My right eye is a god-level computer

165. Yingzhi Shareholders Meeting

2 hours later.

Meeting room on the top floor of Yingzhi Group.

Yan Qingwen sat opposite a dozen middle-aged men in suits and leather shoes.

The atmosphere was extremely depressing! "Wenwen, we have no choice but to do this, I hope you can understand!" After a long silence, a shareholder spoke.

At this time, Yan Qingwen was trembling all over, holding a stack of materials tightly in her hand, and the anger in her eyes almost ignited these papers! She never expected it.

The shareholders organized today's meeting with only one common purpose.

That is to sell off their shares together! "Uncle Zhang, all of you have 52% of the shares added together, which represents absolute control of the company.

" Remember http:// in one second "You actually want to sell the shares to Witte Bio at a low price. Do you want to destroy the company?" "Wite, but we have been competitors for many years!" Yan Qingwen gritted his teeth and said in a low voice.

"Sigh..." a bald man in his fifties sighed, "Chairman Yan encountered an accident, none of us wanted to see it, but it affected the company!" "We are all over fifty years old and have a lot of children to support. Aren't we just going to watch the shares in our hands become worthless?" Yan Qingwen's eyes were already wet, and he lowered his head and said, "Yingzhi is the life's work of father. He just had an accident now, and you are going to kick him when he is down?" "Father has been very good to you all these years!" After a pause, Yan Qingwen tried hard to adjust his emotions, still without looking up, "Elders, shareholders, can you please trust me this time? I will take over the group in the future, and I can guarantee your interests!" "" "You are only in your twenties, how can you understand business?" "Now our group has encountered such a change, isn't it all because of your carelessness?" For a moment, the shareholders were blaming! The bald shareholder waved his hand and said, "Wenwen, it's useless for you to say anything. We have already decided!" "Even if Mr. Yan wakes up, he can't be bigger than our 51% equity!" "We have decided to sell this equity today!" "Only by selling it now can we barely protect our capital!" Then, the bald shareholder stood up and applauded, "Now let's welcome the person in charge of this equity operation!" Everyone applauded and looked at the door of the conference room! Yan Qingwen's heart tightened and his eyes followed! Click... The door was opened.

A man in a British suit and gold-rimmed glasses walked into the conference room with a smile.

Yan Qingwen's pupils shrank! She was very familiar with this man. It was Ouyang Fengyu who was beaten into dementia by Liu Di! Ouyang Fengyu waved his hand proudly, and the applause stopped instantly.

He narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Wenwen, long time no see!" "You..." Yan Qingwen was extremely surprised, and stretched out his fingers with trembling hands, "How could it be you?" Ouyang Fengyu laughed, "Why can't it be me? I am now the head of the merger department of Witt Biotechnology!" "Today, I came here specifically to acquire your Yingzhi Group!" "Ouyang Fengyu!" "You repay kindness with enmity!" Yan Qingwen was so angry that he trembled all over, "We didn't sue you for your evil deeds for the sake of my eldest sister, but you dare to make trouble?" "Sue?" "Evil deeds?" "Hahaha..." Ouyang Fengyu sat in the chair calmly, "Miss Yan San, you can ask your Yingzhi, who dares to sue me now?" Yan Qingwen was stunned, and looked at a legal department head present with some confusion.

The man shrank back, not ready to speak, and did not dare to look at Yan Qingwen! Ouyang Fengyu laughed, "Your legal department is not going to sue me. Old man Yan is in a coma now. What can you, a little girl, do to me?" "I tell you, all the shareholders of your Yingzhi Group have to rely on me now!" "Without me, your stocks will rot in your hands!" Yan Qingwen is now struck by lightning! Ouyang Fengyu grinned and said, "Tomorrow, more than 52% of your Yingzhi Group's shares will be listed on the stock agency on time!" "And the Witt Group will acquire all of them as soon as possible!" "In the future, Yingzhi Group will be handed over to me to manage!" Then, Ouyang Fengyu looked at Yan Qingwen with a squinting look, "Do you know what the first thing I will do when I take office?" A trace of fear flashed in Yan Qingwen's eyes! "It is to eliminate your Yan family from the group as soon as possible!" "Let you have nothing!" "At that time, those two little girls, and you, will be at my mercy! Haha!" Yan Qingwen's eyes were bloodshot and his body was shaking! She slammed the table, "Ouyang Fengyu, you dare!" "Sorry, I dare, and I will definitely succeed!" Ouyang Fengyu said, throwing a stack of contracts on the table, "Everyone, I have prepared the equity auction contract, and you can sign it now!" "Don't sign!" Yan Qingwen screamed hysterically! But the shareholders seemed to be possessed. Without saying a word, they picked up the contract and rushed to sign! Yan Qingwen wanted to stop it, but was caught by the two followers brought by Ouyang Fengyu! She could only watch the signatures one by one.

Her eyes were full of despair! Until all the signatures were completed.

After everyone followed the grinning Ouyang Fengyu away.

Yan Qingwen was released.

He collapsed to the ground!

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