"Xiao Xia.

"Brother, I'm here."

Brother Liu took a puff of his cigarette and sighed: "Master Tuo, he has a cynical temperament."

"Even to me, he said some things that should be frivolous at a young age."


Liu Di said, his eyes flashing: "Arrogance must be based on strength!" “The vast world beneath our feet is filled with all kinds of strange things.

"What we see from our perspective is just a corner of Yingying. Don't be limited by your vision."

"Don't provoke some strong people who can't resist, and make yourself embarrassed, which will not end well."

"Xiao Xia listened quietly, her eyes gradually narrowed.

He nodded and said: "Brother, I understand, you want me to keep a low profile so as not to get into trouble.

"Brother, don't worry, Xiaoxia will be cautious."

""Ha ha.

Liu Di smiled heartily, stood up and came to an exquisite iron box behind him, "Brother, that's not what you meant!" "Brother, I want to tell you that you can be arrogant, but you can't be without capital!" "With strength, you can protect yourself from harm and your family from harm!" "It can save the weak and help justice!" "Proud and correct!" "Today, I will give you another piece of arrogant capital!" "Brother Liu said, and the iron box opened automatically with a rumble.

What was exposed was a pair of exquisite mechanical arms! Round lines, silver light shines.

The precise components can be faintly seen.

Although he is lying quietly.

But the explosive power hidden in it is clearly revealed! With a smile on his face, Brother Liu pointed at the young man and then at the mechanical arm.

"Xiaoxia, gift!" Young Xiaoxia's eyes were instantly attracted to that arm.

Inexplicably, he just felt that this arm fit him perfectly! He bit his lip.

As a boy who was born disabled.

It is a dream to have your body whole again! Liu Di gently stroked the mechanical arm, "This is my first work. In terms of technology, it is at least 60 years ahead of the world.

“As for its limits.

"Xiaoxia, I'm waiting for you to tell me!" The young man with a heart as strong as steel felt a sore nose inexplicably and said with moist eyes: "Thank you, brother."

Brother Liu nodded slightly, "Brother, let me tell you one more thing. Arrogance is arrogance, but kindness is indispensable!" "As we wander into this dangerous world, we will definitely encounter a few people who deserve to be killed."

"You just need to remember that if you can list three reasons why the person in front of you must die, there is no harm in killing them!" "...the next day.

Live battle data released.

Gemini firmly ranks first with a user share of 90%! The world was impressed again.

The confidence of companies in the same industry was shattered, and they no longer have the idea of ​​​​competition! The Gemini app has already reached 1 billion users.

A completely unshakable Internet giant! at the same time.

Another hot topic in the news is about the ‘Woof Dog Second Generation’ who appeared in the Di San live broadcast for less than 1 minute! This caused an uproar in the scientific and mechanical manufacturing circles! That mechanical dog doesn’t move much! But it is enough to see its intelligence and smooth and free movements! A group of mechanical engineering experts were amazed! This is beyond the current level of manufacturing! The creator’s technical ability is unfathomable! One day in the future, it is very likely to set off a mechanical revolution! With the popularity of Twin Stage and Twin Live.

and the exposure of mechanical manufacturing technology.

The founder’s market value has soared again! Reaching an astonishing valuation of one trillion! Of course, the creator didn't go public.

The valuation figures are just another way of awe for the strength of this technology company established less than two months ago by all industry insiders! A top economist ditched his usual tirade in an interview to evaluate the founder.

He just said three words with trembling lips, "Creator, the future, infinite possibilities!" Although all this caused a wave of exaggeration in the technology world.

But for civilians.

The most exciting moment has just arrived! At 9 o'clock sharp, the creator Di San updated the news: 3:0! At 9:01, the second news: At 8 o'clock tonight, Di Yi joins hands with 99 singers to present a celebration concert! There was an uproar! Penguin is completely defeated! The Internet giant with profound foundation failed! 3:0, a crushing victory for the creators! It was boiling! The time to enjoy victory is finally here! The concert of Song God Emperor Yi is just around the corner! ...the founder company at this time.

Everyone is extremely busy.

It’s a non-stop feeling again! Because the battle with the penguin is not an end, but a beginning! Let’s not mention the functions of Gemini for now.

The most important thing is the explosion of users! The terrifying number of downloads, the terrifying number of registrations, and the terrifying real-time activity! The workload in maintenance and service has increased dramatically! Ah Jia is also busy communicating with the building’s property management! Looking at this trend, the founder’s staff will be increased four times to barely have enough! Brother Liu gave the order.

Purchase a 5-story office building again at a price 30% higher than the market price! The monthly revenue of a god-like company like Gemini is about to exceed 20 billion! If you have money, you will naturally be confident! However.

Ruan Liangji, the technical person in charge, was not sitting at his workstation at this time.

Under the arrangement of Brother Liu, he led a group of employees and has been busy on the rooftop since morning.

It seems like some equipment is being installed.

Even the founder and other employees are confused about the situation.

I only know that it was prepared for the celebration concert! Brother Liu watched all this.


In the eyes of all the employees of the Creator.

His identity as ‘Emperor III’ is once again unique! If we talk about the former Emperor III, he was a super Internet god and a super business genius! At the same time, he was intimidating.

At least he could define a concept for him.

And now Emperor III.

He is like a vast ocean, bottomless! A well-conceived live video.

It turned the tide and made the entire Gemini Live! This is nothing.

The 1-minute appearance of the mechanical dog in the live broadcast.

It once again added a new field to the Creator.

And it instantly created a new height.

Everyone knows.

The appearance of ‘Wangwang Dog’ for one minute.

It is definitely not accidental.

It must be the deliberate arrangement of Emperor III! The employees of the Creator once again savored the name of their company - Creator.

They couldn't help but realize it later! Creation... is not a simple manufacturing.

It is a grand, great, unparalleled manufacturing that creates the world! The employees did not comment.

Deeply shocked.

The seemingly calm and composed Emperor Three Boss.

What he wants to create is definitely a great cause that is unimaginable to the world and breaks through all limitations! And the creator is not limited to a company.

With time, I am afraid that an empire can be created! Creator employees.

Everyone is moved and everyone believes! Creator, Gemini, must be my life's career! Emperor Three Boss, I will follow you until death!

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