My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1470 Distant Voice (1/2)

Feng's words echoed in Brother Liu's mind.

There was a brief game in his heart, and he had to admit that deep down in his mind, he actually agreed with Feng for a moment.

Freedom leads to destruction.

And tight control can maintain stability.

Brother Liu raised his head and scanned the city.

The house was dilapidated, the god Jizi chopped up charred corpses all over the ground, and many people were chopped into pieces by the giant ax of the mechanical Xingtian.

There are not many people left alive in Qianzhou.

There was almost no wailing, just one-sided massacre.


The old man, whose neck was half cut off, used his last strength to grab Di Liu's arm and said something in Di Liu's ear with difficulty, "All gods are evil..."

Say it.

The old man died completely.

Liu Di's pupils were shocked.

This is the voice in the hearts of the people at the bottom. Their homes have been destroyed and their relatives have been killed. What’s the point of lasting peace and stability?

All gods are evil!

Brother Liu laid the old man's body flat, stood up slowly, and stared at Feng with cold eyes, "You are a vested interest in this system. What you support is contrary to the people!"

Liu Di stared at the mechanical Xingtian and walked forward step by step, "Feng, you have helped me before, so now I only give you two words in return... Get out of the way."

Brother Liu said.

Pieces of blue space lit up around the body, with figures intertwined in it, like complex totems. It was a layerless hidden space. No one could find its true form, and no one could stop it from coming.

Feng's body did not move at all and was still blocking Brother Liu. He said calmly: "Do you want to crush Xing Tian? Don't use this method."

Brother Liu suddenly looked at Feng.

At this moment, four complex spaces lit up around Feng's head. The one in front of him was less than 3 centimeters from the tip of his nose.

As long as Brother Liu has a thought, Feng's brain will burst.

However, Feng was completely unfazed. He slowly turned around and walked straight to the 5-meter-long mechanical Xingtian.

As for this mechanical Xingtian, it was as if the system had been shut down. From beginning to end, he stood on the spot holding the giant axe, motionless, looking straight ahead.

Feng turned around, glanced at Brother Liu with some confusion, then raised his hand and lightly slid it in the air.

But there was a sound of metal rotating inside the body of the mechanical Xingtian.

Immediately, the skin of mechanical Xingtian's chest began to lift inch by inch, and then split and slid to both sides. Under precise operation, a huge hole was revealed in Xingtian's chest.

I saw.

There is a head embedded inside the body of the mechanical Xingtian.

It was a human head, fixed by a metal bracket. His neck was severed, blood was still dripping, his face was slightly downward, and his eyes were closed.

Brother Liu's body was completely frozen.

There was a click in my head, my thoughts paused, and I felt that the world had become extremely pale in an instant, and all the scenery had lost its outline and color.

A distant voice sounded in Brother Liu's mind.

"I just came to see what a person who can make a poker player give a death order looks like and whether his handsomeness can match mine."

"I admit, you are the most handsome man I have ever seen, but you are still a little uglier than me."

"Yes, I am the 2 of Diamonds, haha."

"But I'm not a killer, I kill killers."

"Well, it's a killer who specializes in killing killers."

"After all, I am young and my strength is number one in the world. I have to find a place to prove myself."

"I'm looking for someone with a tattoo of a clown on their wrist."

"I'm the number one master in Taigu Kingdom, Kun Sang."

"First base!"

"I'm Kunsang, the baseball player Kunsang!"

"I am the number one master in the universe, Kun Sang!"

"Three powerful emperors, I think it's better to run away first!"

"Three powerful emperors, enter!"

These sounds seemed like shouts from another world, getting farther and farther away.

A black and white silhouette appeared in Liu Di's mind. A man in sportswear, holding a baseball bat in his hand, hit a home run with a graceful swing. However, the moment the baseball flew out, the scene shattered.

Liu Di's body did not move, and his expression did not change. He just frowned slightly, and then the tears gathered in his eye sockets flowed down his cheeks.

Feng sighed softly and said, "I said I wouldn't let you kill Xing Tian in that way because I was afraid that your partner wouldn't be intact."

The mechanical monk lowered his head slightly and said in a long voice: "Amitabha."

Brother Liu's throat rolled, his head raised slightly, and tears were still flowing.

He knew that this was not Feng's method. Feng's intention of coming this time was now obvious. It was a kind reminder.

Brother Liu suppressed his overwhelming emotions, and used his immense inner strength to keep his voice calm, "Who...did this."

Feng looked at Brother Liu with calm eyes, "All mechanical gods are made by White Tiger. You can't see the cause and effect. They are the means of Xuanwu. Qinglong has what you want, but I can only do so much."

Liu Di's body began to tremble, the huge power in his body was suppressed, and his body made a banging sound.

Feng added: "White Tiger has a habit of finding ways to destroy the opponent's mind before killing him."

After a pause, Feng looked at Brother Liu, whose right eye had turned red, and seemed to be telling him: "Don't fall for Bai Hu's trick. If you lose your mind and go crazy, you can easily be killed."

Brother Liu raised his trembling arm, wiped the tears on his cheeks with his palm, and said surprisingly calmly: "I've been hit."

Brother Liu walked slowly, and the overwhelming grief seemed to have turned into substance, sweeping everything.

Feng could not help but take a step back.

Brother Liu looked straight ahead, and when he came to the front of the mechanical Xingtian, countless blue cutting marks had appeared on the huge body of the mechanical Xingtian, crisscrossing.

The moment Brother Liu reached out and held the head.

The body of the mechanical Xingtian shattered into countless pieces, and then the fragments shattered into countless pieces again until they became dust.

At this moment.

The plasma screen covering Qianzhou suddenly became intermittent, flashed for a moment, and then completely extinguished.

But in the distant sky, 20,000 mechanical gods of different shapes and imposing manners were floating in the sky, densely packed, and various weapons were pointed at Brother Liu from afar.

Brother Liu turned a blind eye.

The liquid metal turned into a black box, put the head in it, and then carried it behind his back.

Brother Liu turned around slowly, unable to see his expression, "It is very important to bury the whole body and put it in peace. Feng, this time, you can go."

Brother Liu did not wait for a response, and stepped forward, as if stepping on the steps of the void, rising step by step into the sky.

In the original place.

The mechanical monk put his hands together, and kept chanting "Amitabha". It looked at Feng, "Donor Feng, is this really a good thing?"

Feng held the book in his hand, but did not read it, staring at Brother Liu's back, "If you don't anger him, how can you overthrow the rule of Eshi."

The mechanical monk still kept his hands together, looking into the distance, "The Buddha in his heart has been pushed down, so the general public will welcome a new demon."

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