My right eye is a god-level computer

167. Miss San's request for help

Yan Qingwen felt like the world was spinning in front of him.

It seemed like the sky was falling.

In the blink of an eye, my father suffered an accident and became a vegetative state.

And the company is about to change hands under Ouyang Fengyu's behind-the-scenes operations! She couldn't understand.

Why should we suffer such a change! Ouyang Fengyu has obviously been kicked out of the company and has become dementia! Why did he change.

Not only is there no pathology, but he has become one of Witte's people? How did he instigate shareholders to turn against him? for a while.

Yan Qingwen feels that the world is extremely gloomy! She couldn't think of any solution! At this moment, a pair of arms stretched out and slowly helped her up.

"Ah Fu?" Yan Qingwen wiped away her tears and looked helplessly at Ah Fu, the housekeeper who had served the Yan family for many years.

"Miss Third, I already know everything.

"There is a way to save it."

"Afu bowed and said.

"What can I do?" Yan Qingwen grabbed Ah Fu's arm tightly.

Ah Fu said deeply: "I wonder if you can find some friends, raise funds, and buy back the group's shares before Wit.

“After all, the sales method of equity intermediaries is auction.

""Fund raising? ""friend? "Yan Qingwen was suddenly startled, Ah Fu's words reminded her! She blinked.

Thinking back to what Ah Fu said.

As a result, the first name that flashed in my mind was - Brother Liu! The man whose identity has become a mystery! But in an instant, Yan Qingwen shook his head fiercely.

Although Yingzhi Group's shares have shrunk, its market value is now at least 500 billion! 52% equity, at least 250 billion! Although Brother Liu is rich, his assets are only 10 billion! It's still too far! Moreover, it is hard to say whether Brother Liu is willing to help the Yan family! Yan Qingwen's thoughts were inexplicably darker! Somewhat disappointed! But she ignored the negativity and immediately cheered up.

He immediately sat in the conference room.

One by one, they started making phone calls.

My friends, relatives, father's friends, business partners... I called them all for two whole hours! The result made her despair again! Equity trade tomorrow.

In just a dozen hours, no one could come up with a huge sum of 250 billion! With this kind of astronomical figure, even if you make up for it, you won’t have enough time! It's over.

This method still doesn’t work after all! Just when Yan Qingwen was crying silently.

Two exquisite figures rushed in from the door.

Yan Kaikai, Yan Xinxin! "Third Sister!" The two little girls cried and threw themselves into Yan Qingwen's arms. "Third Sister, that big bad guy Ouyang Fengyu went to the house just now. He said he had purchased our company and would kick us out of the house tomorrow!" “He also said that as long as we are willing to serve him, he will leave a way for us to survive.

"What's going on..." the two little girls said, and started to cry! At this time, Yan Qingwen was also sad, with a dull look on his face! He didn't even know how to explain it to his sisters. ! Suddenly, a news feed on her phone caught her attention.

‘The investment company owned by the founder once again spent a lot of money to acquire Internet companies...’ Yan Qingwen’s expression suddenly changed.

Creator and witness, these two names are so popular! The popularity is so strong that no one can match it! In particular, the Witness Investment Company has recently obtained credit from 13 banks and can mobilize trillions of funds! Moreover, the creator also has a good reputation in the industry! He has a long-term vision, a strong sense of mission, and is best at investing in and supporting high-quality companies! Yan Qingwen seemed to have suddenly found a life-saving straw, and came back to his senses: "We can try to find the founder, maybe they will be willing to help me!" The two little girls also came back to their senses, "The creator, Di Sanda "Yes, just go find Di San!" A glimmer of hope flashed in Yan Qingwen's eyes! Yan Kaikai's eyes suddenly lit up, "Brother Liu is Di Yi. Rumor has it that Di San Da and Di Yi are good friends! They even have similar names!" Yan Xinxin also clapped her hands and said, "Yes, Di San Da is because he is Di Yi’s fan named Di San, we can ask Brother Liu for help and ask him to ask Di San Da Da, it will definitely work! "Ask Brother Liu for help? After hearing this suggestion, Yan Qingwen felt mixed emotions! Facing Brother Liu, she always felt like she was getting dirty! She felt that she owed Brother Liu too much.

Brother Liu also helped the Yan family a lot! It’s so hard to speak! After a long time, Yan Qingwen gritted his teeth and said: "Brother Liu, there is no need to look for it. Let's go ask Di San. At worst, I will give him 3% of my equity as a thank you!"... Founder Company.

Brother Liu, who had not shown up for more than twenty days, stepped out of the elevator leisurely.

When the girl at the front desk saw the idol, the boss, and the lover of her dreams arriving, her face instantly turned red! "Boss, you are here.

"The young lady said coquettishly, "Mr. Ajia has been very busy recently. He has gone out. Do you think you should go to his office and wait for a while? "Brother Liu walked slowly in the company corridor, looking at the founders and warriors who were busy, and smiled with satisfaction.

After a moment, Liu Di said lightly: "Open my office, I want to use it.

"Huh? The receptionist was stunned. The office of Disan University has never been used before. Disan University always said that the office was too luxurious and extravagant, and he didn't even want to enter it! If it hadn't been for President Ajia's insistence. reserve.

I'm afraid that according to Di San's wishes, it has long been demolished and turned into a tea room! Liu Di guessed what the receptionist sister was thinking, and turned around with a faint smile, "I can't help it, there will be guests soon, and they will only come to me!" The receptionist sister, looking at Liu Di's smile, her heart almost melted! "Okay, I'll prepare it for you right away!"

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