My right eye is a god-level computer

$145. Start broadcasting!

12 o'clock sharp.

The Gemini app was quietly updated.

Gemini live broadcast is online! Of course, well-known Internet celebrities affiliated with other live broadcast platforms have also started broadcasting! This grand ceremony in the online live streaming industry has finally kicked off! Network big data display.

Nearly 400 million netizens stayed up late waiting for this live broadcast.

As soon as 12 o'clock arrives, 90% of netizens have flowed into major live broadcast platforms.

10% of netizens entered Gemini! At a glance.

The debut performance of Gemini Live seems not to be ideal! One second to remember http://but.

After all, 10% of the 400 million Internet users are also 40 million people.

As soon as they entered the Gemini live broadcast interface.

The first thing I saw was a full-screen poster.

Against the dark background, there is a man in a white shirt in front of him. He does not show his face, but stands quietly with his arms folded.

Behind him, a killer with a ferocious face was holding a dagger with a cold light in his hand, ready to stab into the man's neck! Title: Di San Live Room, online killing live broadcast! Netizens originally came here for this matter.

Now when I saw the poster, I immediately became excited! They entered the Disan live broadcast room one after another! But the live broadcast was a bit unexpected! The painting style is surprisingly comfortable! This is like a comfortable bedroom, with a bed in the back and surrounded by shelves.

The camera's perspective seems to be from a camera placed on the table.

A figure wearing a white shirt, only the part below the shoulders was exposed.

A pair of slender white hands were clasped on the table, tapping gently to an unknown rhythm.

Is this Emperor San? Aren't you ready to show your face? Users are a bit confused.

He raised his head and glanced at the number of people watching.

An astonishing 35 million people online! Almost everyone who entered the twins rushed in.

Judging from the number of viewers alone, Di San may have set another record! "Hello, everyone.

A magnetic voice came from the video, "I am the founder Di San!" "Hello, Di San!" "Hello Di San!" "Your products are great!" "Countless barrages passed by in an instant! Of course, the popularity of the business genius Di San cannot be underestimated! 'Di San' chuckled, "Some people may not believe that I am about to be assassinated by a killer. I will play a recording for you below. .

"This paragraph hit the doubts in the hearts of netizens! Their ears immediately pricked up! The recording sounded.

"Tiger, you said before that you can find an international killer who can kill anyone as long as the price is high?" "If my guess is correct... you want Di San's life, right? 40 million, I will help You deal with it!" "What I can get is the international killer 9 of spades!" "He will be killed within three days..." This recording is the conversation between Li Daode and the middleman Tiger! However, in order not to cause panic, Brother Liu deliberately removed the part about transforming people! Subsequently.

A piece of information appeared on the live broadcast interface.

‘International killer Spades 9, whose real name is Sack and alias Vere, entered China one day ago...’ ‘There is evidence that he killed Kazuo Yokotaka, the boss of Fuso Biopharmaceutical Group, two years ago.

''He killed the European political leader Ryan a year ago.

’ ‘He Ye, the leader of the Baku armed forces, was killed by him 2 months ago...’ Then, he attached a photo of the blond 9 of spades! More than a dozen assassinations were deduced one by one by the Demon Boy using the face recognition of the 9 of Spades and accessing the surveillance records of the entire network in the past three days! His hiding techniques are indeed superb! His killing techniques are indeed impeccable! If it weren't for the existence of artificial intelligence like the Demon Boy, it would be difficult to be caught! See here.

There was a chill behind the netizens! This is actually true! Somewhat incredible! For a moment, the barrage paused.

Because everyone was shocked! Emperor San was heard to say calmly: "This killer is lurking outside my house now and is about to start assassinating me.

"I'll go... Big Di San, this is too calm, isn't it? Shouldn't normal people call the police or run away at this time? " Big Di San, sit still, 666666..." " Big Di San, why don't you hurry up? run? Life is important! "Brother Di San, I want to give you a gift. Isn't this a bit immoral..." The barrage became heated again.

It has been connected in a string at the top of the screen! The number of people in the live broadcast room is also rising rapidly! Di San smiled and said: "But don't worry, the 9 of Spades cannot hurt anyone today. He can only become everyone's joke and become a highlight of my twin live broadcast!" "Without further ado, please enjoy!" Next moment.

Screen changes! Hundreds of surveillance perspectives are displayed together! Looking at the screen, the dynamic perspective is as detailed as a field of characters.

The entire audience was stunned again.

Oh My God.

What's this? God's perspective? No...God's perspective is not that detailed! This is simply a magnifying glass for the world! A diamond-shaped building, plus all the surrounding wilderness within a 2-kilometer radius.

As long as it is placed large enough, even a wild flower can be seen clearly.

"How many cameras do we need to set up here?" "I suddenly felt that Di Sanda had been prepared a long time ago. The killer... wants to be useless!" "Huh? Does Di Sanda's home look like this? It's like an exhibition hall. "Really?" "It's so weird!" "The rich man really has special taste!" Netizens' eyes were immediately attracted to this building.

Liu Di smiled slightly. The building on the screen had been replaced by the devil boy and was now a brand new building.

It doesn't look like an experimental cemetery at all.

This is just to avoid trouble after the live broadcast! Suddenly, one of the perspectives is zoomed in.

This is a patch of grass, with the 9 of Spades lying in it, grinning ferociously! "Eh... let me go, killer!" "Foreign killer, he is really here!" "Awesome foreign killer, just like in blockbusters, oh my god, my heart can't stand it!" "This is what I see The most awesome live broadcast ever, absolutely!” “So nervous!” The barrage exploded again! The killer killed someone with a stone hammer! Live broadcast room traffic surged again! I saw the 9 of spades crawling forward and reaching the grass a few meters away! Here, there is a sewer manhole cover hidden! Suddenly, a word floated above 9 of Spades' head.

‘Hmph, as an international killer, I naturally have to choose the most secretive route (thinking expression)’ ‘It’s the sewer under my feet! ''There won't be any monitoring equipment, but you can enter the building silently! ’ ‘Di San, you’re done! (Chopper expression)' Just when the audience was wondering about this word, Di San's voice suddenly came: "Dear friends, in order to increase the viewing pleasure, I have speculated the killer's mental activities for everyone to watch, haha.

"Pfft... there is such an operation, so funny and interesting!" "'Haha, I really want to know, if the killer knew that tens of millions of people were watching him now, what would his psychological activities be like?' The barrage kept coming! People were attracted by the interesting subtitles and almost forgot that this was a war. Real murder! The 9 of Spades glanced at the electronic watch on his wrist.

And set a countdown of 13 minutes and 28 seconds.

Then he laughed ferociously.

The subtitles above the head floated again: "My fastest murder record is 13 minutes and 28 seconds. Today I meet a rich man like Di San. I want to break the record!" shouted.

This guy is a little crazy! To assassinate someone in 13 minutes? I’m really worried about Di San! The audience's hearts were lifted again! Watching nervously.

The 9 of Spades took a deep breath and pressed the watch to count down! The assassination begins! With a cold look on his face, he stretched out his hand to grab the manhole cover at his feet.

One force.

Not moving at all! Huh? A flash of surprise flashed across Spades 9's face.

what's the situation? Why can't I open such a thing? One more push.

Huh? Let me go, was this someone welded to death? "Fuck!"

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