My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1548 Answer (1/2)


"what is that?"


There was agitation at the scene, and the emotions of the onlookers could not be calmed down. They only felt that this so-called "smartest artificial intelligence in the entire universe" was deceiving themselves and everyone else!


"Are you perfunctory with us?"

"What is 141?!"

"Let us think for ourselves and come up with countless answers?!"

The clamor for crusade grew louder and louder.

But I saw the huge bronze robot, regardless of the damage to the circuit on its neck, slowly turned its head and looked at a figure in the crowd.

A man wearing a white shirt.

Brother Liu looked complicated at this time.


Isn't this exactly what I'm asking?

This set of numbers is actually the ultimate meaning of the universe and life?

what's the situation?


I don’t understand it at all!

At this moment, Liu Di's body scattered, passing through everyone like smoke, and then condensed on the high stone platform, beside the bronze artificial intelligence.

Liu Di had to look up at it. The robot's body was 30 meters long, and its square head was comparable to a five-story building.

The sound of crusade at the scene became even more intense.

"Who is that!"

"How did it get up there!"

"What number is it?"

Liu Di turned a deaf ear to the gossip and asked directly: "141, what does it mean?"

The bronze robot's facial features seemed unable to move, so it had no expression. It just looked down at Brother Liu, with the green light in its mouth flashing back and forth.

"In the past few days, you have made countless guesses about this number, and the correct answer is one of them."


"It is 118 chemical elements, 12 material forms, and 11 dimensional abilities."

Brother Liu was stunned. Maybe others couldn't understand this section of addition and subtraction, but Brother Liu was different. He had dabbled in both, and these were some shocking abilities!

"This... mastering all these powerful abilities and becoming an invincible existence in the universe is the ultimate meaning of the universe and life?!"

Brother Liu's eyes flashed.

The bronze robot shook his head, "Master all this, and you will have the ability to prevent the destruction of the universe, including billions of life forms, including flowers, plants and trees. They will not die. Therefore, the ultimate meaning of the universe and life is continuation."



As the bronze robot spoke, the green light in its mouth gradually dimmed, and its voice was similar to that of a radio that was short of power. It began to be hoarse, and a chaotic sound of electricity began to appear, "Continue...continue..."


The bronze robot's head suddenly lowered, its eyes and mouth extinguished at the same time.



The robot's body also fell into pieces, turning into pieces with rotten joints and scattered on the ground.

Gululu, its huge head rolled far away.

Brother Liu stood on the high platform in a daze.

I can't understand the robot's words at the moment.

With the help of 118 chemical elements and 12 material forms, all entities can be condensed...

As for the eleven-dimensional ability, Liu Di currently only masters the ninth dimension.

Could it be that the universe is going to experience a catastrophe?

The scene was also extremely peaceful.

Everyone was a little confused. We traveled thousands of miles to seek answers, but... EOP-03 just exchanged a few words with that weak creature and then broke into pieces?


Suddenly, an alien creature pointed at the number plate in Liu Di's hand and said sharply: "It's number 112253*! It's not even its turn to ask questions! In fact, according to the number, it will never have a chance to ask questions in this life!"


"It grabbed the only question slot!"

"We Xiongyuan Civilization can't bear it anymore!"

"I don't want to pretend to be an iron furnace civilization anymore!"

"It ruined this opportunity!"

"It can't leave intact today!"


Two alien teams with different ideas from the others stood up, slowly walked onto the high platform, lined up in a row, and stood between Brother Liu and countless angry alien civilizations.

They seemed to be protecting Brother Liu.

One of them is a starship that Liu Di humbled when he first came to this planet. The technology of that starship didn't seem to be very good. When it sailed here, the energy was exhausted. If it didn't land immediately, it would There is a risk of crashing.

Liu Di, who was walking in deep space at that time, had kind thoughts and gave them a path.

At this time, the number plate in the hands of the supreme commander of this civilization named Melville is exactly 112252*.

Because of Liu Di's humility, their numbers are higher than Liu Di's.

The other alien team came from the starship that Brother Liu helped with a little effort.

The two alien teams looked at everyone. One of the commanders frowned and said: "I ask you to see the facts clearly. EOP-03 obviously only wants to answer for one person, and this person is the friend behind me."

"So what if his ranking is at the bottom?"

"Even if your number is at the top, EOP-03 probably won't answer any questions for you."

As soon as this statement came out.

The curses below became more violent.

"Two backward level 5 civilizations!"

"Are you pretending to be a good person here?"

