My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1471 All Gods Are Evil (1/2)

On the way up.

Liu Di's body flashed.

The red-eyed man called on his remaining 0.01% of rationality.

Found the god of death.

The god of death said that he had never received any souls from the universe, as if they had their own god of death.

Liu Di didn't know.

What happened to Liu Xiaodi and the others.

In front of him was Kun Sang, who traveled with him in the universe and could never go back.

Zu Baier was still waiting for him.

Four years ago, Kun Sang prepared an empty tomb next to his deceased wife.

Liu Di didn't want to bury him.

Even if he had to bury him, Kun Sang couldn't be incomplete.

Twenty thousand mechanical gods rushed over, all kinds of tricks and methods emerged one after another, colorful, reflecting the horizon.

But all this had no color or sound in Liu Di's eyes.

Liu Di's expression changed from dull, sluggish, absent-minded, to sad, his lips trembled, and then he clenched his teeth, his masseter muscles bulged, and finally ferocious blue veins appeared on his forehead.

His eyes trembled and narrowed, and the red light in his right eye was like a real flame, rippling in the air with a continuous light like red silk.

"Pay your lives."

Liu Di's low roar was like a mighty sound wave, spreading thousands of miles.

He then stepped into the void with one foot and jumped!

But the moment Liu Di stepped into the void, a circular red two-dimensional space bloomed at the position of his foot, like a sharp round knife, instantly cutting thousands of kilometers of space!

The two-dimensional space swept across the necks of thousands of mechanical gods, and their bodies suddenly stiffened and never moved again.

Liu Di approached quickly, took another step, and a circular space appeared under his feet again!

Passed over thousands of mechanical gods again!

I saw that in the sky, as Liu Di landed, huge discs continued to appear, layer by layer, and after passing over the neck of the mechanical god, they suddenly dissipated.

Ten steps.

Ten extremely thin and sharp two-dimensional spaces bloomed!

In just 20 seconds, the 20,000 mechanical gods in the sky were like clay sculptures and wooden sculptures, looking up at the sky, motionless!

The next moment.

A more dazzling scene appeared. 20,000 red pentagrams appeared in the sky, suddenly accelerated, rushed into the ranks of the gods, and sneaked into the chest of each god!

Because of Liu Di's anger, the space seemed to have a fierce temperature, cutting a red wound on the chest of each mechanical god.


The man carrying a black box appeared in front of the chest of a mechanical god, and tore it with both hands, and the god was torn into pieces!

There were only mechanical parts inside its chest, nothing else!

In the next moment.

Countless mirror-like spaces appeared in the sky. With a delay of several microseconds, Liu Di's body kept walking out of the mirrors, tearing the mechanical gods in front of him with his hands!



When the 18,000th god was torn to pieces, Liu Di's body froze, and one of his arms was embedded in it. He was still wearing the sleeves of a black sportswear, which was bloody.

Liu Di's body trembled, and his throat let out a dry roar.


In the black fortress.

The man with goggles looked back at the throne hidden in the darkness, "Lord Eshi, 20,000 gods have all fallen."

A dark voice came, "His understanding of the eight dimensions is better than I thought... mobilize all the gods."


Liu Di's face twisted with anger appeared on the void screen. This was the last picture taken by 20,000 gods.


Eshi chuckled, "Baihu's method is really very entertaining. He killed his partner and hid the corpse randomly in the mechanical god. Whenever Liu Di found it, he would dig out the bones and eat the marrow. It's great."

The man with goggles said suspiciously, "There is one thing I don't understand. How did he find the first corpse? According to his method, all the gods were pressed into iron sheets in an instant."


Eshi also pondered, because before the mechanical Xingtian died, no information was transmitted back. When Xingtian was performing the teaching task, all the signals suddenly broke off.


At this moment.

In the entire universe Tianting Continent, more or less gods have awakened in 78 million states.

They rose into the air and glided in the sky, as if gathering towards one place.

The people didn't understand why. They had never seen such a scene in thousands of years.

