Bang! Chang Long's body rolled to the edge of the banquet hall and smashed a luxurious dining table to pieces! His eyes were white and he was vomiting blood! His punching arm was piled up like a deflated balloon! The whole place was dead silent.

The onlookers were so shocked that their hearts stopped beating! Then, a huge wave surged in my heart! A pair of eyes looked at Brother Liu.

The fear goes deep into the bones! The majestic god Chang Long was knocked away by Mr. Di Er's move! And only used one finger! Remember http:// in one second This is not a simple gap! This is a crushing strength that is dozens or hundreds of times higher! The knowledge of the big guys on the road has been refreshed again! It turns out that human beings can be so strong? It turns out that in Di Er's eyes, Chang Long is an ant! Mr. Di Er is always calm because he has great abilities! It's ridiculous that the three brothers from the Kuanglong Gang and the Chang Family are still so self-righteous and arrogant! Just as Mr. Di Er said those two words: escape! The backhand can be shot to death! Everyone looked at Chang Long on the ground with fear.

My heart trembled.

He is a man of God, even so.

So what would happen if you suffered such a blow? I'm afraid my body will be broken! Everyone was deeply afraid.

Fortunately, I showed my kindness to Mr. Di Er at the critical moment! Otherwise, if you use him as your enemy... the consequences will be disastrous! Uncle Qi and the other three seniors sighed secretly.

Today's world.

It's no longer their time.

Once upon a time, a strong body could conquer the world with a single brute force.

And now, the god of unknown origin appears again.

The level of strength is fundamentally changed! It turns out that the god Chang Long is definitely a hero.


It was impossible to compete with Di Er when he met him! The second boss of the Black Fox Gang! Di Er, the king of the sea city underworld! The super powerful god-man Emperor II! Sigh... The three elders showed a look of helplessness.

Today’s society is no longer something we old-timers can understand and interfere with! Xiaochun, who had been resting aside, still looked cold and calm.

But my heart couldn't calm down either.

Brother, he has become stronger again.

In just a few days, the mountain has gone from being the highest mountain to competing with the sun and the moon! And Nan Ruo also had her lips turn white.

She did feel a little worried just now.

But after those few seconds of brief confrontation.

She was a little annoyed again.

Time after time, Mr. Wang fell into crisis and encountered powerful enemies again and again.

It seems to be in danger every time! But every time.

Sir, he will show off his ability to crush everything! If the devil is as high as the road, you will always be able to turn danger into safety! This made Nan Ruoyi's heartbeat keep rising and falling.

Nan Ruo also bit her lip gently.

I warned myself in my heart: Nan Ruoyi, your vision is not enough to see through Mr., don’t doubt Mr. in the slightest in the future! Only the Black Fox Gang members in the audience were full of excitement! My boss is invincible! Invincible! You will surely make a name for yourself by following Mr. Di Er! Then, at Liu Di's signal, several Black Fox boys walked into the arena and dragged the unconscious Chang Long to the stage.

So far.

The three brothers of the Chang family and the three heads of the Kuanglong Gang are all gathered together! A naked and tied man was already in a daze.

One goes deep into the mud and can only hum.

The bones of the third arm were completely broken and he was unconscious.

From now on, there will be no more Kuanglong Gang on the road! Brother Liu's face was as calm as water, and he said softly to everyone: "Sit down!" The bosses were instantly shocked! They all came to their senses! How shrewd they are! It can be seen from the battle just now that Emperor Er is so powerful.

The Kuanglong Gang can be destroyed easily! It’s still what Mr. Di Er said, it’s like paper! but.

Emperor Er set up such a leading banquet and even attended it in person.

And he ravaged the Chang brothers in full view of the public! It was obvious that he had something to say! Among the hundreds of bosses of all kinds including the three seniors, no one dared to hesitate.

They all found stools and sat down! This battle smashed many tables and chairs, and some of the lower-ranking people had to stand respectfully! I saw Brother Liu slowly returning to the stage.

He took out the dark glove from his pocket and put it on his hand.

Click, click... Liu Di is tying the buttons connecting the gloves and sleeves.

However, even if it is such a small sound, everyone can hear it clearly.

Because at this time, you can hear a pin drop at the scene! Everyone also knows that that little black glove is the tool that Emperor Er said was used to limit his power and prevent him from destroying the world.

Everyone suddenly thought, could it be that Di Er was wearing something like this all over his body? How much power is hidden in his body? Just by showing one palm and one finger, the god Chang Long was crippled! Everyone was sweating instantly! It’s scary to think about it! Only Brother Liu's faint voice came, "I brought the three brothers of the Chang family here to tell you something.

"Everyone tensed up! "It's very simple.

"Whoever touches my people, I will ask him to pay back ten times!" "So today I'm going to collect a debt in front of everyone."

"Brother Liu fastened his gloves and looked at the three brothers of the Chang family with a serious look.

All the bosses looked stiff and smiled.

The Kuanglong Gang only injured more than 100 members of the Black Fox Gang.

But your Mr. Di Er has already brought down 600 crazy dragon brothers.

Moreover, they also destroyed their three bosses! How else to collect debt? Brother Liu raised his hand slightly and pointed at Nan Ruoyi's face.

Everyone could only squint to see clearly that there were three scratches on the maid's white face that were almost healed.


"Brother Liu called softly.

Xiaochun nodded slightly, and a black cold dagger appeared in his hand with a flick of his wrist! Xiaochun came to the stage without saying a word, and a cold light flashed in his hand.

A scream rang out! Three deep wounds that reached the bone were cut on Chang Bao's face! Through the cheek! More than ten centimeters long! Bloody! Xiaochun did not pause! Next came Chang Hu and Chang Long! Three cuts in total, three wounds! In the bloody smell, only Liu Di said lightly: "It's even!" The big guys were sweating again!

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