My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1523 Fatal Impact 2 (1/2)


At this time, Bai Hu had already put his hands behind his back and looked up at Brother Liu, "Speaking of which, it's really difficult to copy your body, and time is very tight. You have those weird abilities, and the ability to master the eight-dimensional space." Your ability and your right eye really bother me."

"Even in the end, I didn't create a complete biological body 'for you'. I had no choice but to use some mechanical parts to form your limbs."

"But what surprises me is that those combinations on you that even make me dizzy really perfectly reproduce your abilities."

Liu Di's body was completely frozen.

He looked at his hands in disbelief.


Bai Hu was still laughing, but suddenly he raised his head and raised his eyebrows: "Didn't you ask where Kun Sang's torso is?"

When Brother Liu heard this, his body trembled and he slowly looked at his chest.


Bai Hu's laughter, like a devil's sneer, echoed in Liu Di's ears, "You are really smart... That's right, the main body of your body is Kun Sang's corpse!"

If we say that Brother Liu fell into the bottomless abyss before.

The truth from the white tiger was like pouring lava down again.

Liu Di only felt that the world was spinning in his perspective.

Bai Hu seemed to enjoy this process and continued to smile: "Look at you, the box behind you contains Kun Sang's head and limbs, and your chest is Kun Sang's torso. After all, Kun Sang... .It’s complete, hahaha!”

Liu Di's body was almost unable to move, "Why are you doing this?"

White Tiger paced back and forth, "Isn't it wise, Lord Eshi? The long-term peace of the universe and heaven has made the people numb, so why not create a crisis appropriately, for example, suddenly an enemy from outside the universe breaks in and brutally kills everyone?" Gods make the world turbulent..."


"As the White Tiger, one of the four generals of the universe, I stand up to destroy this powerful demon like you."


"Sometimes turmoil brings people together."

“If used wisely, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.”

"You can still..."

"By the way, I became a hero."

"And update those old gods."

"You don't really think that you can do whatever you want in this universe, do you?"

"All of this is just what Master Urshi wants you to do!"

Brother Liu's body trembled violently.

Bai Hu said arrogantly: "Of course, the risk would be too great to let your body break in, so... I will be your puppet to complete this performance. It is foolproof, logical, and perfect. Now, , my worship of Master Escha has reached a new height."

Bai Hu laughed even crazier, "Before, I just played with you. I can control your body at any time!"

Liu Di's body trembled even more violently. He seemed to have lost his soul. His lips trembled as he said: "Eshi...'s plan is too complicated, it is too smart, and everything is in its calculations." ...Including me, too..."

When Brother Liu said this, he suddenly paused.

Inexplicably, his body no longer trembled, and the lost look on his face disappeared, replaced by a kind of calmness, and even an imperceptible sneer.

Liu Di suddenly raised his head, his eyes began to flash with a strange red light, "Eshi's plan includes me and you."

Bai Hu felt something was wrong in the atmosphere, and his body stiffened. He looked at Brother Liu, "What are you talking about?"

But Liu Di reached out and pointed, a yellow light emitted from his fingertips, and Bai Hu's chest was cut open instantly!

But at this moment, Bai Hu was just stunned. He didn't feel any pain.

He lowered his head slightly, and then his eyes popped out, only to see that his chest had been cut open, and the skin was rolled to both sides. No blood flowed out, revealing the precise metal parts inside the chest, the slightly running engine, and a beating mechanical heart.


The white tiger's pupils slowly shrank to the size of a needle tip, and he froze for a long time. Then he let out a miserable cry, his body stumbled backwards, and he sat directly on the ground!


"This is impossible!"

"I am a human being, a living, flesh-and-blood person!"

"I am White Tiger, one of the four generals!"

"I have a lifespan of 2,200 years!"


"How can I be a robot!!!"

But Liu Di, who was standing in the distance, chuckled, "Yes, you were a human before, and you were indeed the White Tiger, one of the four generals of the universe, but... let me tell you a story that you are very familiar with."

"Not long ago, your true body was killed by Lord Escha, whom you admired so much. Then, he created a replacement to take over your job. And because of the perfect technology you left behind, you are still completely unaware of it. I don’t know.”

Brother Liu looked at Bai Hu, who had completely collapsed inside, shook his head and said, "You looked at me like a clown before? In fact, you don't have the qualifications, because you are already dead!"

White Tiger's body began to tremble.

He slowly raised his head, stared at Brother Liu, "What qualifications do you have to criticize me? You, like me, have died a long time ago!"

Brother Liu still shook his head.

The metal surface on the chest slowly split, revealing a red-yellow reaction furnace.

Brother Liu said: "I'm different from you. From the moment I met you, I was like Iron Emperor Seven, and my acting skills are amazing."


Bai Hu was struck by lightning, as if his heart was emptied in an instant.

Blood flowed from the corner of Bai Hu's mouth again, but he didn't bother to wipe it off and looked at his bloodless chest again.

"Why... Why did Lord Eshi do this? Why did he replace me!!!"

"And... This technology is very perfunctory. He was stingy with the fake blood. It can only flow in the mouth. Why?!"


30 minutes ago.

Liu Di took Kun Sang's head and left Qianzhou.

He was indeed sad, angry, and wanted to destroy everything.

But he was not crazy.

He remembered Feng's reminder-"All mechanical gods are made by Bai Hu. You can't see the cause and effect. It's Xuanwu's method. Qinglong has what you want, and I can only do so much."

"You can't see the cause and effect. It's Xuanwu's method!"

Liu Di remembered this sentence. It was clearly Feng's hint.

If you can see the cause and effect, even if you can only travel through the time inside the universe and heaven.

Then Liu Di's situation is completely different from now.

If that happens, Liu Di will control something, which is called "initiative".

To let Kun Sang rest in peace and seek revenge on E Shi.

The premise of all this is that Liu Di will not lose, will not die, and must win.


While Liu Di efficiently destroyed the mechanical gods through space, the first place he came to was not the Cathedral of Light where the white tiger was.

And in the map of the universe, there is a pure natural ecological environment.

The cause and effect of the entire universe are isolated. If this feeling is described as facing a huge fog.

Then the ecological environment in front of us is the source of the fog.

Here is not only causality blurred, but also pitch black.

Liu Di walked in this jungle.

The scene around his body began to blur, and the light was flickering. But within a few steps, the normal scene around him completely disappeared.

Liu Di stood in a dim world.

Under his feet was a huge wafer that seemed to have no end. The electronic modules in it were as big as houses, the transistors were like tank trucks, the solder joints were like earth bags, and the copper circuits were at least 2 meters wide.

The overall area of ​​this wafer was at least 0.3 light years long.

In front of Liu Di.

A man in a black slim suit leaned slightly against a huge circuit module.

The man turned around and had a Chinese face, and was quite handsome.

"You are here."

"If you can find me, it proves that we are destined to meet."

"I am Xuanwu, one of the four great generals of the universe."

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