My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 370 Highlight Moment

Tie Mian was horrified! What the hell! I am a B8 level transformer! Good at speed! He started with all his strength, but he didn't even see the opponent's taillights! The reporters at the scene and the audience watching the live broadcast on TV were all shocked! That black shadow is so powerful! Isn’t this a complete crushing of the iron face? who is he? ! Just a few seconds later! That black shadow has already caught up with the out-of-control train! m But he jumped directly on the locomotive and stood facing the wind! His face was covered by the collar, and the windbreaker on his body was blowing and flying in the wind! Extremely handsome! The audience's eyes widened, oh my god, isn't this the hero in black! he came! But everyone was confused, what was he doing? Is he... trying to be cool now? And the people in the official conference room of Haishi also saw the whole process, with dull faces on their faces! He turned to look at Brother Liu.

Is this...? Brother Liu just stretched out his hand slightly, "Continue watching..." in the picture.

Tiemian also rushed to the train, glanced at the people on the front of the car, and was stunned for a moment! Then, he jumped on the train, smashed the door to pieces, grabbed the two drivers, and returned to the ground! The reporters who came later shouted excitedly: "Hero Iron Mask saved the driver! They are safe!" "But the train is still out of control!" "There are two oil tanks there, they should be filled with diesel!" "If it can't be stopped in time, the train will soon rush into the urban area of ​​Haishi and cause an explosion!" "Let me see how Iron Mask handles it!" "And Hei Yi, why is he motionless?" But Iron Mask was seen. He glanced at the black man with no confidence, gritted his teeth, and jumped directly on the track in front of the train! He stretched out his arms, preparing to stop the train head on! boom! The train collided with the iron surface! The front of the car was dented and the glass shattered! Tie Mian was unable to withstand the impact at all, and his body was pushed back again and again! Tie Mian's feet exerted force, smashing the wooden sleepers on the ground and plowing a deep ravine on the ground! But it can't stop the train from moving forward! Tie Mian cursed one after another in his heart! What idiot planned this accident! Are you going to kill me? ! The reporters were also in a panic! Can't stop it? The flames on the car are getting bigger and bigger! It's going to explode! But I saw the man in black on the front of the car grinned and said to Tie Mian: "You little weakling.


Black jumps off the train! While pushing his feet to the ground, his hands suddenly exerted force! drink! He yelled, and two train cars were lifted off the ground! With a shake of his arms, the chain hook of the carriage suddenly shattered! The train's head turned crookedly, came off the tracks, and rolled over! Smash the unresponsive face directly under the car body! then.

I saw black clothes holding two flaming oil tank cars with both hands, slowly walking away! Everyone's mouths are open! He is stronger! The man in black held up the oil can and walked as usual! We went straight to a pond on the side of the road and walked directly to the middle of the water! Gradually, the figure in black and the two carriages sank under the water! Hundreds of spectators at the scene and in front of the screen covered their mouths at the same time and were silent! Threat cleared? But what about the black clothes? Sudden! There was a loud bang! There was an explosion under the water, and the fire shot into the sky! The broken oil tank fell apart and burst out of the water! Diesel poured onto the water and ignited a raging fire! The entire pond turned into a brazier! Oops! It finally exploded! Everyone's heart suddenly rose to their throats, where is the black suit! ! ! He won't be broken into pieces! But see.

A figure slowly walked out of the water! Step by step, as steady as a rock! His body was also stained with a lot of diesel, and the flames were beating and burning! But surprisingly, his black trench coat seemed invulnerable to water and fire and was completely undamaged! The man in black slowly walked out of the pond, as if he were walking out of the fire, as if he was reborn from the ashes! He said nothing and bowed his head slightly.

The reporters at the scene were dumbfounded and stared straight at him! Black is unscathed! This is so cool! Black Clothes slowly came to the camera, covered his chin with his right hand, and said in a low voice: "Here, the Punisher Organization - Black Clothes!" When the reporters heard this name, the hairs on their bodies stood up! So excited! The audience in front of the TV also shouted with excitement! "Ah... Hei Yi!" "My hero Hei Yi!" "What an awesome punisher!" "Ah... Hei Yi loves me to death!" Hei Yi smiled lowly again, "Hmph... .It’s a trivial effort, not worth mentioning. I am 28 years old this year, alone..." At this moment.

Liu Di slightly held his forehead and said softly: "That's enough..." The man in black in front of the camera suddenly froze! He was wearing headphones and could hear what Liu Di said! The man in black sniffed, "Goodbye, everyone!" In an instant! The man in black jumped up! His figure disappeared in the blink of an eye! He came to the no-man's land in the distance, put down his collar, and revealed a tearful face! His voice trembled, and he said to himself: "Wow... I was really so handsome just now!" "Crazy and cool!" "It's been 28 years, the first highlight of my life!" "The third emperor... You are really my reborn parents..." "I made myself cry..."... In the official venue of Hai City, the six major alliance countries and Longwei members opened their mouths and rubbed their eyes hard! They were still staring at the screen that had been closed! They were shocked! The man in black....! The cyborg who pulled the bridge with his bare hands! Moreover, there was at least a hundred diesel explosions just now! He was actually safe and sound! His strength is C+ or higher! He is from the Punisher! They have such a strong man! Cao Chenghe swallowed his saliva and wanted to hug Liu Di's thigh for a moment! His Rubik's Cube... can really create a super master! And Duan Hua, at this time, was not calm! Isn't this a bit wrong! The black clothes who pulled the bridge... his eyes were glowing purple! It should be the cosplay played by Liu Di! How come there is another one! What's going on!

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