My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1528 Tit for tat (1/2)

High in the air.

Liu Di, who had just shattered the meteorite, turned around and looked behind him.

The time halberd thrown by Qinglong now made a sharp sound of breaking through the air. The tip of the halberd had a cold light, as if it had penetrated layers of time barriers, and was about to pierce Brother Liu's heart.

At this time, the Halberd, like the Azure Dragon, should be in a different dimension and invisible to others.

Brother Liu felt a little helpless.

In the future, Emperor Jiu, an invincible and powerful person, came to consciousness, possessed him with high-dimensional abilities, and smashed meteorites casually, just like a god, shocking the whole world.

This handsome dream has existed in my heart for a long time.

However, the fact is that he was beaten back and when he shattered the meteorite, a life-threatening halberd followed behind him.

It was simply impossible to stay and drink tea and reminisce about the past.

Fortunately no one knows.



Qinglong's Time Halberd instantly penetrated Liu Di's body.

Brother Liu's eyes were hallucinating again.

Open your eyes again.

Brother Liu returned to the Continent of Universe Heaven, and it was still the original forest, with the white tiger with a playful expression standing next to him.

On the opposite side, stood the stern Qinglong.

Brother Liu asked doubtfully: "Was it an illusion just now?"

Xuanwu shook his head, "No, that's not an illusion. You are really thrown into your own memory. This is not the same as going back in time, but more like returning to your original shape. Qinglong can be weak and weak anywhere in your body." When I accidentally bind the chicken's power, I will kill you directly."

"And there were no earth-shattering consequences."

"It's just brother Liu who died suddenly and inexplicably when he was in high school."

Having said this, Xuanwu tilted his head, "But I don't quite understand why Qinglong brought you back? He should have brought back a corpse."

At this time, Liu Di understood that he had taken a 'travel' in his memory and had returned to the destination.

But it was Qinglong in front, his head slightly raised, his eyes still cold, "I saw that you are willing to sacrifice your life for your homeland, so I decided to give you a fair fight, you and me, right now! A life-or-death duel!"

Brother Liu narrowed his eyes.

Qinglong is indeed an upright person and does not want to take advantage of others' danger.

"You don't have to be happy too early."

Qinglong said in a cold voice: "Even if you are now, my halberd is still an unstoppable existence for you."

Brother Liu was cautious.

He had previously judged that the halberd in Qinglong's hand was no different from his own time halberd.

But after the 'memory shuttle' just now, Liu Di realized that Qinglong's weapon was much more advanced than the Time Halberd.

Throw it into the memory and return it to its original form...

It seems to have an ability in time, but it is something that my own Time Halberd cannot do.

Qinglong backhand took out a long halberd from his back, and stabbed it to the ground with a bang. He said: "My dragon halberd, in terms of sharpness and sturdiness, is also the best in the universe. My universe, the Heavenly Court, has been proud of the universe for 7 billion years. I Qinglong has fought countless foreign enemies, and no one has been able to block my blow."

Liu Di clenched his fist slightly, slowly turned sideways, and stared at Qinglong.

But Qinglong said again: "I browsed your memory and found out that you have a kind of black liquid metal for self-defense. That kind of metal has the same origin as Feng's mount Dujue."

"I kindly remind you that with your ability to control that kind of metal, there is no way you can stop my dragon halberd."

Qinglong's body was upright, holding a halberd in his right hand. He raised his arm and pointed at Brother Liu, "Let's fight!"

The aura of the most powerful general in the universe spreads out invisibly.

Brother Liu did not doubt Qinglong's words at all.

I don’t think that Qinglong is the kind of person who suppresses his opponents through scaremongering.

Qinglong is domineering.

He said that liquid metal can't be prevented, so it's very possible that it really can't be prevented.

Brother Liu knew very well that the strength of liquid metal was related to his own control. In the past, even Xiaoshu could break liquid metal at will, but after the experience of the brain world, liquid metal was an existence that Xiaoshu could no longer shake.

Qinglong's fighting spirit filled the whole place.

Xuanwu shrank his neck slightly and slowly stepped back more than ten meters, "Don't hurt innocent people."

Then, Xuanwu looked at Brother Liu again, as if to remind him: "Brother Liu, I know best, Qinglong is not telling lies!"

"It's no use talking more."

The green dragon rises violently, the halberd spits out a message like a poisonous snake, turns into a little green light, and stabs without any fancy!

Brother Liu then frowned.

Move your feet slightly and stand firm.

The water drop pendant on the chest flows rapidly, turning into layers of arc-shaped defensive shields in front of the body.



The liquid metal shattered one after another, completely unable to stop Qinglong's halberd!

Xuanwu's expression was complicated, "Alas...why are the things I created so powerful?"

Brother Liu's brows became a little heavier.

Immediately, several blue spaces appeared in front of him. They were complex in shape and nested layer by layer. This was a defensive space drawn by him using his space master!

These spaces adopt a classical mechanical structure, which is transmitted between columns and all external forces are shared equally!



I saw that Qinglong's halberd was completely unstoppable. The extremely sharp tip of the halberd could break through the surface with a single point, destroying the dead and destroying the dead. It instantly penetrated and shattered layers of space!

Qinglong said: "The powerful eight-dimensional space is only used by you like this?!"

Xuanwu on the side was also a little stunned, "No way, he can only go so far? Did Feng choose the wrong person?"

But he saw Brother Liu retreating step by step.


Brother Liu's last defensive space was shattered!

There was no mercy in Qinglong's eyes, nor was there any intention to stop. He growled, "My duty is to protect the heaven of the universe. You are a thief. If you can't defeat me, I can only kill you. I have no choice. This is my mission!"

Liu Di kept his mind clear.

My time halberd was a physical entity in the way back home in Siwei Village, and it was a physical entity in Liu Shang's hands. Why can't it be a physical entity in my hands? !

Just when Qinglong's halberd reached a position less than one meter in front of Liu Di.

Liu Di suddenly raised his hand and touched his forehead.

At that time, when fighting against the harvester civilization, the returning time halberd turned into an illusion and drilled into his forehead!

The next moment.

A golden light shone brightly in Liu Di's forehead.

[Mapping Space]-You can use mental power to simulate entities in the sample space!


Liu Di pulled out a dazzling halberd from his forehead, inch by inch, and the airflow around was surging, and the wind was whistling!

The golden halberd completely appeared in reality!

The next moment, Brother Liu grasped the end of the halberd, and with a flick of his wrist, the tip of the time halberd turned 180 degrees, and collided with Qinglong's halberd, tip to tip, without a single mistake!



A low space tremor spread out.

A strong airflow erupted with the two of them as the center!

Qinglong's dragon halberd was actually blocked!

Xuanwu was stunned, staring at the weapon in Brother Liu's hand, "What is that!!!"

Qinglong's pupils also trembled slightly!

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