My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1547 An accidental discovery (1/2)

"Time is scattered in the flowing water, all the way to the west, never stopping."

"Life is like a small boat, drifting involuntarily in the river of time and space."

"The greatest gift in the world is that we will meet again."

Spann stood on the bridge, looking at the dark and mysterious universe through the observation glass, and softly sang an ancient song of the Mayan civilization.

The Tianjue sailed in the deep space, passing through wormholes one after another.

Brother Liu said nothing, and his face was illuminated by the light flashing from unknown stars.

Spann's song celebrates reunion.

But Brother Liu knows that the real world is not so beautiful. After many separations, there is no reunion.

Just like the hundreds of passersby you pass by every day.

Brother Liu's heart was inexplicably gloomy.

He slowly raised his head and looked at the ceiling of the bridge, but his sight penetrated layer by layer, and he 'saw' a planet tens of millions of kilometers away.

There seemed to be a huge straw stuck in the gray planet, like a coffee ice cream ball with a spoon stuck in it.

"Go for a walk."

Brother Liu's body dispersed into an electromagnetic wave state and left the Tianjue.

But everyone on the Tianjue didn't notice and headed straight to the west. Even with his physical body, it would be extremely easy for Brother Liu to catch up with them.

Liu Di floats in the universe in an invisible form, seemingly above everything else.

"The electromagnetic wave state is one of the 12 forms of matter."

"Theoretically it can reach the speed of light."

"I haven't tried it yet, what is it like to reach the speed limit within human cognition?"

Brother Liu suddenly accelerated in the direction of the ice cream milk balls.

"10% the speed of light."

"30% the speed of light."



"90% the speed of light."

From Liu Di's perspective, the objects he could see, no matter how far away, would be flush with his perspective in the next moment, and then be left behind, becoming tiny and undetectable.

The feeling of ‘speed’ is increasingly indescribable.

Quick, quick!

Everything is fleeting.


Brother Liu asked himself, now we are in a vacuum state, and I am in the form of electromagnetic waves.

Electromagnetic waves and light waves.

Although these two concepts are strictly distinguished by modern science, to a certain extent, they are both 'vibrations of the medium'.

Because the distance between air molecules is greater than the diameter of the molecules, the diffraction distance produced by the electromagnetic waves can be ignored, causing the speed of electromagnetic waves in the air to be basically equal to the speed of light.

What's more, it's a vacuum now.

Why can't I reach 100% light speed?

"The limit is 90% the speed of light."

"It's like something is imprisoning us."

The voice of the devil boy came.

Liu Di was also thinking to no avail, but it was only during this moment.

The 'ice cream milk ball' appeared in front of Liu Di.

It was a celestial body about five times the size of Earth, covered by a cream-colored atmosphere.

And the 'straw' inserted on the planet is a huge glass pipe with a diameter of nearly a hundred kilometers and a length of tens of thousands of kilometers, poking into the universe like Optimus Prime.

Liu Di entered the planet's atmosphere and his body condensed into a human form.

But I saw the creature here, which looked similar to the Kaban scientists. It was short, gray-haired, wearing exquisite clothes, and looked similar to a goblin.

At first glance, they give people the impression that they are very skilled craftsmen.

"Who are you?"

"Is it an intruder?"

A gray goblin looked at Brother Liu in horror, his eyes widening.

"that's not important."

Brother Liu said lightly.

Immediately, nearly 100 million gray goblins on the entire planet entered another timeline, and countless Liu brothers appeared in front of them at the same time, explaining to each of them.

——"I'm just a traveler passing by with good intentions."

These words were deeply imprinted in the minds of every gray goblin, and in an instant, they dropped all their guard.

"Who are you and what are you doing?"

Brother Liu asked the goblin in front of him.

"We are a gear civilization, my name is Roy."

Gray Goblin Roy said humbly: "What we are best at is carving. Our hands can carve the most precise parts in the universe. Even the most powerful computer in the world cannot match our carving accuracy. "


Roy took out a model made of aluminum and shaped like an airplane, held it gently in his hand, squinted to measure the distance, and then threw it into the air.

But I saw that airplane model floating in the air, flying farther and farther, flying over the cities of this planet. All the buildings in the city were inlaid with precision gears, and some buildings themselves were even huge gears. .

The plane flew farther and farther until it disappeared without falling.

During the process, Demon Boy analyzed the data of this model.

Precision carving and polishing make its air resistance infinitely smaller.

The perfect design allows it to continuously rely on the rising air and seems to have unlimited power. Assuming that there is no physical obstruction, it can keep flying.

"Purely polished by hand, it can actually reach this level."

Brother Liu secretly sighed in his heart, the universe is so vast and infinitely magical.

Brother Liu turned around and looked at the giant straw on the planet, "Is that...?"

Roy nodded and said, "That is the super gear accelerator created by our gear civilization, hundreds of generations of residents, and 1,200 years."

Liu Di narrowed his eyes and saw that the huge glass pipe was reflecting a dazzling luster under the light of the stars.

And inside the glass pipe, there were smart gears one after another, starting from the ground, and the teeth of adjacent gears were perfectly meshed, extending all the way to the universe.

"Gear accelerator...super?"

Liu Di whispered softly.

This kind of mechanical equipment is very common, such as the gearbox of a car.

When the engine speed remains unchanged, the rotation of the tire can be accelerated or decelerated through the gear set.

The most common one is the reducer.

The high speed of the motor of the winch, the pulley set of the crane, etc., is slowed down by one gear after another, and a huge torque is burst out.

This is the principle of the gear ratio.

As for the effect of acceleration, it is also easy to understand. A huge gear drives a small gear. The large gear rotates one circle, and the small gear will rotate two, three, or ten circles.

If the diameter of the gears in the future is gradually decreasing, then the speed will increase infinitely.

Liu Di looked at the huge glass pipe.

At the bottom of the pipe, there was a huge gear with a diameter of at least 5 kilometers, like a super-large Ferris wheel standing on the ground.

And this gear was connected to another gear with a slightly smaller diameter.

One by one, in the glass pipe, extending to the sky.

As Liu Di guessed, the gears were gradually getting smaller.

As Roy said, this is really a super accelerator.

But it obviously does not have the production capacity. What is the purpose of the gear civilization making this thing?

But Roy said respectfully: "As you can see, we are determined to break through the law that is listed as a ban in this universe."

"We want to use the gear accelerator."

"Break through the speed of light."

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