Mass outside the nightclub.

A boy of seventeen or eighteen years old, his head slightly lowered, with bangs covering his eyes.

He confirmed it silently and then went straight in.

He turned a blind eye to the dozen or so Black Fox members in the hall.

Head down and go upstairs.

Several Black Fox boys frowned.

Why does anyone dare to enter and leave my Black Fox headquarters now? Even if we want to clean up, we are still the largest gang in the black market! More than a dozen younger brothers came forward with cheers! After looking at it carefully for a long time, this guy's aura felt a bit familiar! Silent, bowed, silent, cold and evil! The bodies of M and others trembled for a while! A quick-thinking boy reacted instantly, "Brothers, don't move!" "Do you see anything familiar about him?" Everyone weakly replied: "Yes..." "He and Xiaochun Shenren Same!" "Same age, same feeling, the God of Killing!" Everyone sighed! I'm afraid there is no one else in the world! Not surprisingly... this guy is a relative of Mr. Di Er, probably his younger brother! Mr. Di Er’s family is a genius! In unison, everyone made way for a passage! He watched blankly as the young man slowly walked up the stairs! at this time.

Brother Liu is sitting in a separate room.

In front of him were the three Chang brothers with different expressions of embarrassment! Click.

The iron door was opened and the young man pushed it in.

“Brother, what you want.

"The young man stretched out his hand and handed over an instrument similar in size to a pen.

The person who came was none other than Xiaoxia.

When he first met Chang Long, Brother Liu negotiated with the devil boy and made a piece of equipment in the experimental cemetery.

After completion.

Then he notified Xiaoxia to pick it up and deliver it.


"Brother Liu took the instrument and nodded slightly.

Xiaoxia glanced around the room, but the three Chang brothers ignored it.

Turning to look at Xiaochun behind Brother Liu, "Xiaochun, are you causing trouble for me?

"Xiaochun lowered his head and said nothing. This terrifying and cold-blooded murderer was at a loss at this moment.

“Xiaxia, it’s okay.

Liu Di smiled kindly and said, "I'm my brother. It's only normal to help you solve your troubles. I'll take Xiaochun back to recuperate."

"Xiaochun pursed her lips slightly, full of guilt.

"Brother, let's go first.

"Xiaoxia took Xiaochun's hand and was about to turn around and go out.

Brother Liu smiled again and said: "Everyone is thin, you guys will have to come when you go home to have hot pot in a few days.

Xiaoxia and Xiaochun finally softened their expressions and said in unison: "Okay."

"After Xiaoxia and the others left.

Brother Liu gently played with the device in his hand.

Mo Tong: "From a scientific point of view, the principle of hypnosis is to use a set of effective guidance and suggestion methods to lead the hypnotized person to relax, so that the frequency of his brain waves reaches the wave (8-12hz per second) or wave (per second) 4-7hz) range.

"."Qiu Beiming's brain erosion is nothing more than amplifying his hypnotic ability through equipment and changing the target's brain waves.

"Then guide through words and implant thoughts into the target!" "Your hypnosis skills, coupled with my sonic diffuser, should be able to achieve this effect!" "I have researched it with great concentration. Isn't it amazing?" ""sharp.

"Liu Di smiled softly and pressed the button of the instrument in his hand. The instrument lit up with a fluctuating blue light.

Devil Boy: "Then I'll wake up the little white mouse!" He just finished speaking.

Without bias, the fire sprinkler above Chang Long's head suddenly flashed red.

Wow...a stream of water fell from the sky and poured all over Chang Long's head! Chang Long hummed a few times and gradually woke up! Although he was hit hard by Brother Liu, he was a reformed person after all.

Except for the loss of one arm, everything else is fine! "Where is this!" Chang Long saw the situation clearly and felt severe pain in his arm. He immediately screamed, "Di Er, you crippled my arm, I'm going to kill you!" Liu Di put the instrument on the He whispered softly, "Chang Long!" Liu Di's words were modified by the sound wave diffuser, and instantly became deep and powerful, with a hoarse echo in his voice! The irritable Chang Long was stunned for a moment! Then his eyes became blank and he stared at Brother Liu in a daze.

No more action.

Brother Liu said again: "Chang Long, have you ever seen Qiu Beiming?" Chang Long was stunned again! His eyes trembled: "Qiu Beiming... Beiming Pavilion..." Suddenly Chang Long saw Brother Liu, who was wearing a white shirt and his hair slightly covering his forehead and eyes, and he fell to the ground! "Heiwang Chang Long pays homage to the Lord of the Pavilion!" "Bei Ming God, may you be blessed with blessings!" "Chang Long swears to complete your oracle to the death!" Liu Di was slightly stunned, and countless inferences flashed through his mind. ! Qiu Beiming...Beiming Pavilion...Qiu Beiming and I have similar clothes and similar body shapes. Chang Long is confused at this time, and he is afraid that he has made a mistake! Brother Liu squinted his eyes again, and information about three keywords of Beiming Pavilion appeared in his view! But the information is very scarce, very few! It can be vaguely determined that Beiming Pavilion is a civil sect organization.

Believe in a god named Bei Mingshen in mythology! Moreover, the concept of ‘God-man’ is also a teaching from Beiming Pavilion! Brother Liu pondered slightly.

interesting! Qiu Beiming created such a superstitious organization underground? It quite suits his evil spirit! Suddenly, Brother Liu recalled a scene in his mind.

It was on the day of the auction of Yingzhi shares that Weite Fan Chengen said to Ouyang Fengyu, 'I will report it to your Excellency and let him reward him based on his merits...' "Magic boy, check the relationship between Chang Long and Lan Jingsheng, chairman of Weite Biogroup. The same behavior between people! "Ding... A simple building appeared in Liu Di's perspective.

Like a medieval church.

Demon Boy: "Every 5 days, Chang Hu and Lan Jingsheng's trajectories overlap, and that's this church!" Brother Liu nodded slightly.

The next moment, he suddenly noticed a ring on Chang Long's hand.

Black and shiny.

It looked familiar.

Brother Liu was slightly surprised and took out an identical ring from his arms.

Very interesting, really interesting... The black ring rotated back and forth in Brother Liu's hand.

This was the ring that the Gemini and Penguin fought.

After Teng Hualong was defeated and surrendered, he gave Brother Liu the ring to show his goodwill! Teng Hualong said at the time - this is the key to the top circle!

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