My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1527 Falling into Time (1/2)

Liu Di only felt like he was thrown into 'time'.

And it's uncontrollable.

After a period of chaos.

Brother Liu opened his eyes and suddenly found that he was back on earth, and it office from twenty years ago.

"Did I fall?"

Liu Di was a little surprised. His perspective at this time was facing the ceiling.

But the next moment.

Brother Liu was horrified to find that Liu Zhengqing, who was wearing a white coat and was more than ten years younger, was holding a milk bottle and handed it to his mouth.


Brother Liu hesitated and heard the cry of a baby in his throat.

Liu Zhengqing suddenly panicked, "The milk powder is too hot? Xiaojie, the data record is wrong!"

what's the situation.

Just when Liu Di was completely trapped, he saw a figure in green armor falling from the sky on the ceiling, stabbing directly at Liu Di's body with a halberd in his hand.

The space was filled with light again.

Brother Liu is standing in a primary school.

It rains continuously.

The classrooms in front are all old-fashioned tile-roofed buildings, lined up in rows, with mottled walls.

Brother Liu raised his hand slightly, only to find that his palm was young and weak. He looked like he was about eight or nine years old?

Liu Di looked at his feet again and found that he was wearing a pair of blue children's water boots with small dinosaurs painted on them, standing in a puddle.

On the playground not far away, a little girl wearing a yellow raincoat was jumping and avoiding puddles. She glanced at Brother Liu to make sure that the course under her feet had not deviated.

"Gu Fan?!"

Brother Liu opened his eyes slightly.

But that’s not until Brother Liu meets the little girl in a raincoat.

I saw a figure wearing green armor walking out of the rain. He stood beside Liu Di. Liu Di could only look up.


The green light of the Time Halberd fell from the sky, and Liu Di's eyes sparkled again.

Brother Liu arrived at his university dormitory. He saw Zhang Tianjia on the upper bunk, sticking his butt out and carefully pasting a poster on the wall. It read - 'Don't let the days pass by idle, youth will never come again. ’

Brother Liu was stunned.

He remembered that he had borrowed this sentence when he encouraged Ah Jia to join the Twins, which didn't even have an office, and then ignited Ah Jia's desire to strive.

I just heard Qinglong's deep voice coming from outside the dormitory window, "I didn't throw you into time, but into my own memory. In these past moments, you were very weak. I I can kill you!"

But when he saw the time halberd in Qinglong's hand, the cold light flashed directly through the glass window of the dormitory!


There was a sound in Brother Liu's mind, similar to the sound of a string breaking.

Then there was loud music.

This was a very manic DJ. Liu Di opened his eyes and saw that he was standing in a huge disco.

The lights flickered and the sound boomed and vibrated.

Countless men with slutty looks and scantily clad girls swayed their waists on the dance floor. Under the influence of alcohol, they danced close to each other. Some girls even got closer to the men, sticking out their tongues and licking each other's earlobes deftly.

Brother Liu felt a headache and a dizzy feeling. He pushed open the back door of the disco and came to a dark and long alley.

"Don't come here!"

A girl's scream made Liu Di look into the distance.

But it was a girl wearing a black short skirt that covered her hips and wearing eye shadow, but she was obviously a little green. She was blocked in a corner by a few gangsters.

"You are still pretending to be innocent. You came to this place at this time to play. How can there be any good things?"

"Little pretty girl, stop pretending and have some fun with your brothers tonight!"

Brother Liu squeezed his slightly psychedelic eyes, "Yan Qingwen?"

"You guys, stop!"

Brother Liu held on to the wall and walked from the light into the darkness.

"Brothers, why do we always meet such stupid boys who act bravely for justice?!"


A famous gangster smashed the glass bottle in his hand on the wall, and came forward menacingly. He was either on drugs or drunk, so he directly took the broken bottle and stabbed Liu Di in the right eye!

Liu Di felt that he could not mobilize any of his divine power.


The gangster staggered around, moving very slowly in Brother Liu's eyes. It was not a problem to dodge this blow!

Brother Liu turned his head slightly.

But he saw Qinglong standing in the darkness.

Qinglong raised his hand, and a time halberd flew out from behind and plunged directly into Liu Di's right eye!

Brother Liu's own screams echoed in his ears.

Then the picture changed again.

But in the darkness, Feng stood there looking at the book and said softly: "You can't keep those eyes, otherwise..."

Brother Liu was still confused in his mind and asked: "My eyes are because of Qinglong..."

Feng did not answer, but suddenly said: "The essence of life is easy to understand. It is the various substances that make up life, such as elements. Of course... consciousness particles are also one of the raw materials."

"What did you say?"

