"You old thing!" "Still taking the big brother position?" "In my eyes, you are no different from ants!" "After I finish dealing with Emperor Er, I will operate on you one by one!" Chang Long had already walked to the center of the field.

Staring at the two younger brothers in different miserable conditions behind Brother Liu, the fire in his heart became even stronger! He yelled! He kicked the round table next to him with a fierce kick! Bang! The tabletop flew out and shot directly at Brother Liu.

Brother Liu just tilted his head slightly.

The tabletop was like a sharp blade. With a roar, it sank into the wall behind it, causing earth and rocks to fly! mThe bosses fled in all directions! This is simply not a battle that ordinary people can participate in! Stay away to save your life! "Di Er, let me tell you, if I hadn't been involved in something important before, you wouldn't be alive today!" But Chang Long didn't finish his words.

A figure shot out! It’s Xiaochun! Bang! The two fists met and Xiaochun took three steps back! But Chang Long remained motionless! "Haha, why did my second brother get captured!" "It turns out that you, a little bastard, betrayed me!" Chang Long laughed evilly, "That's just right, you won't even be able to survive today!" Bang! Chang Long and Xiaochun clashed head-on again! The strong wind blew, causing the tables and chairs all around to overturn! Chang Long remained motionless, while Xiaochun did two consecutive backflips before kneeling down on one knee! There is faint blood oozing from the corner of the mouth! Hiss... A chill came out of the soles of the onlookers! That magical little girl is no match for Chang Long! She was so strong, she showed weakness with just two punches! If the beating continues, she may really die! Chang Long is too strong! Mr. Di Er may not be able to escape unscathed this time! The bosses felt a little regretful! Blind! Blindly showing favor to Emperor Er offended the ghost Chang Long! If Emperor Er loses today, he will not be able to protect himself in the future! Today they finally saw what it means to be a god! It seems that Di Er defeated 600 people yesterday, which is not a big deal! "Hahaha..." Chang Long rolled his sleeves and smiled, "You idiot, do you know that gods and men also have levels?" "We are both gods and men. You are the earth and I am the sky. There is no comparison!" "Mr. .

"Nan Ruoyi, who was behind him, subconsciously grabbed Liu Di's arm, very worried! At this time, Liu Di, seeing Xiaochun injured, frowned instantly! "Xiaochun, you go and rest! Xiaochun looked a little pale and nodded slightly, "Brother...he..." "Go and rest!" "Brother Liu stared at Chang Long, with anger filling his brows! It's that feeling again! Nan Ruo also felt a chill beside him! Mr. Liu himself is as light-hearted as water, but if anyone dares to discuss someone close to him, he will become furious in an instant!" Brother Liu, don’t worry, Xiaochun is fine! "The devil boy's voice came: "There is no doubt that this guy is a reformer, but judging from his strength, this guy is more than A5 level! "The figure of the demon boy appeared, holding a magnifying glass and carefully 'observing' Chang Long! "Huh..." "No wonder..." "This guy's subconscious power has been activated.

Liu Di stood up quietly and thought in his mind: "What do you mean?" "Sigh..." "After being hypnotized, many people will complete some things that they cannot complete when they are awake."

"There was once a pregnant woman in the West who was hypnotized into thinking that her child was trapped, and ended up lifting a piano with her bare hands!" "This guy is similar. He originally had a5 strength, but now he is hypnotized into thinking he is a super god."

"So the strength has increased a lot, about a8-a10 level!" Liu Di gritted his teeth, "No wonder Xiaochun failed!" Devil Boy: "Brother Liu, this hypnosis technique is very advanced. Guess who it is?" Liu Di's eyes flashed and he spat out a few words through his teeth, "Qiu Beiming!" "immediately.

Brother Liu came to the center of the field, and the anger in his eyes gradually turned into calm! But the momentum is unparalleled! The inexplicable sight made all the onlookers feel chills on their foreheads! Maybe Mr. Di Er is not that weak after all! “Originally, I wanted to avoid interfering with people like you.

"Brother Liu said calmly, slowly reached out to untie his shirt sleeves, and slowly rolled them up.

"But you always jump out in front of me!" "Like a clown!" Liu Di's cuffs were rolled up, revealing the black tights inside.

The onlookers were also puzzled.

Ever since I met Mr. Di Er, I had been curious about why he was wearing a pair of black gloves.

Now it seems that Di Er's clothes are not only black gloves, but also the same clothes on the inside of his upper body! Does this look like a wetsuit? Huh? What is Di Er doing? I saw Brother Liu opening a few locks on his wrists.

He slowly took off one of his gloves and said, "You said there are differences between gods and men, but you're right!" "But you don't understand, what is the definition of the difference?" Liu Di slowly folded his gloves and put it in In his arms, he said in a low voice: "I'm here to explain to you today what the difference is between you and me!" "That's..." "My level is something you can never reach!" "Even.

"In order not to let myself miss and cause harm to the world."

"" He also painstakingly relied on external forces to restrict himself.

"Chang Long, do you understand?" "After Brother Liu took off his gloves, he revealed his palms as white as jade, and the bones crackled! He pointed at Chang Long, "You, and the world, are like paper in my eyes! "I am careful everywhere!" "Afraid of causing the world to collapse!" "Liu Di's eyes flashed! This finger seemed to shoot out with invisible momentum! Even Chang Long was shocked at this moment! But in a flash! "Joke! Chang Long regained his momentum and shouted in a low voice: "What a shameless talk, alarmist talk!" "Trash is trash, performing a one-man show?" "It took a long time to compile these lines, right?" "You want to scare me with your momentum?" "You will die today, take your life!" "Chang Long gathered strength, the muscles in his legs bulged and exploded, the carpet under his feet tore, and he suddenly rushed towards Liu Di! He saw Liu Di's slender fingers slightly bent.

Facing Chang Long's fist containing a thousand catties of power.

A flick of the finger! boom! Loud noise! Accompanied by the sound of broken bones! Changlong flies upside down like a top! Blood spilled everywhere!

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