Just a personal maid! Such a tiny scratch on my face! As a result, the murderer suffered such horrific revenge! Even the boss of the Taoist group is feeling cold all over his body! There was a roar in their hearts.

Thinking hard.

Mr. Dier is demonstrating again! No one can dream of persecuting members of the Black Fox Gang! Not even a maid! These three sword strikes represent the strength of Mr. Di Er! The majestic dragon will end up being slaughtered by others if he offends the black fox! There is no resistance at all! Don't mess with the black fox! The Second Emperor cannot be disobedient! Even if a pet dog from the Black Fox Gang comes out, you have to make way for it! This is the seed buried in the hearts of all the big guys from today on! A dark and terrifying seed! Brother Liu squinted his eyes and looked at everyone.

He knew it in his heart.

The yakuza is the yakuza! They have a high-sounding appearance, but they all have evil intentions in their hearts! It will be difficult to subdue this group of desperadoes without resorting to tough measures! Although today's methods are a bit cruel.

But the three brothers of the Chang family also deserved their punishment! I have no choice but to show them to the monkeys by killing the chicken! First, shock the group of people in front of you, and within a day, the boss of the other half who did not show up will also get the news! Everyone is in danger, everyone is afraid! Only in this way can we ensure that the Black Fox Gang remains calm in the future! I will definitely not stay among the underground forces for a long time.

Leave a lasting impression.

This is the best explanation for Nan Ruoyi! At this time, Nan Ruoyi was moved in her heart! Mr. Di Er in front of me is extremely capable and clever! The most important thing is that he is really thinking about himself! I really avenged myself! I miss you Mr. De, and I will have no regrets in this life! "Everyone, do you understand what I mean?" Liu Di said in a low voice.

All the big guys nodded like garlic! joke! Who dares not understand? "That's good!" "I have one more thing to announce!" Brother Liu stood up leisurely and said with his hands behind his back: "I, the Second Emperor, solemnly announce here that from today on, the Black Fox Gang will abandon black and white, and instead operate a physical business. "All the people's livelihood needs, including catering, accommodation and entertainment, are provided in all directions!" "We are not only the boss of the underground, but also the pioneers of change!" What? What? Not only the Taoist bosses, but also the Black Tiger Gang's jaws dropped to the ground! Sir, you never said anything about this! Nan Ruo also doesn’t know! He breathed out a little.

Whatever the teacher says to do, do it! "Boss Di Er, did I hear you correctly?" "Do you want a physical business, a legal one?" A somewhat upright Taoist boss asked.

Brother Liu nodded slightly, "That's right!" "But our business must be different from the market and all contain technological attributes!" "Everyone sitting here again, I will also give you a chance. If you want to change your mind and abandon black and white, I welcome you to join!" "Of course, once you join, you will be a serious businessman. If you act out of line, I will personally punish you!" The scene was quiet again! The bosses are trapped! Unexpected! Mr. Di Er is truly a strange person! First, the methods are extremely cruel! And then it’s so righteous? Want to turn the largest gang in Shanghai into a real business? Everyone can’t react! But at the same time, it also touched the vision in the hearts of many people.

No one wants to be scared.

No one wants to wander around the legal boundaries all day long! There's just no better way to choose from! The bosses are confused! But I heard Brother Liu saying softly: "I'll give you one night to think about it, and you won't wait until it expires!"... 2 hours later.

The leading banquet was over, and more than a hundred road bosses left with worries! There isn’t much time left for them to think! And Brother Liu returned to the office long after he finished speaking.

He has no intention of making friends with these Taoist people.

Dang dang dang...Nan Ruoyi and more than a dozen prominent bosses from the Black Fox Gang pushed open the door and entered.

The hall masters had grimaces on their faces.

The TV on the wall automatically played slides one after another.

‘Smart hotel’, ‘smart restaurant’, ‘smart library...’ totaling more than 10 real industry projects! And each one is very detailed, including business ideas, design drawings, and almost all necessary elements for business! The most special thing is.

Each of these projects is full of high technology! The smart hotel has a voice reception desk, smart luggage trolleys, and smart homes throughout the house... And in the restaurant, there are smart ordering systems, precision cooking kitchens, drone food delivery, and more! Each and every one of the black technologies made all the boys look at them in a daze! "Huh? Why did this person leave without paying?" "Didn't you see? There is facial recognition when you go out and enter the door. When he went out, he had automatically scanned his face to pay! He didn't even have to lift his hand!" "It's really true. , so awesome.

"After a full 20 minutes.

Everyone watched the entire plan and demonstration video.

"Boss Di Er..." Black Fox looked bitter, "You don't really want us to do this, do you?" Liu Di smiled and said nothing.

But he saw Nan Ruoyi behind him glare at the black fox! Black Fox's body trembled, "Okay, whatever Mr. Dier says will be whatever it is!" At this time, the personnel division of labor plan was broadcast on the screen.

Black Fox squinted his eyes for a long time.

Let out a long breath! He turned around and said: "Master of the Iron Battle Hall, Ghost Wolf!" "I'm here, boss!" A bald-headed and somewhat imposing gangster walked out of the crowd.

Black Fox said with a complex expression: "I'll give you 20 days to sign up for a class to study hotel management, and by the way, you can study this hotel plan for me!" The leader of the Iron Battle Hall also looked collapsed, "Boss, this..." " Shut up and seek death?" "Okay.

"The leader of the Iron Battle Hall retreated obediently! Black Fox raised his chest and said, "Feixie Hall, Zhan Gang, come out!" A burly man with scars all over his face walked out, "Boss, I'm here!" "I'll give you 20 days to figure out how to cook... Oh, I won't open a restaurant!" The leader of the Feixie Hall said with a look of collapse, "Boss Black Fox, I can't read..." "I can't read?" Black Fox frowned, "Fuck, if you can't read, let me read it to you! "Yes..." The leader of the Flying Scorpion Hall retreated obediently! Black Fox nodded, "Afeng, who is in charge of the casino, come out, I'll give you 20 days..." Brother Liu watched with interest.

It's hard not to laugh and cry in my heart! These tattooed and ferocious gang leaders were arranged to learn various skills at this time.

It really feels like a straight man's body was shaken and he raised his hand to pick up the Barbie doll! Brother Liu had a plan in advance! It's a bit hasty for them to rely on themselves.

But the biggest advantage of smart stores is - de-manual operation! 90% of the employees are mechanical! And 10% of the humans are only responsible for maintenance! It's most suitable for these gangsters who have changed their jobs halfway! Come on.

Black Society.

Do you know that what you are about to come into contact with is the change of the times! Applying smart interconnection to the physical service industry! The offline section of my brother Liu's entire business layout! In the next 50 years, this is a global industrial innovation! But.

It is also because of my existence that Haishi will be 49 years ahead of the world!

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