Brother Liu walked into the church door.

Three men in black robes, who looked like some kind of clergymen, stopped him.

“Show the token.

Brother Liu nodded slightly and stretched out his hand to reveal the black ring on his finger! "Welcome, this believer."

"A man in black robe nodded slightly, "All modern technology is evil magic, which cannot coexist with the power of gods.

"Please hand over all communication equipment you have on you."

"Brother Liu smiled helplessly and took out his mobile phone, which was just a decoration.

This place must be Qiu Beiming's handiwork! Magic, gods, gods and men, so ridiculous! It’s nothing more than preventing secrets from leaking! If it weren't for Qiu Beiming's brain erosion, who would believe such ridiculous things? "This believer, please accept the verification of the Eye of Destiny.

"The man in black robe said again.

Um? Eye of Destiny? The man in black robe reached out and pointed, and there was a huge wooden eyeball carved on one side of the wall.

It's not small in size, but it looks a bit majestic.

The man in black robe said: "Please look into the eye of fate with your eyes.

"Brother Liu walked forward angrily.

I saw a small hole in the 'Eye of Destiny'.

The interior glowed red.

Devil Boy: "Ah, let me go, pupil scanning equipment! Bah! Is technology evil magic?" "Then what the hell is this?" Liu Di smiled and said: "Magic Boy, can you do it?" "Let me see. ..." "This thing is not connected to the Internet. There is an independent database connected to the scanner. It is estimated that these members registered their information when they joined the club.

"Brother Liu, you are a gangster, you can't say anything without information!" "However, it's not hard for me!" "Then, Chang Long's figure appeared in Brother Liu's perspective! The screen continued to zoom in, focusing on Chang Long's pupils.

Subsequently, a series of data analysis! Chang Long's eye structure, iris position, pupil size, lens data, etc... It's like being dissected, so detailed! The next moment, Liu Di's right eye underwent subtle changes, gradually simulating Chang Long's eyes! Devil Boy: "Okay, go ahead boldly!" Liu Di shook his head and smiled.

Use your right eye to look towards the 'Eye of Destiny'.

A rhythmic red laser swept across... "Yeah, yeah..." the demon boy's voice trembled: "I feel like I was peeped while taking a shower, haha!" 'Ding... Dear God, welcome to this event. times of doctrinal teaching.

’ A piece of artificially synthesized divine voice came.

The expressions of several men in black robes changed when they heard this, and they bowed and said, "Welcome the god!" Brother Liu was helpless again! Walking into the house.

Unexpectedly, there are still several men in black robes waiting! They put a huge black cloak on Brother Liu and put the hood on his head! For a moment, Brother Liu turned into a black-robed figure whose face could not be seen clearly, a bit like the god of death! Alas... Brother Liu sighed.

They probably don’t want the members to know each other’s identities! Qiubei Mingzhe’s organization is really a bit strict! But then again.

They removed the communication equipment, and there was no surveillance in this old church.

And the pupil recognition information database is not connected to the Internet.

Qiu Beiming also avoided all cameras.

What is he guarding against? Like poker? When Brother Liu entered the center of the church, he suddenly became enlightened! The dome is more than ten meters high, and the surrounding walls are mottled with European murals, giving it a sense of age.

It really has a bit of a sacred atmosphere! In the room, 40 invisible 'believers' wearing black robes were already standing quietly.

Silence one after another.

It really has a weird atmosphere.

A low singing voice came from nowhere, making people feel drowsy.

It seems that the teachings that have been gathered together these past few days are also intended to stabilize brain erosion! But this had no effect on Brother Liu. He quietly walked into the crowd and transformed into a quiet believer! Watch quietly.

The black robes of the five or six people were embroidered with gold, the same as what they were wearing.

I guess this is the 'god man' they call him.

That is to transform people! And others are ordinary believers! Shaoqing.

An embroidered god walks onto the stage.

He raised his hands to the sky and said loudly: "The ninth believers of the Divine Network, as the envoy of the God of the North Pluto, I welcome your arrival!" All the believers nodded! The man said again: "Lord Bei Mingshen is preaching doctrines elsewhere. He cannot come in person today. I have specially appointed this envoy to urge you to complete your mission!" Liu Di was even more amused! Pretend to be a ghost! But he said that Qiu Beiming had a good mind! The Chinese people are somewhat superstitious, so there is a way to win them all over.

I'm afraid it's only suitable for these gods and monsters! However, there was a vocabulary that caught Liu Di's attention just now.

The Ninth Society of the Divine Network? ! Already ranked number 9? Based on this judgment, Beiming Pavilion is quite powerful! But the messenger on the stage said again: "Believers, report the progress of your mission one by one!" A man in black robes took a step forward and said: "Report to the messenger, I have united with the four major banks to prepare funds, and it is expected that there will be no one." The monthly available funds will reach 200 billion!" Liu Di's perspective instantly showed the person's body analysis. Although he couldn't see his face, after comparison, it turned out that this person was the president of North China Bank who arrived earlier! The messenger nodded.

Another man in black robe stepped out and said: "Reporting to the Lord Messenger, my 12 various media outlets have been gradually prepared, and it is expected that they will be able to create publicity in a month.

"This man is a media tycoon who controls websites, newspapers, magazines, and many media companies! Another man in black robe stepped out: "I have joined forces with three bosses to acquire 5 private hospitals and 3 private laboratories. , and 4 other interested institutions are currently negotiating.