They walked out of the house, knelt down and kowtowed, shouting: "Everything we have is given by the gods, we are infinitely grateful."

But the gods looked cold and turned a blind eye.

Just as thousands of people knelt down in fear.

Almost at the same moment, on countless continents, in front of every god, a mirror space appeared. A man with a black box on his back walked out of it, grabbed the chest of the mechanical god with both hands, and tore it apart with a click!


The man disappeared along with the mirror!

All the residents were stunned.

Looking up at the gods revealing their mechanical nature, parts fell like rain.

Liu Di tore up the gods of each state according to the map in his mind!

He also found that the Esenger Fortress in the map was the area where the universe produced and stored warships, with an area of ​​0.8 light years!

Liu Di did not stay here, and the door of space opened wide.

The mechanical civilization of Liu Di, who was the king, surged in with the help of the opening of the air.

The development of full automation has enabled Brother Liu to control 3.5 star-class warships alone!

Direct indiscriminate attack!

All energy, all weapon systems, overwhelming!

Brother Liu also developed a mobile warship matrix through the Sky Matrix of the Three Civilizations of the Heavenly Prison!

The violent energy is released wantonly, destroying everything!

If the energy of the warship is exhausted, it will be driven with full force and physically collided!

A shocking sound came, and the Esenger Fortress was filled with smoke and turned into ruins!

The "Arsenal No. 85" in the map is the production base of the mechanical gods.

Brother Liu stood alone in the air, and countless multi-faceted spaces hit this area like meteorites!

Brother Liu was already furious. Millions of huge impacts and millions of space falls caused the area of ​​the Arsenal No. 85 to shatter directly and fall into the universe!

A gap appeared in the entire universe Tianting Continent!

At this moment.

In the box behind Brother Liu, Kunsang's head, two arms, and two legs were quietly stored, but there was no torso.

Brother Liu was always red, his body flashing.

Came to an area called Mingzhou.

There was only one mechanical god here, located in a temple on a high mountain.

Brother Liu stood at the temple gate and knocked down the gatehouse with one punch.

But he saw a mechanical monk with his hands clasped together, standing in the courtyard as calm as water.

It was the nameless monk who followed Feng before.

"What are you?"


Brother Liu's right eye was scarlet. In his heart, this mechanical monk only had 10 seconds left to live.

The mechanical monk clasped his mechanical palms, "I am just an ordinary temple monk, my Buddhist name is Lunhuikong."

Brother Liu's teeth were clattering, "Do you still think you are a real person?"

The monk said calmly: "Like those mechanical gods, I have my own thoughts. In our world, we are the same as other lives. The only difference is that the mission of those mechanical gods is to kill, while my mission is to understand."

Brother Liu stepped forward step by step.

But the mechanical monk said calmly: "What Donor Feng wants to do will definitely be stained with blood, but its original intention is correct."

"About you, Donor Liu."

"If you think that only by destroying everything can you calm the anger in your heart, Lunhuikong is willing to do as you wish."

As the mechanical monk spoke, bursts of Buddhist music suddenly sounded in the temple behind him.

Many residents of the Universe Heaven with shaved heads walked out slowly, without saying a word, and knelt on both sides of the mechanical monk, saying softly: "Buddha."

"Sometimes, putting down the butcher knife is not right."

"What donor Feng means is that all things must be reborn in Nirvana, and only in Nirvana can they be reborn."

"This is true for the Universe Heaven, the one in the box behind you, and donor Liu."

"So is I. Whether it is to relieve your hatred or to make way for you, Lunhuikong is willing to take the initiative to reborn."


The mechanical monk said, slowly lowering his head, and the mechanical skull slowly opened, revealing the sophisticated circuits and a blue technological brain, and then a blue bead slowly rose from the front of the brain.

This bead is the core of all mechanical gods. Crush it and the gods will fall.

Liu Di frowned deeply, "You are a machine, and you still want to realize the truth, reincarnate, and reborn?!"

"All gods are evil!"

Liu Di stretched out his arm, click!

The sound of shattering echoed throughout the small temple.

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