3 hours later.

In the secret meeting room of Xingzhi Group's Chinese headquarters! Bertram was depressed! Inside the room, representatives of the six major alliance countries have arrived! Bertram paced back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back, "This won't work!" "I don't know what Mr. Rep is crazy about, he actually agreed to sign the contract!" "Didn't you hear what that kid said, he wants to bring us down!" "We can't just watch him develop like this!" The representatives of the six major alliance countries also frowned, unprecedentedly flustered! The rat-faced old man from the island hesitated and said, "Mr. Bertram, your Xingzhi technology..." Bang! Bertram suddenly slapped the table, "I will share it with you! You immediately gather all the B+ or higher modified people in your hands and send them all to my Xingzhi!" "I will help you transform them all at my own expense!" Bertram's eyes were sinister, "Doesn't his Punisher currently have a black-clothed man? He is nothing more than the peak of C!" "Get people together as quickly as possible, I want to create a C+ team, I want to assassinate the black-clothed man!" "If you can't beat me one-on-one, I will attack in groups!" Huh? Everyone's face was stern! This... Bertram glared, "Don't be so fussy here, what's wrong with killing people? Which of your organizations has not been stained with blood?" "Besides, that kid doesn't rely on the power of China, what do we have to be afraid of?" "Now it's just a simple transformation organization competition, the winner is the king, the loser is the enemy!" "We only need to kill the black-clothed man in a short time. He doesn't even have a hero, how can he rise?" Everyone clenched their fists and thought for a moment.

But the old man with a rat face from the island country said cautiously: "Mr. Bertram, if his base is built, he will definitely create more cyborgs in the future!" Thinking of the magical ghost island on the sea, everyone was silent for a while! But the old man with a rat face from the island country had a sinister look on his face, "I have a cyborg under my command. After level B, he awakened a strange ability. He is proficient in water and can swim rapidly in the water and hold his breath for dozens of minutes! Why not..." Bertram was stunned at first, and then suddenly realized something.

He nodded repeatedly, with a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth! The head of the Goryeo Reconstruction Agency gritted his teeth and whispered, "I can smuggle an underwater C4 bomb!" The other people just reacted and said in surprise, "You...are going to blow it up..." "Humph!" Bertram sneered, "So what, isn't that island located in the high seas? No one is in charge!" For a long time.

The expressions of several people flickered repeatedly, and finally they all gritted their teeth! Just do as Mr. Bertram said! No poison, no hero! ... But let's talk about Brother Liu.

After returning to the experimental cemetery.

Diving into his own workbench, various machines and machine tools started, and the virtual screen above his head kept calculating various data! The demon boy was also frantically calling up network knowledge, constantly developing and sorting, creating technology, and solving problems one by one! And the ghost island on the sea, thousands of workers, hundreds of machines, are working overtime and running 24 hours a day! Brother Liu was in the experimental cemetery, but he kept passing on the construction plan through the Internet! The whole progress was busy and orderly, and it was getting smoother and smoother! During this period, Cao Chenghe and Duan Hua came to the door and begged for transformation technology! But Liu Di only said one word to them: Wait! Liu Di had already arranged Yan Qingwen to fully restart the M-69 project, build equipment, and recruit manpower! But this takes time! Moreover, regarding the transformation of Longwei and Haishi Special Operations Group, Liu Di must go through Yingzhi Group! Only by not being confused with the Punisher can the Punisher's neutrality be guaranteed! 5 days later.

Cao Chenghe and Duan Hua came again! I saw that Liu Di's work was beginning to bear fruit. On his workbench, there was a semi-finished precision mechanical leg, a mechanical arm, and 2 large, technological sniper rifles! There were also two mechanical umbrellas, one black and one white! Duan Hua saw these and had a hunch.

But he just glanced at the five children in the distance and didn't ask much! Liu Di gave them good news! Yingzhi Group is ready! In addition, Liu Di delegated the 3rd-order Rubik's Cube technology to Yingzhi! Duan Hua and Cao Chenghe were overjoyed! Immediately, they prepared personnel, and Longwei and Haishi Special Operations Group each selected 10 members to prepare for transformation! So far, Brother Liu has completely fulfilled his promise to Duan Hua! 10 days later.

The ghost island on the high seas has begun to take shape! From an island full of vegetation, it has become a flat water city! A piece of fan-shaped 3-story building is lying on it, and the whole wall is black and gray, emitting a faint matte! The entire island is sprayed with Brother Liu's unique patented "bionic sonar material", which cannot be detected by global radar! There is also a towering chimney at the back of the island! It is the island's own nuclear reactor! The surrounding area of ​​the island has been reinforced with metal, and 8 huge thrusters like houses are being assembled one by one! For more than ten days, people on the coastline have been holding telescopes, watching this technological city like a giant on the sea become more and more perfect.

Amazing! They were amazed and took photos crazily, which set off a huge discussion on the Internet! People know that this is the Punisher Base and is related to the high-tech company Gemini! Gemini has already enjoyed the reputation of "Future Group" in people's hearts! Now that this island has appeared on the sea, the world is shocked and thinks it is reasonable! It is Gemini, everything is possible! People want to explore! But they are blocked by countless private sea guards! Can't get close! The eyes of countries around the world are also closely attracted by this ghost city! Experts have pointed out that this island uses at least hundreds of technologies that surpass existing technology! While countries are in awe, they are also a little scared! This island is now neutral and full of incomprehensible technology! This is a threat! There are constantly various forces, mobilizing various relationships, trying to explore the situation of the ghost island! But.

They were surprised to find.

Although the construction of this island involves dozens of large enterprises and thousands of workers! But the confidentiality work is watertight and can be called an iron bucket! No matter what method is used to obtain information.

No matter what position they held, everyone involved in the construction of the island had only one reply: "I have nothing to say about matters concerning the Divine Realm!"

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