My right eye is a god-level computer

$188. Dragon Head Banquet

Everyone trembled! Chang Long is here? Is he coming to such a scene? Is this going to make a big banquet? Everyone looked towards the entrance of the banquet hall! But he saw two young men with arrogant faces and yellow hair and colorful arms walking into the house pushing a wheelchair.

There are some bumps on the seat of the wheelchair, covered with a red cloth! A young man grinned and said: "Our boss said that since the second emperor takes office today, we Kuanglong must also send some congratulatory gifts!" As he said that, the young man exerted a strong force on his hand, and the wheelchair came out! Rushing towards the stage crookedly! Bang! There was a collision and the red cloth fell! The smell of blood spreads! I saw a freshly beheaded dog head lying on the wheelchair seat! Blood was dripping down the wheelchair! The young man put his hands on his hips and said with a smile: "The boss said, I'll give you fresh game as an extra dish. Congratulations!" All the members of the Black Fox Gang suddenly became angry! See red? ! Dog head? ! This is a curse on our Black Fox Gang! You are humiliating Mr. Di Er! The boss who was sitting there was also a little angry! Most of them believe in ghosts and gods and the Second Master! A bit of feudal superstition! A bloody dog ​​head was served at the Dragon Head Banquet? unlucky! So unlucky! Too vicious! Chang Long really doesn’t follow any rules on the road! If you want to fight, then fight, if you want to fight, then fight! What's going on? The crowd is excited! There is a boss who can't help but take action! but.

Before everyone could react.

A blurry figure shot out from the side of the stage! Rush straight towards the two gangsters! Bang bang! Two crashes sounded.

One young man was kicked away, and although the other one stood there, his jaw was broken and his molars flew everywhere! Take action.

It's Xiaochun! Everyone blinked, but their eyes were dazzled, and these two gangsters were scrapped? When you see the figure clearly.

Everyone was shocked! Is it that little girl? who is she? So strong! I saw the little girl with a stern face, holding the little gangster in one hand and walking towards the stage.

The little bastard in his hand was already unconscious, and he spat out a molar and said: "If you dare to hit me, you are finished!" Bang! Xiaochun punched again, and the little gangster was completely knocked unconscious! Plop! The little bastard was thrown in front of the stage, with his head facing Brother Liu, and his whole body fell to the ground! The gang bosses were sweating again.

This is Mr. Di Er’s subordinate! So powerful! This speed...this power...could it be that she is also a 'god-man'? All the big guys looked at Brother Liu with a little more awe! There have been rumors in the world for a long time.

There is a type of people in the world who are favored by God.

They are one in a million.

Innate divine power! The power of waving hundreds of kilograms is called superman! It's like a god descending to earth! As long as this is the case, everyone will be a dragon and a phoenix! Over time, he was said to be a god! Through the battle in the rain last night.

The big guys are already determined.

Chang Long is a god...Mr. Di Er is also a god! This is why today’s rush is so intense! But unexpectedly, this little-known girl took action.

Showing amazing strength! She is probably also a god! There are two gods in the Black Fox Gang? Mr. Di Er is so powerful! And this little teenage girl? No wonder! This arrogant capital is simply too solid! Everyone can't help but look at Xiaochun.

Then, sweat poured out like rain! This little girl with an ordinary appearance exudes a cold aura in every move she makes! There is a fatal feeling! She must have killed someone! And quite a few! This is the kind of feeling like the tip of a knife licking blood! This girl may have been on the battlefield.

Killed countless lives! The road today is no longer what it was many years ago.

All the bosses also wear the name of entrepreneurs! He is not a desperado! The daily fights on the road are nothing more than group fights, broken bones and tendons, injuries and hospitalizations! Where have they seen such a murderous god? My heart went crazy for a moment! I don’t know how Mr. Di Er managed to conquer this person! “These two boys are so arrogant, they must be well prepared.

"Brother Liu said lightly, raising his head and looking out of the window across the void.

30 seconds ago, the complete fighting consciousness was quietly activated.

He clearly felt that a ball of red light that was brighter than ordinary people was approaching rapidly! 10 seconds later.

Bang! There was a loud noise.

A window suddenly shattered! A middle-aged man wearing a white Qigong suit smashed through the glass like a tank and fell steadily into the house! Everyone was startled by the loud noise! Looking back, my pupils suddenly shrank! Chang Long? ! Thinking of where they are now, everyone's hearts tremble again! Isn't this the fucking fifth floor? Moreover, the Mass Hall is a European-style building, which is taller than ordinary buildings! At least 40 meters above the ground! Are there no buildings around? Could it be that...Chang Long took off from the ground and jumped upstairs? Is that human being? Yes...he is the legendary god...! Mr. Di Er has encountered a powerful enemy! Everyone's hearts felt like they were on a roller coaster, going up and down for a while! Now that I see Chang Long arriving, I feel inexplicably nervous and sweat for Emperor Er! Chang Long glanced around with a gloomy expression, his eyes fixed on Liu Di.

"You are Emperor II, right?" Chang Long walked forward with his hands behind his back, his white clothes fluttering, with the momentum of a martial arts master, "You are a god, but you bully 600 ordinary brothers. I am ashamed for you!" Brother Liu sighed slightly, "You call yourself a god, you are ignorant!" Chang Long shook his head slightly, "It's rare that you are lucky enough to become a god, but unfortunately..." "If you provoke me, you will die here today!" But Uncle Qi suddenly stood up and shouted, "Chang Long, don't go too far!" "There are rules on the road, no one is allowed to die!" "Besides, you put a dog head at this dragon head banquet, which is already disrespectful!" "Leave quickly, I will forgive you this time on behalf of the big brother on the road who is sitting here!" Uncle Qi said, his arms trembling slightly under the table! Because.

He knew Chang Long's strength very well! Fear from the bottom of his heart!

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