My right eye is a god-level computer

147. Spade 9 kneels in China

Countless netizens rubbed their eyes! They looked at the screen again.

The majestic giant mechanical dog stood there as if it was real! The cold metal light shone brightly! It raised its head majestically! It raised its sharp claws! It had a manic aura! Its giant red eyes flickered faintly! "Oh my god, I'm crazy..." "Is this a Transformer!" "There's such a magical weapon?"m Am I dreaming! Who's going to pinch me?" "It's said that Emperor San came from the future. I think this is very likely..." "I'm completely kneeling!" "Will the boss of Emperor San recruit minions?" "I'll offer 100 million. Can you sell me one? "I just want to ask, this thing can't be connected..." The bullet screen in the live broadcast room exploded again! The appearance of the mechanical dog shocked everyone beyond words! It was like a dream! Super Rocket x99, for Emperor San! Super Rocket x99, for Wangwang Dog! Super Rocket x99, a moment of silence for the killer! So far.

The number of people in the live broadcast room, 800 million! An unprecedented height in the history of real-time live broadcast! The voice of Emperor San came again, "Everyone, the show is not over yet, our dear Spade 9, but he has already run away!" "Oh, my god.

" "What about the killer! "The netizens came back to their senses.

Just now.

The Spade 9 who pretended to be dead suddenly turned over and fled like a puff of smoke! He was a cyborg after all.

Such a blow was not enough to hurt him! But at this moment, Spade 9 was so angry! Fuck! What kind of mission is this! Perverted! Even a mechanical dog came out! I won't do it! Cancel the order! The running Spade 9 looked back in horror.

Fortunately, the mechanical dog didn't chase him! Finally, he saw the light.

A door leading to the ground.

He had made up his mind.

Run away from the lawn, no matter if there is a camera or not, saving your life is the most important thing! The moment he opened the door.

My heart stopped suddenly! Outside the door, he was surrounded by countless policemen! They were holding flashlights and hiding in the bushes! Subtitles above their heads: "What's going on! Did the police know my plan? "Fuck! In an instant.

The sound of Spade 9 opening the door startled the nearest policeman.

The policeman was about to shine the light over! Spade 9's eyes were stern.

Instead of retreating, he advanced and rushed forward! His figure was like a nimble black cat, and he instantly burrowed into the bushes! He was indeed a cyborg.

This speed, within half a second! The subtitles above his head: "With my body skills, I only need to hide and escape gradually. These stupid Chinese policemen, you can't catch me at all! "Another flashlight beam shone.

Spade 9 took advantage of the situation and jumped directly onto a big tree, hiding in the dense branches and leaves.

It was midnight, and Spade 9 was dressed in black again.

It was really hard to find! The audience in the live broadcast room was anxious! They wanted to tell the police through the screen: The killer is in the tree! At this time, the police were searching around the experimental cemetery.

It was the Haishi Special Police Team! And the team leader Duan Hua was there in person! Duan Hua leaned on a police car with a cup of hot tea.

Squinting and scanning the surrounding environment.

1 hour ago.

Liu Di sent him a piece of information.

He said there was a gift for him.

It was Spade 9, the internationally wanted serial killer! Of course, Liu Di also asked Chief Duan Hua to help.

For now, Interfering with the live broadcast of the murder! Duan Hua did not dare to neglect it. 30 minutes ago, he led people to surround the entire experimental cemetery! However.

Liu Di did not tell him where the killer was.

He only said that he would appear automatically.

Duan Hua is a little worried now.

International killer.

He is not an ordinary person.

And he is a cyborg! Of course.

After seeing Liu Di kick Ouyang Fengyu away, Duan Hua was not worried about Liu Di's comfort.

He was just afraid that the Spade 9 would be too difficult to catch! As long as he wanted to escape.

I am afraid that he could do it without anyone noticing! Suddenly.

Duan Hua's expression moved.

An indescribable expression appeared on his face.

He wanted to laugh.

But he was afraid that he was not serious.

He wanted to hold it back.

But he couldn't help laughing! He shook his head and sighed, "Liu Di, you're in trouble!" Hai City Police said to Duan Hua, holding his thermos cup.

He slowly came to a dense tree.

"Mr. Sack, you are under arrest.

"Duan Hua suppressed his smile! Spade 9 on the tree was still a little confused at this time! What does this old man do? Did he find me? Impossible? Thinking of this, Spade 9 moved again, and jumped from behind the tree to another big tree at a very fast speed and with very little noise.

But Duan Hua turned his head silently.

He said to the tree again: "Mr. Sack, you are under arrest."

"Subtitles above Spade 9's head: "? ? ? "The tense Spade 9 was still unaware! His body was glowing green! And it was getting clearer and clearer! The audience had already guessed that Emperor San added luminous powder to the water that flushed Spade 9 in the sewer! Now the clothes are gradually drying, and the fluorescent powder is shining! Duan Hua, plus 800 million netizens.

Just watching like a glowing monkey, jumping around in the big tree! Sometimes hiding in the bushes, sometimes climbing up the big tree! The audience in the live broadcast room has burst into laughter! "Hahaha... this stupid killer, stupid and cute, I am a fan!" "Oh... my stomach hurts!" "I just want to ask the emperor three, what good will it do you if I die of laughter?" "I really can't do it anymore, I'm laughing so hard...haha!" Duan Hua, who was extremely helpless, waved his hand! Countless special police officers surrounded Spade 9 who was squatting in the bushes with a clatter! Countless flashlights shone together! Spade 9 now has a lot of question marks in his mind! What's going on? Fuck! The extremely frustrated Spade 9 finally saw the fluorescence on his clothes.

Faith collapsed! Fuck! Fuck! He finally understood that this assassination was completely played by Liu Di! Complete defeat! Spade 9's eyes were scarlet, and he looked at Duan Hua suddenly! Damn China! I can die, but I want to take one of your officers away! Spade 9 is not going to escape! He was ready to fight back at the brink of death, to kill Duan Hua! In an instant, Spade 9 jumped up! The dagger in his hand appeared instantly, and he slashed towards Duan Hua's neck! The sudden rise of the cyborg! How swift! The surrounding special police soldiers had no way to react! At the critical moment! Another figure joined the battlefield! The speed of this one-armed boy was twice as fast as Spade 9! He was like a god descending from heaven.

It was like a spring breeze! Kicked out! Bang! Boom! Spade 9 was kicked directly ten meters away! Breaking a big tree in half! Completely unconscious! The one-armed boy fell to the ground young.

He patted his feet with one hand and took a long breath, "Huh... I feel relieved at last!" But Duan Hua ignored the unconscious Spade 9 and said with shining eyes: "Xiao Xia, how about joining my special forces?" "Commander Duan Hua, my brother said that I can't kill you, otherwise..."

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