My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1526 Azure Dragon (1/2)

Liu Di stood upright, looking at the figure falling from the sky.

He landed with a bang, with great momentum, the ground around him cracked, and countless dust and dead branches and leaves in the forest were splashed.

And at this moment.

Liu Di narrowed his eyes slightly.

But he saw that the scene in front of him seemed to be frozen, and the dust and dead leaves that were lifted into the air by the impact just hovered in the air, as if the time in that small area was frozen.

The overall shape was like a bouquet of flowers exploding towards the sky.

And the Azure Dragon that fell from the sky was hidden in the center of the "bouquet", and its true appearance could not be seen.

The Xuanwu beside him slowly raised the corners of his mouth, revealing an extremely proud expression.


Liu Di pondered slightly.

But Xuanwu raised his eyebrows and said, "Let me tell you first, although Qinglong is on the same front with Feng and me, our personalities are completely different."

Liu Di kept staring at the scene in front of him, his eyes moved slightly, "How different?"

Xuanwu straightened his chest and said, "No matter how stupid and cruel the universe is, this is our home after all. As one of the four great generals, Qinglong's duty is to protect this continent."

"Although there has been no battle for N years, Qinglong is still the first general of the universe."

"It's true that he wants to rebel, and it's true that he doesn't agree with E Shi."

"But his belief in defending his home has never wavered."

Liu Di tilted his head slightly and looked at Xuanwu.

Xuanwu put his hands behind his back and looked up and said, "In short, Qinglong is the matter how stupid the country is, he is still willing to sacrifice his life and blood, and he is willing to lose his life to protect his home."

Liu Di took a slight breath.

Suddenly, I felt that Xuanwu was very eloquent and his words were extremely precise.

"Duty is on the shoulders, Qinglong will not listen to anyone."

Xuanwu turned around and smiled playfully, "Coincidentally, your brother Liu is now the evil man who disturbs social order and attempts to shake my universe and heaven. Qinglong will definitely fight you to the death. Come on, young man."

Brother Liu nodded slowly.

The four generals of the universe and heaven each have their own personalities.

White Tiger is evil, but died the earliest.

Xuanwu is good at hiding and wholeheartedly supports Feng.

Feng is the one with the strongest strategy among these people.

And Qinglong...

If you want to get something from him, you must defeat him first. The premise of everything is to make him convinced.

Brother Liu raised his head.

I only heard a powerful and imposing voice from the solidified dust.


"You must die."

But the floating dust and dead leaves did not fall, but the space was directly shattered and turned into debris falling to the ground.

A figure about two meters tall walked out slowly.

His body was not full of exaggerated and bloated muscles, but was very well-proportioned and slender, full of sharpness. He wore a simple green armor, with his arms exposed, and his outline was as perfect as a sculpture.

This man had an extremely cold face, and a pair of eagle eyes flashed with cold light.

Liu Di's body was slightly stiff.

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It was not because of the oppression of Qinglong's momentum.

But behind Qinglong, there were nine long halberds in a fan shape.

It was a bit like the "back protection flag" behind the Peking Opera characters, which was impressive.

Liu Di's eyes narrowed suddenly.

The nine long halberds were simple and simple in shape, without any extra decorations. They were about 2 meters long, rounded, sharp at the tip, and had a light green luster. You could vaguely see the extremely sophisticated circuits engraved on them.

"Time Halberd?"

Liu Di looked at Xuanwu beside him in astonishment, extremely surprised and somewhat unbelievable, "Did you make that?"

At this moment, Xuanwu glanced at Liu Di with an extremely proud attitude, "4 billion years, extremely trillion microscopic electronic engravings, that halberd contains extremely trillion computing computers, and it is tightly combined through the strong force between atoms, it is extremely sharp and indestructible."

"I guess you now also realize that the world can be coded."

"That precise halberd is the time ruler of the entire world!"


Xuanwu turned around and looked at Liu Di, "Time Halberd? You came up with it? It's a good name."

Liu Di's heart was a little shocked.

Then he asked, "Then, what is in Qinglong's hand that can be useful to me...?"

Xuanwu nodded slowly, "Oh, it's his lifeblood."

Liu Di frowned, "What???"

Xuanwu sighed, "I just used a metaphor! It's the nine long halberds!"

"Xuanwu, you are a traitor, and you are encouraging others to take my weapons?"

But Qinglong's expression turned fierce, and he took out a time halberd and pointed it at Liu Di from a distance. Then, the tip of the halberd turned into a cold light and shot out!

"Rogue thief!"

"You must die!"

Liu Di stood there, with complicated thoughts in his mind.

It turns out that the time halberd came from the hand of the White Tiger of the Universe Heaven?

My chance of improvement... is the time halberd?

But, I already have it!

Liu Di murmured, "It shouldn't be..."

The White Tiger beside him heard it, "What shouldn't be?"

Liu Di said, "I have mastered this weapon. It is my magic weapon in the seventh dimension. Is it useful to me now? Besides, there is Qinglong's attack... It poses no threat to me at all!"

But it was at this moment.

In a flash.

Qinglong's halberd rushed in front of Liu Di. Although Liu Di looked a little confused, he was very calm. He slowly stretched out his fingertips and pointed at the halberd.

But it was the moment when the halberd touched Liu Di.

Liu Di's head banged.

I saw Liu Di's body flying backwards, and in the process, he kept splitting into figures similar to souls. Liu Di's face was a little unbelievable.

At this time, it was as if there was an irresistible force wrapped around Liu Di and knocked him away layer by layer.

The next moment.

Liu Di's body dissipated, as if he fell into the abyss of time.

And Qinglong looked coldly, the halberd in his hand clanged, the tip of the halberd was shining with cold light, like a shadow, chasing Liu Di away, and also dissipated together.


Only Xuanwu stood there, smiling faintly, "What did you just say? It's not a threat to you? You must be teasing me?"

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