As for the reaction of the entire scene, what satisfied Liu Di the most was the person on the screen! The remaining 20 countries on the screen also watched the scene in black at the same time! Among them, sitting in the African window was an enchanting beauty with a veil and cool clothes! African saint Zubair! She looked at the scene in black and was deeply fascinated, her eyes couldn't help it! I started thinking about the inheritance of saints again! Brother Liu nodded slightly and had a plan in mind! As for Xingwei CEO Bertram, his forehead was covered in sweat! Another miscalculation! The man in black turned out to be Brother Liu’s man! Although, his subordinates promptly conveyed the news to him that Tiemian was not seriously injured, he just suffered some flesh wounds! Remember http:// in one second, but this is not the most critical! How did Brother Liu know that an accident would happen there! Could it be that our plan was exposed? Liu Di smiled slightly, "Bertram, why are you panicking?" "Paniced?" "I'm not panicking!" Bertram wiped the sweat from his forehead, "My hero Iron Mask just made a mistake. Besides, he still has Saved two drivers!" Brother Liu shook his head slightly, "Your self-directed and self-acted script will not fool everyone for long! Today is just the beginning! From now on, your star will begin to collapse and eventually fall into the abyss. "I told you that the rest of your life will get worse every day!" Bertram was sweating profusely! I feel inexplicably panicked! He rolled his eyes, slapped the table, and changed the subject: "So what if you come up with a man in black? You want to set up a transformation institution, which requires the signatures of 27 countries. You are far from it!" Liu Di said calmly: "Everyone, I The Punisher's transformation strength has also been demonstrated, and there is no problem, so you can start signing! "The scene was quiet for a moment! Representatives from other countries in the video also started whispering to the people around them! They all frowned! They were completely shocked by Brother Liu's step-by-step demonstration! This organization called the Punisher has deep financial resources! The base is also at an incredible level! The man in black under his command is also a powerful master! This fully meets the conditions for establishment and fully satisfies international neutrality! Can't find anything wrong with it! "On behalf of the Chinese official, I fully agree with the establishment of the Punisher!" But it was Cao Chenghe who shouted first, waving his hand and signing the materials in front of him! "We agree too!" "We agree too!" Representatives of 18 countries on the screen shouted one after another! These 18 countries are either allies of China.

Either that or he is deeply impressed by Liu Di's strength.

In the video, they all cast friendly glances at Brother Liu! Such a powerful organization that transforms humans must not be an enemy, and must have a good relationship with it! In a blink of an eye.

Of the 27 major powers, 19 have signed and approved! "Haha..." Seeing that Bertram relaxed at this time, he sneered: "No matter how much you pretend and show off your power, you still can't change the outcome!" "Without the recognition of the 27 countries, you can only be an illegal organization and do everything. No, and it will be destroyed by the alliance, haha! "You don't even need to be rejected by our European country and the six major alliance countries. You can't pass the African country alone!" Bertram is extremely arrogant! Brother Liu smiled slightly.

Indeed, Africa has not signed yet! And Africa is no longer what it used to be! More than ten days ago, a special ore was discovered in Africa! This kind of ore has green light and can be absorbed by the transformed person. It can greatly strengthen the transformed person's system without any risk! With proper operation, a B-level cyborg can even be upgraded to 3 levels in a row! And the devil boy has already investigated the whole story! That's a kind of meteorite! While possessing radiation, it decays gently and can strengthen and transform human DNA! In essence, it is also a radiation transformation! However, just because of the discovery of this stone, Africa, a relatively poor and backward country, has become increasingly important in the international arena! After all, the era of transforming people has come, and the power of transforming people represents the power of the country! As for the European countries, they showed their goodwill to the African countries as soon as they discovered this stone! Economic assistance and technical assistance, and quickly established good relations with African countries! Now, if the European countries are unwilling to support Brother Liu, then the African countries will naturally hesitate! But seen in the video.

Zubai'er's eyes were uncertain, looking at Brother Liu, hesitant! At the critical moment, another figure joins in! This is an old man, wearing a military uniform with three lines of gold embroidered on his shoulder straps! This is an African war commander! He pondered slightly, "What about this word, forgive us for not being able to..." While speaking, he suddenly saw the figure of the young man in white at the scene, and was shocked, "Huh? Saint Houji! Why is it you!" "What do you want? Establish a reform organization? "Then we sign!" "No one can stop it!" But this is the attitude of the African war department general, a 180-degree turn! Seeing Brother Liu's face, he looked respectful! Everyone at the scene was stunned again! What's going on? ! Why has he become a saint again! Bertram's face was dull, "Commander Marlowe! Are you dazzled? See clearly, he is Chinese!" The old man in the middle of the screen tried his best to move closer to the camera and said firmly: "That's right. , He is the great benefactor of our country, Mr. Liu!” “He reformed our agriculture and solved our famine!” “I must support him!” The National People’s Congress at the scene Staring at each other with small eyes! But Brother Liu tilted his head and whispered to Cao Chenghe, whose mouth was twitching: "I went to Africa a while ago, and that Saint Houji... was also here.

"Cao Chenghe stretched out his thumb from under the table, "It's blooming everywhere, I'm convinced.

"At this time, General Malo of the African country had already written furiously, signed in the blink of an eye, and displayed it on the screen! At this moment, only the European country and the six major allied countries were left! It took Bertram three full minutes to recover from his shock! Brother Liu is a hidden talent! A local tyrant, a technical maniac! Even the African country owes him a favor? He really underestimated him! "Hehe..." Bertram lowered his head, and a muffled laugh came out, "Your operation is really a show!" "But so what?" "Could it be that you are related to my Xingzhi?" "Could it be that I, Bertram, will suddenly go crazy and sign for you?" "That's absolutely impossible!" "Is it meaningful for you to waste this morning? ! "At the same time, the representatives of the other six major allied countries also folded their arms, looking like they were watching a show. If the European country doesn't sign, we won't sign either! "Who do you think you are? "But Liu Di raised his eyes slightly, "This refusal to sign must be said by your European official. You are a private enterprise, are you qualified?" "Hehe..." Bertram laughed again, "Don't worry, our European country will express our importance to you! There will be a leader who personally refuses you! Hahaha!" I saw the screen flash.

A brand new window opened! Behind a desk with the European flag, an old European man wearing a suit and with a bald head sat in it! Everyone's heart tightened! This is the White Palace, Lei Pu! Lei Pu curled his lips slightly, "Yes, I came in person! This stateless kid, what you did is simply ridiculous!" "Private transformation agency, joke!" "I advise you not to do these meaningless things!" "You can't compete with my powerful European country!" Lei Pu picked up the agreement in front of him, put it in front of the camera, and poked it with his finger, "I can't sign such a ridiculous thing, you can forget it! "So saying, Lei Pu put the agreement on the table, picked up a pen, and prepared to write a big "no"! Inexplicably.

The computer screen on Lei Pu's desk flickered slightly, and the picture was intermittent! A brand new picture appeared! Lei Pu's body suddenly stiffened! On that picture, there was a vicious monkey carrying an iron rod! There was a paragraph below: "If you dare to write a word of "no", I will raze your white palace to the ground within 10 minutes-Emperor Four!"

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