"Are you worthy?!"

Melville's civilization stepped forward and said: "Moreover, EOP-03 said that it only has 10 minutes left to live. Under the original circumstances, 99% of you have no chance of answering, and the ending is the same. Why do you still want to provoke trouble?"

"Let's be fair here. Since EOP-03 is dead, there is really no need for everyone to cause conflicts because of this."

At this moment.

The team of alien civilizations called "cosmic arms dealers" shouted angrily: "It did not rank according to the procedure. I believe that the entire universe will not like such a troublemaker!"

"Today, I will eradicate that unruly creature for the entire universe!"

As soon as the cosmic arms dealers finished speaking, their warships slowly took off.

This is the warship carrying the X-3 Gravedigger super-heavy missile and the X-4 Deathstroke Fortress missile.

The cosmic arms dealers are very selfish.

It is not their focus to come here to seek the ultimate secret from a distance of hundreds of thousands of light years.

They just want to provoke war and show their latest developed weapons.

Only cosmic currency is their ultimate ideal.

Now that so many advanced civilizations have gathered here, as long as the war starts, it will be the stage for their new weapons to be displayed!

The two teams in front of Liu Di trembled their lips, secretly glanced at Liu Di, and a trace of self-blame flashed in their eyes.

They wanted to help this creature full of kindness get rid of the dilemma of being besieged, but they didn't expect to make things worse.

And at this time, Liu Di.

His mind was full of the last words of the bronze robot.



To reach the eleventh dimension?

Then, what is the tenth dimension? What is the eleventh dimension?

At this moment.

Dozens of starships have been launched, and various alien creatures are indignant and ready to fight.

And the starship of the weapons and arms dealer has begun to charge its weapons.


Flame spray, an X-3 Gravedigger super-heavy missile was launched, and the black and huge missile crossed the sky!

Someone exclaimed: "Arms dealer! You are crazy! I am still on the ground!"

But the leader of the cosmic arms dealer smiled calmly: "Don't panic, our X-3 gravedigger is highly intelligent, and its destructive power and range can be intelligently controlled. Whether the opponent is a celestial planet or a small warship, we can accurately strike!"

"Don't worry, this X-3 gravedigger has been set by me. The explosion power has been reduced by 99.5%. It will only destroy the stone platform, kill the white-clothed creature, and the two teams of level 5 civilizations who are overconfident!"

Everyone was relieved.

But the two teams standing on Liu Di's side turned pale instantly.

"Be grateful, civilizations like you are rare in the universe."

"Thank you for speaking for me."

The man in the white shirt came back to his senses from his thoughts, slowly stepped forward, passed the two teams, and nodded slightly.

A row of alien creatures were speechless, it was really polite.

But the X-3 gravedigger broke through the air.

Liu Di glanced casually, his purple eyes flashing.

The tail flame of the X-3 Gravedigger went out, and it plunged into the front of the stone platform with a grunt, and then the electric current flashed on its body, and it disintegrated into two halves with a snap.

There was a moment of silence at the scene.

"So this is the so-called reduction of 99.5% of the power?"

"Does it mean physical knockout?"

"The accuracy is not good?"

The cosmic arms dealer was shocked, "What's going on? Exception! This is an exception! That missile may have some malfunction! Release the X-4 Deathstroke Fortress missile for me!"

"Don't let that guy show off his power, everyone fire together!"


Tens of thousands of extremely thin two-dimensional spaces fell from the sky.

Like a sharp blade cutting into tofu, it evenly cut all the warships in the air.

And the size of the cut was extremely precise, and the thickness just avoided all the crew members in it.

Then, these crew members looked at their starships in horror, like whole steaks, being cut into pieces.

Boom boom boom!

Continuous explosions sounded in the sky.

At this moment.

There are also several energy beams emitted by the warships before they shattered, and the X-4 Deathstroke Fortress missile, which is coming.

Liu Di stretched out his hand slightly, and all the attacking substances changed their forms, turned into dust, drifted to, condensed on his fingertips, and gently pinched them, bursting a tiny spark, and disappeared without a trace.

The "Requiem" composed of the founding particles of the Shibahama Yu civilization has become completely harmless, like a solemn background sound, resounding through the world.

Liu Di walked among the crowd, and everyone retreated in fear.

The man in white walked while his body was illusory, like climbing a ladder to heaven, and disappeared.

Countless alien creatures reacted at this time.

It... is a high-dimensional life!

No wonder EOP-03 turned a blind eye to us!

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