""Ah, very good! "The messenger nodded again! "Reporting to the messenger, I have contacted 10 entertainment stars and 4 sports stars in the circle, and they all agreed to create publicity for us.

"This man is a first-line film and television star in China!" Report the messenger, I have arranged a relationship with the government and will facilitate us in the religious procedures! "This man is a high-ranking local official in Hai City!" Envoy, I have arranged for three divine men in the palace to join the military, and they will also create a trend for us! "This person is a war cadre in Hai City! "Envoy..." A timid voice sounded: "My acquisition of a large medical group here is blocked... But please rest assured, envoy, I will find a new one as soon as possible. Target! "This person is clearly Lan Jingsheng, the chairman of Wit Biotech Group! At this point, the envoy hesitated slightly and seemed to have a hint of anger.

But in a flash, he said kindly: "Lord Bei Ming Shen is broad-minded and can allow his people to make mistakes. This time the punishment can be avoided. Let us serve as a warning!" "Yes..." Lan Jingsheng's body trembled slightly and he bowed. Stand back.

Brother Liu was also shocked when he heard this! Based on this, if Chang Long were here today, would he also step forward to report his progress in unifying the underworld? The underworld, white circles, business circles, government, even the entertainment industry, and the war department are all infiltrated! This is truly a hidden network that can cover up everything! And what I saw today was nothing more than the so-called Ninth Sect of the Divine Network.

In other words, there are at least 8 such groups located elsewhere! But he didn't expect that Beiming Pavilion had developed to such an extent? He also used his brain-corrosion skills to the extreme! Encourage Witte Biotech to acquire Yingzhi? Encourage Chang Long to unify the underworld? What a big game of chess! Just listen to the messenger saying: "In this current chaotic world, it is also time to let the light of this god shine!" "Please believers, please hurry up and prepare. The Lord of the Pavilion, Beiming God, will join hands with many gods to come to the world in two months." "Time!" "Transform this world into a world where gods and humans coexist!" "Of course, all mortals must submit to me, Beiming Palace!" Brother Liu narrowed his eyes.

turn out to be.

All their actions are for the coming of the ‘god-man’.

It is also about transforming people to integrate into society in a high profile! At that time, through the slow promotion and teaching, Beiming Pavilion will emerge from the water and gain the supreme status! The ambition is not small! Is this going to create a new class structure? A world of pretentious teachings? A world where gods and men are supreme? Qiubei meditates to become the new king? Fortunately Qiu Beiming could think of it! Devil Boy: "I collected it! There are such churches in 12 cities including Hengzhou, Tian'an, Kyoto, Shencheng, etc.!" "Big bosses from various places also come regularly!" "What an amazing Beiming Pavilion! "Brother Liu chuckled in his heart! Pavilion Master Qiu Beiming, thank you for your hard work! I really underestimated you before I downloaded it. I didn’t expect you to work so hard! I have to say that if the Beiming Palace continues to develop, it will be able to cover the sky! It's a pity... "Demon boy, have you heard of this word?" "What.

"Reap the benefits!" The devil boy thought for a while and said mischievously: "There is a hot word on the Internet called white prostitution. Is that what it means?" "Demon boy, you are still young, you should learn a little better!" "Ahem! I heard Brother Liu cough! Get ready to give it a try now! All the believers came together to look! This man of God... He actually took off his cloak and revealed his true face? I saw that handsome-looking man Young man, slowly walk onto the stage and stand side by side with the messenger!

The young man took out an instrument similar to a pen and slowly put it to his mouth. A low and loud voice came: "Everyone... well, believers... please be patient and listen to me."

"Everyone was in a trance for a moment! They stared blankly at the people on the stage! "Are you convinced of the existence of gods in the divine world? "Everyone nodded in unison, "Of course! The God Realm is a supreme existence that was formed millions of years ago. Now that the God Realm has seen the suffering in the world, it has specially sent Lord Bei Mingshen to bless all living beings! "Di Liu could hardly hold back his smile.

It seems that Qiu Beiming's consciousness implantation is really deep into the bone marrow! Unshakable in everyone's heart! Demon Boy: "I'm afraid they have been brainwashed hundreds of times! But this does not affect the implantation of your second level of consciousness!" Liu Di paused and said: "You are lucky to know the existence of the God Realm! "Today, I can reveal another secret to you. Please keep it in your hearts!" Everyone nodded dullly! Liu Di adjusted his mood and said in a low voice: "I am the Emperor of the God Realm, and the God of Beiming is my general!" After saying that, Liu Di looked at everyone.

"Demon boy, is this okay?" "What's wrong? It sounds ridiculous, but this is their real world! Under such a brain wave frequency, whatever you say is whatever it is, and they can find reasonable explanations themselves!" Everyone's eyes suddenly lit up! Nothing seems to be wrong! Liu Di tried again and said: "Today I specially appoint you all as supervisory envoys to supervise the coming and training of the Beiming God!" "In order not to affect the Beiming...god, there is no need to disclose this matter to him!" "In the future, matters in the palace will not be disclosed to him. I will listen to the arrangements of the God of the North Pluto for the time being, and I will not interfere.

"But please remember."

"From now on, if you listen to my name and see my purple devil eye, all believers in Beiming Temple must obey unconditionally and listen to my orders!" "All the believers felt as if they had found a treasure! They trembled and knelt down one after another! "I will obey the instructions of the gods! "Dare you ask for the divine name?" "Liu Di was slightly startled. Is there such a thing as a Dharma title? After thinking for a moment, Liu Di said in a deep voice: "God-man Emperor Wu! "

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