My right eye is a god-level computer

$143. Live broadcast warm-up

2 hours later.

Spade 9, who was naked and leaning on the bed, was somewhat puzzled.

He looked at the snoring beauty next to him, who was about 40 years old.

His brows were slightly wrinkled.

What happened? Why is the quality of Chinese beauties so low after I haven't been here for a few years? He slowly came to his senses.

Was he fooled by the private car driver? "Handsome guy... are you awake?" A rough and charming voice came.

"Get out!" Spade 9's face was livid! Downstairs.

The private car driver just now leisurely stepped on the cigarette butt and glanced at the hotel behind him - Mantanghong Rose Guesthouse.

The driver curled his lips, "Blind foreigners, dare to look down on China?" "Today you can feel the flower of our urban village!" Then, the driver laughed.

Drive away! Spade 9 in the room was depressed for a long time.

Calm down.

The mission is important! Enjoy it when you return to Europe! He made sure that no one was around.

He took out a famous European ancient book "Faust's War" from his bag.

He got this book from the airport check-in counter.

He stretched out his fingers and slowly stroked the inner pages of the book.

He slowly closed his eyes.

The almost imperceptible concave and convex points on the book were slowly transmitted to his mind through his fingertips.

Finally, they turned into pieces of information.

This is a special way of communication, similar to Braille.

Liu Di... 25 years old... ordinary family... no military history... never participated in any combat training... the creator's behind-the-scenes boss... After understanding the situation, Spade Nine opened his eyes.

This time the target is too ordinary! Just an ordinary local tycoon.

It's a waste of my time! I really don't understand, why do you ask me to come forward to kill such a person? Spade 9 shook his head helplessly.

He put on a pair of glasses.

He continued to flip through the book.

The position where an illustration should have been was replaced.

It became a photo of Liu Di.

Spade 9 smiled at the young man with a rebellious smile.

He looks pretty.

Unfortunately, you will soon become my dead soul! After 30 seconds, the photo of Brother Liu gradually faded.

This pigment will evaporate naturally. From the moment of exposure, it only exists for 60 seconds, and then disappears without a trace.

Then, the illustrations in the book return to normal! Spade 9 continues to flip.

The next few pages are a hemispherical building.

And it is equipped with a detailed structural diagram of the building.

All exits, ventilation ducts and sewers are clearly marked! Poker Club is an international killer organization.

Not only does it have top killers.

It also has many intelligence collectors called "spy guests".

Just before Spade 9 came to China.

Someone has already prepared all the information about Brother Liu for him! Spade 9 smiled strangely.

You actually live in such a weird place? What a weirdo! No wonder someone wants to kill you! This kind of wilderness.

This kind of powerless target! This job is too easy! Of course.

As an international top killer, Spade 9 is definitely not an ordinary person.

Within 3 minutes, he clearly memorized all the drawings in the book.

An assassination plan slowly formed in his mind! Haha, brother Liu.

At 12 o'clock tonight, it is the time of your death! Spade Nine laughed grimly! ... The live broadcast industry has been in full swing in China in the past two years.

Not only Penguin.

Many companies such as Magic Hand and Squid Live have already formed a climate, and are also companies with valuations of tens of billions or even tens of billions.

Three days ago, they were still on the sidelines, watching the battle of the companies happily.

Then, they were shocked to hear that the Gemini wanted to broadcast live.

They were also panicked! Of course, they knew the strength of the Gemini.

If they were eyeing the big cake of live broadcast, other companies might not even get a slag! However, they did not know the strength of the Gemini.

Because they had never confronted the Gemini head-on like Penguin.

Their company headquarters had not been set off by fireworks.

So, they united and prepared to fight against the Gemini! At this time

There are still 4 hours until 12 o'clock in the evening.

Major live broadcast companies are facing a formidable enemy.

First, they have strengthened the transfer penalties for their anchors! Secondly.

China has hundreds of super internet celebrities who have signed contracts with various live broadcast companies.

Major companies require all internet celebrities to go online at 12 o'clock tonight! And they must show their best skills! Swear to compete with Gemini for traffic! 'Magic Hand Live: China's first generation internet celebrity Lion King will start broadcasting at 12 o'clock midnight, revealing the secrets of first-line stars! ''Magic Hand Live: Super popular internet anchor Donkey Brother, carrying 3 million red envelopes, calls on 30 million fans to interact tonight! ''Magic Hand Live: At 12 o'clock tonight, 0365 live broadcast room 100 beautiful internet celebrities cool clothes dance, waiting for you to watch! ''Squid Live: Internet celebrity big eater Pig Mom, tonight live challenge three mouths and a pig! ''Squid Live: Well-known game anchor Big Monkey, tonight challenge weapon enhancement +88! ''Unknown platform: As long as you come and watch, all female anchors on the platform today do not use filters! ''Anchor Xiao Taohua: As long as you come and watch, today's performance cannot be broadcast! ''Live broadcast Chang Meili: Live broadcast lottery, the male fan who wins the lottery will get married on the spot! 'Hiss... What the hell... Netizens can't help but gasp when they see all kinds of publicity! Female anchors live broadcast without filters... Is this still watchable? There are even more cruel ones.

Drawing a male fan to marry on the spot? Are all the major platforms crazy? Are all the major anchors crazy? Geminis are so scared, right? But, you don’t say anything.

Thanks to Geminis.

Today, all the major platforms are like ghosts, with countless demons and monsters making trouble! It is estimated to be quite exciting! Netizens are really looking forward to it! Today is also a big party for live broadcast platforms! Waves of publicity and promotion.

The anchors break the bottom line again and again.

It is estimated that a super-large-scale live broadcast traffic explosion can be created! Netizens have also paid attention to the anchors they like.

Prepare to watch online at 12 o'clock! Speaking of which.

Why didn't the big Geminis that I thought about so much make any moves this time? Netizens are a little puzzled.

This is not like their style.

Although there are some gossips that many anchors have signed Geminis recently.

However, there are no very famous ones.

Even most of them are newcomers.

Netizens prayed silently in their hearts, "Gemini, Gemini, don't lose this time, we are still waiting to see the Emperor One concert!" However, everyone was unsure.

Because as it seems now, Gemini's live broadcast has no appeal! Everyone flipped through the Gemini stage at the same time.

Found the account of the creator Emperor San.

All the recent actions of Gemini were issued by this account.

Now Emperor San's fans have reached an astonishing 400 million! Suddenly.

Emperor San updated a message: Hello everyone, at 12 o'clock tonight, I, Emperor San, will start broadcasting on Gemini on time! Many netizens were stunned.

Hey, Emperor San is live broadcasting? Is he going to reveal his identity? Curious! But... Emperor San is just a super business genius in everyone's mind.

Like Teng Hualong, a super rich man like Ma Dad.

Although everyone also wants to know his true face.

But compared with the goblins on other live broadcast platforms, it still lacks a bit of attraction! Everyone is not only a little sad.

Gemini is not very good this time! Is the content not eye-catching? At this moment

Emperor San updated the second dynamic.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw it! Emperor San: Unfortunately, I have many enemies and was hired to be assassinated. So, tonight's live broadcast content is set to be - online killing! As soon as this was said.

The Internet exploded instantly! China's online live broadcast started about 2 years ago.

This is a trend that can be seen with the naked eye.

Various folk masters, rich and diverse content,

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