunned! What happened on this day! Bertram gritted his teeth and said: "Lawson, go drive, go back to the company to discuss countermeasures!" "Yes, sir!" Lawson came to the luxury car in the distance, got in the car, stepped on the accelerator, and drove away directly! Bertram looked at the taillights of his car and was stunned on the spot! Fuck!

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