My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1522 Fatal Impact (1/2)

Cathedral of Light.

This location is particularly prominent on the map that Brother Liu obtained from the mechanical Chiyou's brain.

In the universe, the names of various cities are "states".

Three exceptions.

Esenger Fortress is a warship dock.

Arsenal No. 85 is the production base of mechanical gods.

And the Cathedral of Light.

At this moment.

Brother Liu left the Mingzhou Temple and arrived here in an instant.

His right eye is still red.

In front of him is a green and neat lawn, like a flat green carpet covering the ground.

And in the middle of this lawn stands a black church several tens of meters high, which has nothing to do with holiness, but reveals a kind of weirdness.

Brother Liu carried a black box on his back and stared at the door of the church.

With a rumble, the huge European-style door of the church, which was 5 meters high, slowly opened.

The sound of leather shoes hitting the ground rang out.

A figure wearing a white coat, black trousers, and black leather shoes walked out slowly.

His white coat fluttered, and a ferocious tiger could be vaguely seen embroidered on the back of the coat.

The man stood on the steps in front, looking at Liu Di with contempt, and his mouth curled up slowly.

This man looked like he was of European descent, with a European gene, a golden back hair, a high nose bridge, and slightly blue pupils, but his facial features combined revealed a sinister look.

Liu Di narrowed his eyes. Since entering the universe, he had never seen a bloodline other than China.

"One of the four generals, Bai Hu?"

"That's right."

After two sentences, Liu Di confirmed the other party's identity, and then his body blasted out, the grass on the ground rolled back, and the mud splashed.

Almost as an afterimage, Liu Di appeared in front of Bai Hu, and punched out, hitting Bai Hu's cheek directly.


Bai Hu's jawbone was dislocated, his teeth were flying, and his whole body flew out in an instant, smashing the door of the church next to him, and then rolling continuously on the grass.

Liu Di stood there, his chest rising and falling. He could have smashed the white tiger into a pulp, but Liu Di restrained his strength.

His right eye flashed red at this time, and he said in a low voice; "Where is Kun Sang's... torso."



The white tiger with blood oozing out of his mouth slowly got up from the ground, laughing crazily. He wiped the corner of his mouth with the cuff of his white coat, looked at Liu Di with a squint, and said jokingly: "You are so ridiculous."

Liu Di clenched his teeth tightly and said in a cold voice: "I will give you another chance to say one word."

At this moment.

Liu Di has already noticed that the white tiger, one of the four generals of the universe, is a role similar to a machine. His ability is probably to create those mechanical gods.

But now, it is already a commander without troops and powerless.

Baihu stood up, spat a tooth on the ground, and looked up at Liu Di, "Haha, you are so funny."

Liu Di frowned for a moment, and the sound of bones clacking came from his fist, and his arm slowly raised.

But because of Baihu's words, Liu Di suddenly froze.

Baihu looked at Liu Di as if he was looking at a clown, and said casually: "Do you really think you are Liu Di?"

Liu Di's eyelids jumped inexplicably, and he raised his head and stared at Baihu.

But Baihu still wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve, and laughed: "All the mechanical gods I made, they never doubted their authenticity. In their memories, there is no manufacturing process of their own. The ideas in their minds even think that they are born by heaven and earth and are the real gods in this world."

Liu Di's body froze slightly.

He had searched the memory of mechanical Chiyou before, and it was indeed as Baihu said.

What's more, even if the mechanical monk discovered the truth about the machine, he still felt that he was no different from humans.

Baihu said again: "And your crew members, I kidnapped them before and put down the substitutes, and those substitutes also thought they were the 'real people'. All this is thanks to the means of Lord Eshi, which allows me to perfectly copy other people's memories and perfectly implant their life experiences."


Baihu laughed foolishly again, "Did you destroy those crew substitutes? Do you know? In their hearts, they were killed by Brother Liu, who they have always trusted! Haha!"

Brother Liu suddenly felt a little flustered.

Although Brother Liu did not kill those mechanical substitutes, but imprisoned them.

But the situation is just as Baihu said, the 'little brother' and 'Kun Sang'...they have no concept of being substitutes in their minds.

But at this time, Baihu was fearless, his eyes were full of casualness, and he said something shocking.

"You, Brother Liu, are just a mechanical god created by me."

"As for your true body, it was killed by Lord Eshi the moment you entered the universe."

A muffled thunder sounded in Brother Liu's mind, and his thoughts were instantly confused, like a building collapsed.

His pupils trembled, "This is impossible..."


The White Tiger laughed wildly, "Impossible? Yes, of course you think it's impossible! Thanks to my perfect technology, your logic is complete!"

"You feel now... You should have a very clear memory of your life, including how you walked into the universe, entered the universe, and just killed my billions of mechanical gods. Everything is vivid."

"And my words have a huge impact on you. Do you feel like you are dreaming? Haha, yes, that's right!"

Brother Liu's eyes were shaken.

I am a substitute?

Like Liu Xiaodi and the others?

But Baihu stretched out his palm from his sleeve. In his palm, there was a very secret laser blade, which was rotating slightly.

Baihu smiled and said, "You punched me just now, and I also cut the skin on your arm at that moment... Don't believe that you are a substitute? Then look down."

Liu Di's reaction in his heart still felt that everything was nonsense.

But at the same time, he slowly raised his arm, and saw that at some point, a wound of about 5 cm was cut on his wrist.

But there was no pain.

No blood flowed out.

And his skin, like some kind of colloid similar to skin, cracked slightly at this time.

——The mechanical structure in the wrist was exposed.

The arm bone is a dark silver alloy material, with countless circuits and lines around it, which is very precise.

Liu Di moved his fingers slightly, and saw that the alloy parts in his arm were also moving slightly.


After a muffled thunder.

Liu Di only felt his brain being hit, and it was instantly in chaos, with only a buzzing sound in his ears.

In his eyes.

The wound looked like a baby's mouth, but it was a hell demon baby. Although it had no fangs and no roar, it was like an abyss, full of endless horror and terror.

In just a moment, the hell demon baby swallowed Liu Di and bit off and chewed his soul... There was no redemption.

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