My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1547 The Ultimate Meaning (1/2)

This is a planet covered with yellow sand.

It's like the Earth's Sahara Desert was magnified a hundred times and then enveloped the entire planet.

As far as the eye can see, there is endless yellow sand, as well as various starships hovering on these yellow sands.

A starship with a length of at least three kilometers was standing next to it. It was a little careless when landing. One of the landing gears on its head sank into the yellow sand, and the ship's body tilted strongly.

The alien civilizations among them are a little panicked. If they take off like this when leaving, or if they activate the thrusters now, there will be some unpredictable hidden dangers.

Brother Liu walked slowly.

He smoothly held the front end of the huge starship, extended his fingers out of the blue space, held the lower side of the entire starship, lifted it slightly, lifted the starship out of the yellow sand, and then dragged it horizontally for several hundred meters. Place it on a relatively solid ground.

The alien civilization in the starship was stunned.


They chirped a bunch of words, which roughly translated to 'thank you. ’

Brother Liu's back gradually faded away, "It's just a little effort, you're welcome."


"It's really easy."

"Who is that."


Brother Liu looked forward.

In the middle of the desert, on a huge platform made of stone, a strange creature sat crookedly.

It seems that in the past time, there was only such a lonely creature on this planet.

Its whole body seems to be made of brass, its body is small, but its square head is extremely huge, its two small eyes are like emeralds, and its mouth is a thin black line, with green light flashing back and forth in the thin line. .

This planet seems to be not far from the 'sun', and the big-headed creature also reflects brass-like light.

It is bowing its head in thought.

And all around, there are countless weird alien creatures, either standing or lying on the ground, waiting quietly.

at the same time.

Countless starships continue to land, and more alien civilizations continue to gather.

"Hello, my friend."

A creature that looked like an upright blue octopus and wore a spacesuit came to Liu Di, "Do you have any questions? Do you want to ask EOP-03?"

Seeing the friendly tone of the other party, Brother Liu nodded slowly.

And EOP-03 should refer to the brass artificial intelligence.


The blue upright octopus raised its tentacles and handed out an electronic card to Brother Liu. It said: "You know, everyone has doubts in their hearts. In order to maintain the order here, our Okuhiro civilization spontaneously organizes all seekers of knowledge to provide When you issue the number cards, you can rest assured that we will issue them in order of arrival to ensure fairness.”

Brother Liu nodded slowly and then looked at the number plate in his hand.

No. 112253.

Brother Liu pursed his lips, "More than 112,000..."

It is good to have volunteers to maintain order.

It is also a good thing for everyone to ask questions in an orderly manner to ensure that everyone can get answers.

Just don't know.

When it is my turn, number 112253, what year and month is it, and does the bronze artificial intelligence still have power?


Liu Di also noticed that there was a small weird symbol on the back side of No. 112253, similar to a '*'.

"What's this?"

Liu Di pointed at the ‘*’ and asked.

The blue upright octopus nodded and said: "Those are the characters of our civilization. There are 72 in total. You are the 36th. Before you, there are 35 groups, each with 200,000 people queuing up."

Liu Di paused for a moment, then said calmly: "Thank you."

"You're welcome, my friend."

Brother Liu rubbed his temples.

A scene appeared in his mind. After N years, it was finally his turn to ask a question, but the bronze robot's eyes were extinguished, its head was drooping, and it was out of power.

"If it doesn't work, just cheat."

Brother Liu thought about traveling through time, being the first to arrive and getting the No. 1 number plate.

But now.

You can wait for the bronze robot to wake up and tell you the ultimate meaning of the universe and life.

This is what everyone, including Brother Liu, is looking forward to.

Don't know why.

Now, Brother Liu doesn't want to travel through time when something happens. Instead, he prefers to follow the steps step by step and enjoy the surprises brought by the natural development of the timeline.

Beep beep beep...

Beep beep beep...

A continuous electronic sound suddenly came from the air, like the sound of a computer reading codes, or the sound of an old-fashioned transmitter, full of electronic and technological sounds.

But he saw that the green light in the mouth of the bronze artificial intelligence, which was like a black straight line, became brighter and moved back and forth faster.

"EOP-03, it's waking up!"

"The ultimate meaning of the universe and figured out the answer!"

"Everyone, be quiet!"

Everyone held their breath.

Various pupils stared closely at the giant robot meditating on the stage.

A star in the distance moved slightly, like a sunset on the earth. The light shone at a different angle, and a brighter copper-yellow light was reflected on the forehead of the giant robot.

As for the brass robot, its posture remained unchanged for thousands of years, sitting on the stone pier, its slender arms supporting its chin.

"Hello you all."

The body of the brass robot did not move, it was still thinking and moving. The green light in its mouth flashed. Its voice was completely electronically synthesized, but it had a deep and distant feeling.

"My name is EOP-03."

"Many, many, many, many years ago, there was a highly intelligent species at the top of the universe - Leviathan."

"I am the product they left behind. I have millions of my kind, but they all died, leaving only me."


Everyone present searched for this name in their minds, but they didn't have any relevant memories.

Liu Di also frowned slightly, he couldn't find it either.

But the giant robot looked up slightly and looked at the sky. The emerald eyes reflected the sunlight slightly, "I have been thinking about problems all my life, until 7.5 million years ago, I found that my life was about to run out, so I decided to think about the last question."

"That is."

"What is the ultimate meaning of the universe and life?"

"Now, I only have ten minutes left."

The giant robot turned its neck slightly, but saw that the lower side of its huge head had been severely corroded by the years. As it moved, copper residues continued to fall in pieces, revealing the mottled circuits inside.

The alien life forms present all felt a shudder in their hearts and glanced at the four-digit number plates in their hands.

It's dying?

Then... won't we have a chance to ask our own questions?

Liu Di also glanced at the number 112253* in his hand and frowned slightly.

To be honest, he still had a glimmer of hope in his heart, hoping that the smartest artificial intelligence in the universe could explain what 141 was.

"Not bad."

The bronze robot said calmly: "In the countdown of my life, I finally figured out the answer to that question."

The eyes of everyone present lit up again, and the strong curiosity overwhelmed everything.

Various alien life forms licked their lips and asked excitedly: "What is the answer to that question? What is it?!"

The bronze robot dragged his chin, and his emerald eyes flickered.

"The ultimate meaning of the universe and life..."

"It's a set of numbers."

"It's... 141."

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