My right eye is a god-level computer

144. High-tech live broadcast

"I'll go!" "I read that right!" "Di San Da broadcasts killing people?" "Can this be broadcast?" A group of netizens rubbed their eyes vigorously.

3 minutes later.

They were sure that Di San didn’t modify the post and silently gave himself a like! "Isn't this a little too exciting?" "Oh my God.

"Emitofu, such a bloody thing is not conducive to the growth of young people!" But, I really want to see it! "Are you stupid? How could you really broadcast a murder?" "mNo matter what you say, this title successfully attracted me!" "I don't want to watch the young lady dancing! I want to do this! No one can stop me!" "Squat Gemini tonight, watch Murder Online... Um...evil +1.

"Evil +2..." Yes, that's it.

Just 10 minutes.

The Internet exploded.

One pass to ten, ten to a hundred! Shocked countless eyeballs! Be shocked a lot! The creator Di San’s one update has crushed the promotions of countless live streaming companies! The effect exceeds hundreds of millions worth of advertising expenses! No one would have thought.

Just live broadcast, and kill people? The universe is all in your imagination! Founder Company.

Ruan Liangji held the mobile phone and found Ajia like a ghost, "Mr. Ajia, look, the third boss of Di San is going to heaven.

"Ajia, who was busy at work, glanced at the screen of his mobile phone.

Click! The pencil in his hand was directly cut off.

"I'll go, he's really going to heaven!" "I'll give him a call!" 10 minutes later.

Ah Jia walked towards the office with a cloudy forehead.

According to Brother Liu's instructions, all employees are notified: at 12 o'clock, Gemini will broadcast the murder live in full screen! Then, Ah Jia hid in the corner and sighed leisurely! He learned that someone really wanted to assassinate Liu Di.

But Brother Liu really wants to broadcast this incident live! And he told Ajia with a smile, don’t worry! Ruan Liangji, who was confused, finally understood at this time.

What does the phrase "I'll be responsible for the publicity" said by the third boss of Di San mean? ...Penguin Group.

Li Daode looked decadent and smoked his cigar happily! Suddenly I saw Di San updated the news.

Li Daode smiled crazily, "Go ahead, go ahead, I don't care what tricks you use!" "Because, you're going to die soon!" "Hahaha..." "Hiccup..." "Cough cough cough..." ." "Holy shit!" Just now, Li Daode swiped his hand and clicked on the specific content of Di San.

"Live broadcast of killing???" Li Dede stood up fiercely.

Quickly disperse the smoke in front of you! Let me confirm it? Hiss... Li Daode's pupils shrank sharply, his heart twitched violently, and he almost lost his breath! Paying a murderer? Could it be referring to me? He knows my plan! Know the 9 of Spades! What's going on! Damn it! Li Daode was extremely flustered! I quickly rummaged through the box to find the phone number and called the middleman Tiger! As soon as the call was connected, Li Daode shouted angrily, "Tiger, what kind of thing are you doing!" "Where is that stupid killer?" "You're killing a bird!" "You've exposed your secret, you've been tricked to death. Me!" "Cancel the plan immediately!" "Haha.

A desperate bitter smile came from the other side: "I am also very broken!" I just called the killer dozens of times and couldn't get through all of them! Now, no one knows where he is! "I can't get in touch with you at the poker meeting. I can't get through at all!" "Then, the sound of people packing things came from the phone, "Li Daode, I suggest you pack your things and run away! "Beep beep... the phone was hung up! Li Daode was completely dumbfounded! Damn... is this something done by a human being! What evil did I do in my previous life! Li Daode was stiff for three minutes.

Then I remembered to look at the time! There is still 1 and a half hours until the live broadcast starts! run! Run quickly! ...the suburbs of Haishi.

In the tangled bushes.

The Nine of Spades wears a black mask, black tights, and a close-fitting backpack.

Traveling like a ghost.

He looked up from time to time to confirm.

There are no cameras around! The route under our feet was carefully chosen.

The first lesson in joining a poker club is how to avoid leaving any evidence! Ahead, the hemispherical white building has a faint outline.

9 of Spades deliberately took out his phone and checked it.

everything is normal! He turns off his phone.

Before taking action, close all contact methods! Then, he lay down gently.

Squinting at the terrain.

It matches the data perfectly! hehe.

Target brother Liu, you can’t escape even if you have wings! It’s a wilderness all around! I'm afraid that after your death, no one will find your body in a short time! As for my actions.

It’s even less likely that anyone will find out! 2 kilometers away.

On a tall street lamp, a one-armed boy sat casually with his legs hanging down, holding a cup of Coke in his hand.

The breeze blew across his face, blowing away his bangs, revealing the young man's delicate and calm face.

He picked up the telescope at hand and glanced at the trees in the distance.

Lying down like a wild dog is none other than the international killer, the 9 of Spades.

The young man took a sip of Coke and touched the headphones beside his ears, "Brother, that idiot is here.

"Well, there's no rush."

"Brother, how about I help you kill him? It's an eyesore."

"Xiao Xia, you have to change your character and stop killing people at every turn. I asked you to come today because of other things. You just need to rest for a while."

"Okay, brother."

"The boy said, quite bored, and took another sip of Coke.

In the Experimental Cemetery.

Brother Liu put his hands behind his head and leaned comfortably on the back of the chair.

In front of him was a huge void projection.

There are hundreds of surveillance camera angles! Within a 3-kilometer radius of the cemetery, every angle is in sight! Of course, this includes the unaware international killer Spade 9! How could a small killer hide under the surveillance of the demon boy? How could Spade 9 know?

Nearly a thousand meters above his head, countless drones with telephoto cameras have recorded him in every detail! Brother Liu smiled lightly.

There are still 10 minutes.

At 12 o'clock, these angles will be directly broadcast to Gemini Live! Spade 9 doesn't know yet.

He is very lucky.

Even an international movie star cannot enjoy such an unprecedented shooting technique!

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