My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1524 The truth behind (1/2)


Liu Di put down the black box behind his back, and inside it was Kun Sang's real head.

Xuanwu turned around and said, "Don't scare me with that thing. You and I are destined to be friends, not enemies."

Brother Liu slowly stepped forward, "You single-handedly cut off the seven-dimensional cause and effect of the entire heaven. Tell me about fate?"

Xuanwu sighed casually, "Genetically engineering ion channels is one of my greatest adventures. I just changed the genetic genes of everyone here and disrupted everyone's molecular structure from the DNA level. Of course, this kind of The amplitude is very small, they are still them, but your electronically simulated cause and effect will encounter misplaced 'building blocks' and then malfunction."

Brother Liu frowned, "You actually know the principle of my seven-dimensional ability?"


Xuanwu waved his hand, "The universe and heaven have a lifespan of 7 billion years. As the oldest being, there is nothing I can't understand."

Brother Liu said calmly: "No wonder your name is Xuanwu."

Xuanwu turned around and glared at Brother Liu, "If I guess correctly, you have something to ask of me."

Brother Liu said: "You think too much, I can just kill you."

Xuanwu turned his head casually, "My main ability is not to cut off cause and effect. Genetically engineered ion channels are just a small means. You may not be able to beat me."

Liu Di was a little cautious, but then, a long black knife appeared in his hand.

Xuanwu sighed, "I know your partner died, but you have to understand that it was not me, nor Feng, but Feng asked you to come to me."

Xuanwu took a few steps forward and stood in the middle of the broad continent, but this road was just a gap between huge circuit modules on both sides.

"That's all Esha's doing."


In front of Xuanwu, a huge void screen lit up.

That was the future calculated by Xuanwu, and it was exactly the scene where Liu Di and Bai Hu met not long after.

Liu Di is convinced that Xuanwu has achieved six-dimensional abilities through some means.

Brother Liu looked at the picture quietly, knowing the cause and effect.


When Kun Sang's torso was mentioned in the picture, the picture suddenly blurred for a moment and jumped over.

Liu Di suddenly frowned, "Where did he hide Kun Sang's torso? Why isn't this information available?"

Xuanwu suddenly smiled and said, "This is related to some cause and effect. If you know it in advance, the chain of my deduction will collapse. Anyway, you know how to do it now. When the time comes, you can listen to it yourself... That's it."

Brother Liu glanced at Xuanwu suspiciously.

Immediately, an Iron Emperor Seven was activated in secret.


Brother Liu was even more confused, "Why didn't Eshi kill me in advance according to the plan agreed with Baihu? I didn't even see Eshi along the way. Also, why did Eshi want to kill Baihu."

A trace of helplessness and reluctance flashed across Xuanwu's face, "Did you hear that sentence? Urshi wants to renew the mechanical gods. In fact... his original intention is to renew even the four generals of heaven. This point We’ve seen it for a long time.”

Xuanwu turned around and looked at Brother Liu with a smile, "So our three generals have long been rebellious. Only Bai Hu, the loyal fool, won at the starting line and was defeated early."



Inside the black palace.

"Lord Urshi, all our mechanical gods...have fallen."

Ursula sat on the throne, with the man in a white coat and black goggles standing next to him.


Eshi raised his head slightly, his eyes glowing with bloody red light in the darkness, "Brother Liu's misdeeds are just part of my plan. Just killing all the mechanical gods... is not enough."

"after all."

"Some people have stayed in certain positions for a long time, and their power is deeply ingrained and difficult to replace. It is not necessarily possible to rebel."

"Furthermore, after they have stayed for a long time, they want to climb up, but he is already below one person and above ten thousand people..."

"What should I do?"

"So, they will choose to kill their master and usurp the throne!"

Eshi sat up slightly, "Unrest will make the people more cohesive. This is true, but the hero who ultimately saves the people from fire and water, how could it be someone else? It can only be me, Eshi!"

"I want Brother Liu to continue to act recklessly."

"After destroying all the mechanical gods, kill the four generals White Tiger, Xuanwu, Dragon and Phoenix one by one!"

"Then, I, Eshi, will take action myself."

"Everything will calm down in a moment."

"The heaven of the universe will be more stable."

"I, Eshi, want to make this place last forever and last indefinitely!"


The man with black goggles next to Urshi was trembling slightly, lowering his head and saying nothing.


Urshi turned around and looked at him slowly, "White Tiger is your teacher, teaching you the ability to create mechanical gods and replicate living things. Will you hate me because of his death?"

The body of the man with black goggles was still trembling, but gradually, he let out a low, sinister laugh, and then his laughter became louder and louder.

He suddenly raised his head, his expression was a little distorted, and he said excitedly: "They have been sitting in the seats of the four generals for too long! It has been so long that I can't see any hope! Even when I cast Teacher Baihu's puppet with my own hands, I even I can’t believe it, that’s the scene in my dream!”

"very good."

Eshi Senhan smiled.

But the man with black goggles lowered his head, "But, Lord Eshi, if brother Liu can't kill them... what should we do?"

Eshi tilted his head casually, "Of course I didn't put my hope on him. If he can't kill them... then let the new four generals of heaven help him... Hehe, what do you think, Qiongqi?"

Taowu, Taotie, Qiongqi, Hun Dun.

These are the four fierce beasts that oppose the four divine beasts in ancient Chinese mythology.

The man with black goggles nodded slightly, his eyes flashing, "Yes, sir."

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