This day.

In the coastal area of ​​​​Hai City, near a natural cave among the reefs.

A series of police cordons have surrounded this place.

There were dozens of SWAT teams, forensic doctors, and even reporters.

There were also several police cars on the road in the distance, their lights flashing.

A body was found here.

There was blood on his shoulder, and he fell into the cave.

Duan Hua, the leader of Haishi Special Police Team, arrived in person, holding a thermos cup and frowning slightly.

The SWAT team is different from ordinary police officers.

Belongs to the most elite force in the police force.

Just the fact that Duan Hua, who is the top police officer in Shanghai City, personally serves as the team leader, is enough to illustrate the importance of the SWAT team.

mOriginally, the discovery of an unknown body did not require Duan Hua to personally come forward.

But this time is special.

The deceased was a reformer! Frequent cases of human transformation made Duan Hua feel uneasy.

"Team leader Duan, his identity has been verified. He is a male, 30 years old. He was hit hard on the right chest and right shoulder, with multiple fractures and internal bleeding.

"A forensic doctor looked at the report in his hand and reported seriously, "There are no signs of fighting in the cave. The deceased was seriously injured, then hid here, and eventually died.

"The time of injury is estimated to be 15-20 days ago, and the time of death is about 3 days."

"Duan Hua nodded slightly and subconsciously glanced into the distance.

Why hasn't Brother Liu come yet? According to his speed, these steps would take no more than 20 minutes! It's been 1 hour now! After Duan Hua learned the identity of the deceased.

I called Brother Liu immediately.


The deceased’s name was Qiu Beiming! The forensic doctor added: "Based on the condition of the deceased's muscles and skin, it can be determined that he is a modified person.

"And his injury should have been caused by a fist. It's hard to imagine who could hit a modified human to such an extent with one punch."

"Unfortunately...the body has been slightly decomposed and a lot of evidence has been destroyed."

"Well..." Duan Hua nodded again. He really didn't expect this scene today! He originally suspected that Qiu Beiming was related to Master Yan's car accident, and was about to put him on a wanted list.

But who would have thought that just a few days later, he would be found dead on the beach? Click! Click! Several tiny cracking sounds were heard.

Duan Hua frowned.

finally come! but.

Brother Liu's steps were a little weird today.

Somewhat heavy! The pebbles on the seaside that he accidentally stepped on shattered instantly! Brother Liu gently touched the sweat on his forehead and panted slightly: "Haha, Sir Duan Hua, I've been under a lot of pressure recently, so I'm late.

Duan Hua scratched his head. Although he was a little puzzled, he went straight to the topic, "Look at this corpse."

Liu Di shook his head slightly and looked at the busy police officers, "Don't look, he is not Qiu Beiming!" Duan Hua stiffened when he heard this, "What did you say?" ""Um? The forensic doctor was a little confused, "Our judgment was based on comparison with the identity database. The facial features and fingerprints are all certain to be Qiu Beiming!" "Sir, what basis do you have for saying that?" "Qiu Beiming is very weak, but he is not stupid!" "As he said that, Brother Liu looked at Duan Hua: "Qiu Beiming is a very scheming person, and everything he does has a purpose.

"Moreover, he is paranoid and obsessed with Yan Yiwen. How could he be willing to die like this?"

Liu Di paused and thought thoughtfully, "I asked him why he had been silent for so many days. It turned out that he was waiting for this scene to be exposed."

"Substitute, blown up?" "Duan Hua's pupils gradually shrank! "That's right! Liu Di narrowed his eyes and said, "In just a few days, he found a reformer substitute!" Moreover, his fingerprints and face were modified, he was seriously injured, and he was trapped here until he died! The forensic doctor was stunned, "How is that possible?" The deceased was not an ordinary person, how could he just wait here to die? I've seen it too, and he doesn't have any signs of poisoning! "He did it voluntarily!" "Liu Di said in a low voice: "To be precise, he was implanted with a 'voluntary' consciousness.

"Implanted consciousness?" ""How can it be? "The forensic doctor exclaimed, this is not scientific! He was about to defend from a professional point of view again.

But Duan Hua stretched out his hand to stop his words, "Now go and investigate all the missing people who match the age and size of the deceased!" Duan Hua's move showed his extreme trust in Brother Liu! Liu Di sighed softly, "He must be able to do so many things in a short period of time. He is definitely not alone. There should be a strong technology team behind him.

"Sir Duan, the opponent this time is a little different."

" Duan Hua looked solemn. When he looked at Brother Liu, he found that the boy's eyes were flashing with light and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

He didn't look like he was facing a formidable enemy at all.

"I feel like you're a little excited?" Duan Hua asked doubtfully.

"Really?" Brother Liu smiled slightly, "Maybe that's why I like to exercise recently, to exercise my body and my brain!"... Haishi Yingzhi Hospital.

In the special care ward 305, there were two beds instead of one bed.

A middle-aged woman who could still see her former grace lay side by side with Mr. Yan Hongxin.

This scene has an inexplicable air of tranquility and serenity.

The perspective is a bit blurry.

Yan Qingwen shook her head and shed tears.

He didn't know why, but he always felt that his father was happier than usual.

Although, they are just two incapable of moving vegetables.

20 days ago.

According to what Liu Di said, she actually found this woman named Liu Manwen in Hengzhou.

Liu Manwen, 63 years old this year, has been a plant for 20 years! She has no children and her identity is a mystery! But there is a huge amount of money in her account! 20 years ago, she fainted in her own genetic research institute.

After being treated, she became a permanent vegetative state and was taken care of by the Hengzhou Vegetative Hospital for 20 years! Yan Qingwen's mind is very confused! She can't figure out what happened 20 years ago! As for Liu Di... the information he knows is simply a little scary! He seems to know everything.

Everything can be inferred! Liu Di's net worth of tens of billions.

The identity of the super singing god Emperor Yi.

Strong personal connections.

Now he has the ability to see through everything! These make Yan Qingwen confused! She wants to find Liu Di to ask everything, but she is afraid to meet Liu Di in the dark! Alas... Yan Qingwen sighed deeply.

She looked at her father reluctantly.

Grabbed the briefcase and prepared to go out.

Today is the day of the shareholders' meeting of Yingzhi Group.

The news that Yan Hongxin had an accident and became a vegetable has been reported by the media.

The helmsman is in a coma.

Yingzhi Group's stock price plummeted! The market value of 800 billion has shrunk by 30%! For a time, the entire Yingzhi Group was in turmoil!

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