"Otherwise..." Xiaoxia hasn't finished her words yet.

There was a crash.

The special operations team is divided into two pairs, and one team goes to capture the 9 of Spades.

A team directly surrounded Xiaoxia! Duan Hua looked up to the sky and sighed, waved his hands and said: "It's okay, it's okay, this child is still young and not sensible..." Of course.

This scene of Xiaoxia's conversation did not appear on the live broadcast platform.

Because he was threatening the number one police officer in Hai City.

Xiaoxia is really a bit fierce! Duan Hua looked thoughtfully at the 9 of Spades who was handcuffed and shackled by the special police.

Remember in one second http:// Said: "When Master Tuo was training me, at his level, he was probably my opponent when I was fifteen years old.

"Duan Hua's mouth twitched.

I was so surprised! One is because of Xiaoxia’s super strength! 15 years old, defeated the Cyborg! Secondly, Xiaoxia is now 18 years old, so that means there were already transformed people 3 years ago? Duan Hua suddenly lost his mind.

Xiaoxia and the others... Could it be that the eldest brother... mastered the technology of human transformation three years ago? Duan Hua frowned solemnly! After many years in office, I feel like I can’t see the future clearly for the first time! Fortunately, the elder brother is trustworthy.

Otherwise, even if he quietly turns the world upside down, no one will know! Duan Hua sighed quietly! Prepare to move into the experimental cemetery.

But Xiao Xia suddenly stood in front of him and said in a low voice: "Brother said there are no guests today, sir, you better retreat, otherwise..." "Stop!" Duan Hua waved his hand helplessly, "Xiao Xia, this is not an international border, and you are no longer here. You're a mercenary! If you cause a big mess, I can't protect you!" "And!" "Can you change your mantra?" Xiaoxia said quietly, "That's not a mantra, it's my idea.

Duan Hua was speechless for a moment and said helplessly: "Then you have to listen to the arrangements of your brother and Master Tuo!" Xiaoxia's expression remained calm, "Of course."

"Duan Hua nodded reluctantly! With a wave of his hand, he closed the team and evacuated! On the screen.

The moment when the fainted 9 of Spades was put into the prison car.


A screenshot is saved forever! Title: International killer, subdue the law! In the live broadcast room.

The subtitles are flooding in again.

"6666!" "Exciting and wonderful!" "Relieve anger!" "The most failed killer in history, bar none!" "Thousands of ways, but none of them are greater than my Chinese righteous way!" "I'm afraid that when he hears the word "Huaxia" in the future, he will be able to I was scared to death!" "Hahaha... This is the most awesome live broadcast I have ever seen!" "Gemini, Di San, I am completely convinced!" The screen switched back to Di San.

It's the same figure in the white shirt.

One and a half hours have passed since the live broadcast! The number of simultaneous viewers is the highest in history! 1 billion people! The 9 of Spades was not the only one who completely knelt down.

There are also other platforms for live broadcast at the same time! No matter how exciting their content is, it still pales in comparison to this live murder show! I heard Di San said calmly: "Everyone stayed up late and watched for so long, it's time to give some benefits!" Di San chuckled.

The nearly 300 million in rewards that the live broadcast room had just earned instantly turned into a shower of red envelopes all over the screen! There are tens of millions of them! The amount ranges from tens of yuan to hundreds of yuan! The huge rain of red envelopes fell for more than ten minutes! The audience rushed like crazy! This late night, this moment.

Countless spectators lying on their beds or in front of computers.

After giggling for an hour, I poked my phone like crazy! I was so excited that I almost broke the screen! This red envelope rain is definitely the largest in history! After watching an exciting show, I also got red envelopes! So cool! Gemini is indeed generous, conscientious and domineering! After nearly 20 minutes of red envelope craze.

Di San gently clicked his fingers again, "Everyone, my live broadcast is about to end here, but our twin live broadcast platform has just started, and I hope everyone will support it.

"Here, I also recommend some Gemini live programs for everyone.

"After saying this, Di San paused.

The barrages are coming again! "Third emperor, please tell me, I believe in your taste!" "The creativity of Gemini is really amazing. You don't need to tell me, I will continue to pay attention!" "To tell you the truth, as soon as the Gemini live broadcast is updated, I will directly Delete other live broadcast software, haha! ""Don't make trouble, what do you want to recommend? I'm going to watch it now, I won't sleep tonight! +1!" Di San smiled, He continued: "What I recommend is..." "All the programs of Gemini Live!" The audience was stunned.

"Eh?" "Uh..." "Hahaha!" "This move by the Third Emperor is really 6, with such arrogant self-confidence, I kneel down again!" "Why do I feel like I'm being contracted by Gemini for the rest of my life? But...I like it!"...Liu Di typed the words 'Thank you for your support' on the public screen.

Live broadcast turned off! He leaned back in his chair comfortably.

After browsing the data of the entire live broadcast industry for a while.

Smile slightly.

Gemini Live Broadcast is now stable! At this time, Xiaoxia slowly walked into the cemetery and stood silently beside Brother Liu.

"Brother, the police have withdrawn.

"Liu Di lit up a cigarette and looked at his younger brother, who he had not spent much time with, but had great trust in him.

His life experience is pitiful.

Because of his disability, he was abandoned by his parents at an early age and lived in the city.

Suffered all kinds of cold looks and abuse.

When he was 7 years old, he and his four children, Xiaochun, Xiaoqiu and Xiaodong, were adopted by Master Tuo.

For more than ten years, Lord Tuo and his children have been fighting in the north and south with the army.

Under careful care and guidance.

Several children have acquired terrifying abilities.

However, this still does not change the hostility towards the world in their hearts! They never seem to forget their tragic experience of being abandoned and abused.

In addition, in recent years, they have experienced killing people as a common occurrence in foreign mercenary organizations.

The indifference and ruthlessness in the hearts of these children seem to be infinitely magnified and deeply rooted! Lord Tuo said.

He regretted letting several children go out to experience.

Because the ordinary human emotions that a few children had just given birth to were wiped out again! Brother Liu sighed.

He knew in his heart that this was not Master Tuo's fault.

When you go out for training, you have many choices.

But a few children chose to live a life of killing people and drinking blood.

This is not unexpected, but the result of the hearts of several children! But by accident.

Several children regarded Master Tuo and Brother Liu as close relatives.

Master Tuo’s kindness in reinvention is self-evident.

As for Brother Liu, it was because of the accident three years ago that he rashly entered the world of several children.

Xiao Xia said that she would know it just by looking at Brother Liu’s eyes.

Brother Liu was the only one who didn't know that they were a killing god.

Someone whose eyes contain genuine respect for them from the bottom of their hearts! Of course, what moved them the most was.

At that time, Brother Liu came here for the first time. He had a lot of blood in his right eye and had a splitting headache all day long.

He actually said calmly that he would be the elder brother from now on, and if the children were bullied.

Just move him out! Xiaoxia just smiled lightly at that time.

But I didn't expect it.

Two years later, when I came back again, I suddenly discovered it.

My brother who had splitting headaches all day long and was extremely weak.

He was able to defeat his three brothers and sisters easily! Can't even get up! Suddenly he has become a being that he can only look up to!

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