Early in the morning of the next day, the three Chang brothers knelt at the entrance of the SWAT team. Along with the three, there was also a piece of evidence. It detailed the three people's child trafficking! But this material only stopped at the criminal evidence of these three people. Their superiors were not mentioned. Duan Hua stood in front of the three people and scratched his head. Did Liu Di do it? So fast? But this is just the tip of the iceberg of the criminal group! A special forces member came up with a document in his hand, "Team leader, there is a new situation in the underworld." Remember http:// in one second "Huh?" Duan Hua's face turned cold, "What's the situation?" The special forces member said ambiguously: "Led by the Black Fox Gang, more than a dozen gangs, big and small, suddenly closed their businesses, nightclubs, baths, and casinos, a total of hundreds of them were closed." Duan Hua was confused, "What are they going to do?" "It's said to be renovated." The special forces member smiled helplessly: "They announced to the public that they are ready to do serious business!" "Hotels, restaurants, cafes, and bookstores, etc.... It seems that they are still high-tech." "Oh." "Ah?" Duan Hua was stunned, "That bunch of bastards opened a restaurant?" "And a bookstore?" "And high-tech?" "Can they read?" The team member said: "According to the information from the informant, this is the decision of their new boss Emperor Er." Emperor Er? Duan Hua widened his eyes. He drank a sip of wolfberry soaked in a thermos cup in a daze. Boy, you have it! You are really a genius! The team member said cautiously: "Team leader, I always feel that there is some conspiracy here. Should we intervene and investigate it thoroughly?" "No need!" Duan Hua quickly came back to his senses, "Give them time! These tumors are hard to get rid of. If they can really change their ways, it's okay!" After a moment, Duan Hua asked again: "Where is Miss Lisa Fei?" The team member said distressedly: "She has been playing all day since she came to Haishi, and we can't do anything about her!" Duan Hua frowned again! One plays all day! The other plays gangsters all day! When will you do real work for me! ... Mass Hall 5th floor. Nan Ruoyi hesitated and said: "Sir, all our businesses are closed, and your plan is also in preparation." "But..." "In this way, our gang will have no economic income." "Besides, are you assured of these young guys in the gang doing this?" Liu Di smiled lightly, "I'm not assured of them, I'm assured of you. With your intelligence and wisdom, it's not difficult to do these things." Nan Ruoyi felt warm in his heart! Brother Liu said again: "When the business is on the right track, you should not hide behind the scenes, be a legitimate entrepreneur, and let Mr. Nan feel more at ease." Nan Ruoyi pursed her lips. After all, the arm is no match for the thigh. The little indulgence in the dark world was also ended by the master. Oh... okay. Who made him a master. There seemed to be no room for filth in his eyes. "Also, Ruoyi, you don't have to worry about the money." Brother Liu smiled lightly, "Miss Tina, please come in!" Nan Ruoyi saw the person coming. Suddenly a little depressed! This head of black wavy hair, towering chest peaks! Isn't it the mixed-race woman who drank alone with the master? Hetina held a stack of materials in her hand and said to Brother Liu: "Mr. Liu, the Pioneer Company has been registered, and 8 billion funds are ready." Brother Liu nodded slightly, "Then you discuss with Ruoyi, I have something else, I'm leaving first." The two women watched Brother Liu get up and leave. Different thoughts! Hedina: Alas... Mr. Liu is really not interested in me! Nan Ruoyi: Alas... Mr. Liu is very talented, but he just doesn't understand women's minds! ...1 hour later. In a cafe on the edge of Hai City. Brother Liu was leisurely sipping a cup of latte. The sun shines through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows onto the table and sofa, which is inexplicably comfortable. And across the street. Is the entrance to an old church. It's strange to say, such a dilapidated and remote church. In just 1 hour, top luxury cars kept visiting. One by one, silent bigwigs, under the escort of a group of bodyguards, hurried into the church. There were more than 30 people! Dingdangdang... The church bells rang. It was 12 noon. Brother Liu slowly got up and prepared to go out. The cafe waiter next to him smiled and said, "Sir, there is an event in the store today, and you can refill your cup for free." Brother Liu shook his head and smiled, "No, I need to go to a meeting."

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