Brother Liu covered his temples, as if his right eye was still in severe pain.

But the next moment.

Feng's body directly turned into a green dragon, and another time halberd was stabbed!

Qinglong said: "Let me see what memories you still have!"

The scene in Liu Di's eyes changed.

He suddenly appeared in a huge stadium.

And inside the venue, there are arenas one after another.

The huge screen at the back of the venue read - The First International Cyborg Challenge.

Countless memories in Brother Liu's brain awakened.

This is...

Not long after the Punisher was established, that ring competition held by China as the organizer?

Liu Di suddenly realized that this time too, the countdown in the water drop pendant cleared and a meteorite landed!

Liu Di looked at his body through the reflection of the distant mirror. At this time, he was already wearing a white shirt, and his right eye was flashing purple.

As Qinglong said, Brother Liu is constantly returning to his memory, and it is already the 'Emperor Five' period.


I don't know what happened to Qinglong's Time Halberd. The current situation is like two souls sharing one body, and Liu Di has no control over it at all.


Qinglong slowly appeared next to Liu Di, but he seemed to be in another dimension, and no one at the scene could see his existence.

Qinglong said slowly: "At this time, the 'former you' already has some fighting power, but it is of little significance. After you return to your memory, you are still unable to control it. Don't blame me for not being able to win. It's time to end."

A time halberd fell into Qinglong's hand.

At the critical moment, Brother Liu ignored Qinglong.

But thinking.

Feng... just showed up. What did he mean by what he said to me?

Is it a guide?

Particles of consciousness are one of the essences of life?

Consciousness particles are actually the basis of the brain world, and mental power is the tool for controlling consciousness particles.

"Don't let him fool you!"

At this moment, a roar came from the venue, and Starweaver CEO Bertram, whose body seemed to be stitched together, walked into the scene with scarlet eyes.

"Brother Liu is nothing!"

"We Xingwei have a quota to participate!"

"I'm going to kill him!"

But Bertram's body changed, his body increased three times, and he turned into a monster.

Liu Di stared at Bertram. If you have not entered the brain world now, it means that your consciousness particles are still in your body!

Brother Liu secretly gritted his teeth and worked hard to control his current body.

The green dragon's halberd clanged, "Control your own memory? It's impossible for you to do it."

At this moment, Liu Di's body suddenly blinked.

He was actually influenced by the illusory Brother Liu.

Even Qinglong was slightly startled.


There was a crisp blow in the air!

Liu Di used his mental power to instantly peel away the consciousness particles in Bertram's brain, and then crushed them directly!


Bertram's eyes turned white for a moment, and his huge body fell on his back, with no body left!

This moment.

Liu Di's state seemed to have broken the dimensional confinement and completely merged with his 'memory' self.

You can also hear the demon boy's horrifying shouts.

"Brother Liu! It's that small black hole again! There is energy from other dimensions emanating from it!"

"Brother Liu, the second stage of New Humanity, restricted liberation is 100% completed! The second level gene lock has been broken through!"

"Brother Liu!"

"Every cell of yours is now operating at overclocking speed, squeezing the potential of cells beyond their limits!"

"The ability to react is no longer limited to the nervous system, but depends on the absolute speed that the mind and body can achieve!"

"Brother Liu, the third stage of the new human race, the thinking simulation is 100% completed! The third-level gene lock has been broken through!"

"Level 4 gene lock...gene recombination!"

“Evolutionary information discovered from the genetic level can be used to perform genetic recombination, or precise manipulation of power can exert effects at the molecular scale!”

"Brother Liu, you have become a god!"

"This is life erasure!"

Liu Di, who has arrived, now understands that in the 'future' time, he has already broken through these stages. Once he merges with his current self, it will create the illusion of breaking through the shackles in an instant and continuously upgrading.

Liu Di said to himself at the time - "I am you. Now that the order of the plane has been destroyed, I am here to help you solve the crisis!"

At this moment, Brother Liu knew very well that a meteorite would land soon!

When he looked up again, the entire sky began to shake, and a bright flash of light appeared deep in the sky.

Wei Wei feels the water drop pendant on her chest.

At this time, Brother Liu had already mastered the control of liquid metal.


Liu Di's body exploded into the sky, and the liquid metal filled his body, forming sharp armor!

'Former Brother Liu' was extremely shocked. At that time, he could only move two bracelets!


A gorgeous scene appeared in the sky.

The meteorite was shattered.

At that time, Emperor Wu saved the world.

Qinglong stood on the ground, holding the clock in his hand, looking up at the sky, "So you are also a person who can break your own home to pieces."


"The thief must die!"

Qinglong raised his hand, and a time halberd flew through the air, shooting towards Brother Liu in the air!

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