About breaking the speed of light.

The effort fell short at the last moment.

Why can't the speed of light be exceeded?

And in the microscopic world, why can’t anything be observed below the Planck length?

There are many restrictions in this world.

Brother Liu said goodbye to the Gear Civilization and returned to the Tianjue to have lunch with everyone.

No one even realized that Brother Liu had left quietly before.

During the dinner, Liu Xiaodi was still discussing enthusiastically.

"When will Porlin come back?"

"When will Xiaoxia come back?"

Kun Sang interrupted: "Brother, if I get lost in the universe, will you go find me?"

Liu Xiaodi frowned and said: "Kunsang, don't say such things. We are a big family. Now we are missing Porphyrin and Xiaoxia. You suddenly said such a happy thing, which seems very disrespectful to Porphyrin and Xiaoxia."

Kun Sang's face gradually turned serious, "What do you mean..."

Brother Liu smiled softly.

After meal.

The Tianjue continued sailing, and Liu Di turned into an electromagnetic wave form and floated in the universe, traveling parallel to the Tianjue.

Since the last time he fused 100% of his own DNA, Liu Di suddenly had a strange understanding of the world.

He looked at the entire universe, with chaotic codes in his eyes, and he always felt that there was a huge secret hidden behind everything.

But it was like there was a layer of window paper, and Liu Di still couldn't see through it.


Brother Liu saw tens of thousands of various space starships in the deep space ahead.

That's not a battlefield.

Instead, starships from various civilizations were approaching an earth-yellow planet at a very slow speed and in a very neat formation.

This feeling is as if the dark jungle law of the universe has temporarily failed. Different races have put aside their fights and hostilities and gathered in a very orderly manner.

The Tianjue did not stop and headed west.

Brother Liu, on the other hand, was flying toward the fleets.

Within those fleets, various alien creatures with different appearances also had different expressions, looking at the surrounding situation.

"On the planet ahead, there lives the artificial intelligence left behind by the advanced beings. It is said to be the smartest in the universe. It will wake up in an hour."

"Before it fell asleep, it told the goal of this thinking-the universe and life, and what the ultimate answer is."

"I'm really looking forward to seeing what answer it comes up with after 7.5 million years of thinking this time."

"This time, tens of thousands of different technological civilizations from all corners of the universe have gathered here, just waiting for the moment it speaks."

"Let's not get into that fascinating answer."

"Look, this time so many advanced civilizations are living in harmony, it's a very rare scene!"


"That is the anchorage civilization, a level 8 technological civilization. Look at their starships, which use elemental decay as energy!"

"Look! The Chihama Yuu civilization, their starships have never failed in the universe. It is rumored that they developed a weapon called 'Quiet' with the help of creation particles. No one knows what that weapon looks like. , because all civilizations that have seen its true face have perished!”

"That's the great enemy civilization! The only infinitely proliferating alien beast civilization in the universe!"

"Oh My God."

"Is that the anti-phase cannon of the Huntington civilization? It's really an exaggeration. One barrel is bigger than our main starship!"

"That's...Dina civilization's zero-point distortion inducer!"

"X-3 Gravedigger super heavy missile!

"X-4 Deathstroke Fortress Missile!"

"The interstellar arms dealers are also here, and they have installed missiles on the exterior of the starships. They want to take this opportunity to sell their own weapons!"



"Friends, I may be dazzled, then... at 68 degrees in front of our starship, is that a human?"

"It doesn't wear any protective clothing, nor is it equipped with any power system. It is... walking in the middle of countless giant starships?!"

All kinds of weird creatures looked at it.

Then they all gasped, "Really...where is that guy from? Wait, he's quite polite. Is he queuing up? Turning slightly sideways to let a star-class battleship with insufficient energy pass by?" "

"My mother."

"Is that really a creature?"

"It seemed to frown just now. The overbearing high-temperature defense force field of Bock civilization was directly extinguished?"

"How did it do it?"

"I haven't gone out in just 100 years, and I realize that I don't know this universe anymore!"


Brother Liu walked among various huge starships.

At this moment, Brother Liu already knew what the planet in front of him was.


After Liu Di merged with Wang Mang's DNA, he continued to have dreams. This was Wang Mang's ability to "dream about the future." ’

In Liu Di's dream, the number '141' just kept appearing again and again, but there was still no answer.

Later, when he met Jiang Lao, Liu Di asked Jiang Lao if he knew the meaning of '141'.

Naturally, Mr. Jiang didn't understand this set of numbers, but he pointed out a way to Brother Liu.

There is an artificial intelligence left by advanced beings in the universe, and it is very likely to be the most intelligent species in the universe.

Soon, that artificial intelligence will awaken and grasp the true meaning of the universe and life.

At that time, Jiang Lao said: "When it wakes up, you can go to it and ask questions, and it will give you all the answers."

But I didn't expect that on the way to the Endless Universe, Liu Di passed by this planet.

Moreover, the artificial intelligence is about to wake up.

Liu Di thought, my cosmic grid runs through the past and the future, controls cause and effect, and even I can't answer the numbers. Will such an artificial intelligence... understand?

But Liu Di still took a deep breath.

Slowly walked towards the earth-yellow planet in order.

First, Liu Di wanted to know what the meaning of the universe and life is.

Secondly, regarding '141', I don't ask for an accurate answer, but as a wise man, the other party may have some words that can disperse the fog and give me some comfort and tips.

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