My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1548 Breakthrough Experiment (1/2)

"Break through the speed of light?"

Liu Di's eyes moved.

Just now, as an electromagnetic state, he did not break through the speed of light.

For a long time.

The speed of light is defined as the critical speed of the universe and cannot be exceeded.

Even the various levels of technological civilizations that Liu Di has seen in his long journey in the universe, none of them can exceed the speed of light. Their definition of speed is nothing more than X thousandths or X percents of the speed of light.

Various advanced civilizations, sailing in the vast universe, also rely on wormholes, which is equivalent to taking shortcuts. None of them can control the speed of light and cross the vast universe measured in light years.

"The speed of light..."

Liu Di narrowed his eyes slightly. This magical speed is the ceiling of the speed world. Starting from Einstein's theory of relativity, the entire physics building of the earth is built on the basis of 'the maximum speed of light'.

If this speed is broken, countless theories will fall down.

It is also mentioned in the theory of relativity.

If matter reaches the speed of light, then the mass will be infinite, distorting the surrounding space and causing time to flow backwards.

Time flow backwards...I guess it will not happen.

Liu Di has traveled through time countless times, and he knows that it has nothing to do with speed.

However, no matter how high the technological level of civilization in the universe is, it cannot break the speed of light. Even I, who has changed my body shape, cannot break the speed of light.

The truth behind this makes Liu Di curious.

Is it true that, as the rumors say, after breaking through the speed of light, the rules of the Creator God will be broken and incredible scenes will be seen?

Liu Di looked at the huge "super gear accelerator".

In theory, the big gear drives the small gear, and this mechanism is infinitely extended. In the end, the big gear turns a circle gently, and the small gear at the end may rotate rapidly, breaking the speed limit in an instant...


From a practical level, if this mechanical structure is built, two states will occur.

First, the friction between the gears will increase infinitely, causing the first gear to not turn at all.

Second, even if it can turn, the middle gear will be too fast, sparking and lightning all the way, and it will directly break away.

Liu Di looked at Roy in confusion, "Can the mechanical precision of your civilization support this fantasy?"

Roy puffed out his chest, "As long as it is related to gears, our gear civilization is the best in the universe. You don't have to worry about the precision. We put the entire mechanism in a vacuum environment, and the extra friction has been reduced to the extreme."

Liu Di still had some doubts.


Roy said proudly: "We have gone through countless experiments and improvements before. Now the super accelerator in front of you, 99% of the mechanism can operate normally. The gear at the end has a rotation speed of 95% of the speed of light. If we add another one, it will be a new world."


Liu Di was a little surprised. This was indeed beyond his imagination. The precision of the gears was amazing, and their wear resistance was also at the pinnacle.

"In 10 minutes, we will install the last gear for the entire accelerator."

Roy said fascinatedly: "According to our calculations, the final speed of that gear will reach the speed of light, and exceed the speed of light, reaching... 100.13% of the speed of light! The highest in the universe!"

"We are honored to invite you to witness this scene with our gear civilization!"

Liu Di nodded repeatedly.

This is indeed an honor.

In his heart, he also praised the technological exploration spirit of the gear civilization.

"Thank you for your invitation, I will be very pious and cherish it."

Liu Di nodded to Roy, and then his body rose into the air, soaring up to the top of the huge glass pipe.

Various detection instruments are installed here.

And the final vacant position can only be placed on a button-sized gear.

From the huge gear with a diameter of 5 kilometers on the ground to the size of a button, there are nearly 100,000 transfers in between.

It can be imagined that once this device starts to rotate, it will be an astonishing speed.

Liu Di was very curious and stared at this position very seriously.

However, a scientist from the gear civilization wearing protective clothing, holding a black metal gear with the help of a manipulator, slowly approached in a flying vehicle, and stared at the gap very solemnly.

It slowly exhaled, and slowly placed the technological crystallization that carried the efforts of the Baidai people in the designated position.

Liu Di's heart was also inexplicably tense.

Although he could see through time and directly see the results, he still chose to witness this great attempt with awe.





The voice of the gear civilization scientist came from the ground, a solemn feeling of the earth rocket taking off.

Countless gear civilization creatures, clenched their fists in their chests, and watched quietly.


There were rumbling sounds in space, similar to sonic booms.

However, several star gates lit up in the distance, and more than a dozen huge interstellar battleships slowly drove out.

Roy exclaimed: "Our mortal enemy, the Kobol civilization! Why did they choose this time to attack us! If the super gear accelerator is destroyed, it will take hundreds of years to build it!"

Liu Di slowly turned his head.

In an instant.

Two blue two-dimensional spaces appeared in the vast universe, folded into an 'L' shape, and then closed with a bang.

Various warships were crushed into scrap metal.

Then an electronic singularity exploded, and the locations of more than a dozen enemy star gates were directly refreshed, turning into a dark and extremely quiet area.

Liu Di turned his head and looked at Roy with expectation in his eyes, "Please continue."

All the creatures of the gear civilization twitched their eyebrows violently, "Just now, what was that...?!"

After a series of small episodes.

Everyone's mentality was once again filled with a sense of sacredness.





The first, huge gear on the ground began to rotate slowly.

Then it drove the next one, the next one, and the next one...

Liu Di's eyes reflected this gorgeous and extremely precise machinery.

Like those gears, Liu Di's heartbeat slightly accelerated.

As the distance approached, the gears turned rapidly, and when they reached Liu Di's 5-kilometer range.

The gears had become blurred due to the high-speed rotation.

Further on, although those gears were silent in the vacuum, they were already rotating like a light wheel, very beautiful.

In his right eye, the demon boy was also capturing data in real time.

"86% of the speed of light..."

"90% of the speed of light..."

"99.5% of the speed of light..."

"Brother Liu, this is simply unimaginable. The speed of that gear has exceeded the speed of your high-dimensional life."

"By analogy, the gear in front of you... can really exceed the speed of light!"

Brother Liu's eyes gradually narrowed.

The demon boy suddenly exclaimed, "According to the strength of the last gear, it will not reach the speed of light and will collapse."

Brother Liu's body flashed, traveled through time, and replaced the last gear of the gear civilization with liquid metal.

Of course, the gear civilization did not know all this.

Brother Liu continued to concentrate.

Today, at this moment.

He must see the existence of superluminal speed!


In front of Brother Liu, the last gear moved.

It blurred in an instant, and the speed increased exponentially.

"99.96% of the speed of light..."

"99.98% of the speed of light..."

"99.99% of the speed of light..."

As the demon boy reported the data, Brother Liu only felt that the space around him was restless, the long river of time was turbulent, and there was a sense of déjà vu of the collapse of the universe.



A strange sound came.


At this moment, the entire gear super accelerator shattered into slag!

Including liquid metal!

The moment they touched the speed of light, they collapsed without any warning!

Turned into dust and floated in the entire vacuum pipe.


All the creatures of the gear civilization widened their eyes in disbelief.

And Brother Liu was also completely stunned.


All the data showed that the bearing capacity of the gears had not reached the limit, the overall structure was very stable, and there was no abnormality in the deduction results.


It would break.


No object can exceed the speed of light? !


93 billion light years away.

Two figures pulling at each other.


"There are always ants who want to uncover the truth of the universe?"

"They are overestimating their own abilities."

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