Ding ding ding... Liu Di’s cell phone rang.

It was a video call request from Gemini.

Sender: Heidina.

As the hottest chat software nowadays, Gemini naturally has all the functions of video and voice calls.

There was a boom.

Brother Liu put down the huge part in his hand.

Wiped away the sweat.

Pick up.

In the picture, Heidina is wearing a black tight-fitting half-sleeve shirt, with her proud breasts! She tried her best to pose in the most charming pose and looked at the screen.

Remember http://hiss for a second... Heidina was stunned.

What she saw was a perfect figure.

Liu Di, who was rushing to work, was not wearing a shirt! His long hair slightly covered his eyes.

His face was sharp and handsome.

His neck is straight and his chest muscles are square, including the shoulder blades, where you can see the criss-crossing muscle bulges.

omg! so perfect! Is this an angel who descended into the mortal world? "Hey...can you move the lens down a little bit...hiss.

"Haitina is like a nymphomaniac, and she seems to be drooling.

Brother Liu frowned inexplicably, "What's the matter?" "Hey..." "Ahem..." Heidina withdrew her greedy gaze, sat upright and said, "Those things you asked me to do, I got it.

"Black box virtual ktv app, magic face emoticon app...the three companies have already reached an agreement."

“The average shareholding is 51%, and the total investment amount is less than 300 million.

"The bank's capital package has also been negotiated. The four banks can grant you a total of 100 billion in credit."

"They require an annual return rate of no less than 9%. This is the most successful bargain I have ever had!" Heidina said with a proud look, "Now all we need is your witness company to show up and sign the contract!" "Well..." Brother Liu nodded slightly, and he did not misjudge this woman.

The efficiency is fast enough! Her witness company has just been established, so she can get such a huge amount of credit? Not bad at all! The so-called credit.

It is the amount of funds granted by banks to major investment companies.

It is equivalent to borrowing. During the period of use, the investment company can provide a specified rate of return according to the bank's requirements.

Generally, companies without scale or background are difficult to get! That is to say.

Brother Liu’s witness, if you want to invest in a company with potential.

The bank will transfer the funds.

And the creator only needs a pair of discerning eyes! Heidina narrowed her beautiful eyes and said, "Mr. Liu, I personally guarantee this time. Don't put me in a difficult position.

Brother Liu smiled slightly, "The annual return is 9%. Don't worry. In less than a month, I will let you return more than 1000%!" "Haha, Mr. Liu, I can't expect a 10-fold return."

"I'll be happy if I make 3 or 4 times the profit."

But Heidina instantly put on a seductive expression, bit her lip and said, "Mr. Liu, I have done so much, how are you going to thank me?" Liu Di thought for a while, "You have so much trust in the witness, so naturally I can't treat you badly!" ""oh? Heidina was full of curiosity! "Witness Company will give you 15% of the shares!" Liu Diyi said with a formal expression: "Later, General Manager Zhang Tianjia and Zhang will go find you to implement the specific matters of the Witness Company."

"Also, I bought a 3-story office building opposite Rongteng Building, which will be the office address of Witness Company in the future."

"And your position is witness CEO!" Then Brother Liu picked up the wrench and said, "I have something else to do. Goodbye."

"Ding... the video hangs up.

"Hey...wait a minute!" The phone hung up so suddenly! Hetina gradually wrinkled her nose.

Angry! Couldn't this guy understand my hint? wrong.

Why should I hint? What am I implying? Hetina shook her head violently.

However, this guy is really charming! Such a good figure! Talk.

How could I unknowingly become his partner? When did this happen! Have I fallen into a beauty trap? Sigh... The man is so charming, so scary! The whole process.

Heidina didn't care about the 15% shares given by Liu Di.

Because she was completely unaware.

With the presence of Brother Liu, Witness Company will be a company with great potential! She wouldn't even know.

A few years later, with just this 15% stake, Heidina will become one of the top richest people in the world! ...at the same time.

Haishi Airport, immigration registration office.

"Mr. Weir, what are you doing in China?" "Travel.

"Duh, the passport is stamped!" Thank you, beautiful lady.

"A handsome European guy with blond hair and blue eyes politely took the passport.

"I wish you a pleasant trip to China.


"The handsome European guy walked out of the airport lobby with a smile on his face, his expression indifferent for a moment.

He looked at the sun above his head.

Smelled the smell in the air.

Frowning slightly.

"The air is full of stench in a rotten place like Huaxia!" "It's just a place for low-class people!" He looked at his watch and cursed again, "Damn Huaxia driver, he's already 2 minutes late. 56 seconds! "This man is the international killer whose real name is Sack and whose codename is 9 of Spades! Just as the 9 of Spades was standing impatiently on the roadside waiting for the special car.

A naughty young man approached with a smile and said, "Shout, foreign friends!" The 9 of Spades looked gloomy.

He was keenly aware that this gangster was glancing at his suitcase intentionally or unintentionally.

"Yellow monkey, are you trying to get my suitcase?" "Get lost!" Spade 9 growled, clenching his fist and crackling his bones! The gangster's face turned cold, and he stepped back and said, "Fuck, such an unfriendly foreigner, I won't pay attention to you!" Looking at the gangster who was running away with a smile.

Spade 9 snorted coldly, "Inferior!" Suddenly.

Spade 9 felt a gust of cool wind pouring into the outside of his thigh! He looked down.

A long and thin slit on his pants was splitting open, revealing a snow-white thigh, smiling at him! He quickly reached out and touched it.

The pocket was empty! My wallet! Fuck! The monkey just now was trying to attract my attention, and his companion stole my wallet! Spade 9 looked up again.

Where can I find the shadow of the gangster! Fuck! I really don't want to stay in a rotten place like China for a minute! Get rid of the target, I want to leave as soon as possible! Huh... The sound of brakes came, and his special car finally arrived.

Spade 9 got into the car with a gloomy face.

The wallet issue made him extremely depressed, but it would not affect his plan! As an international killer, he hid supplies almost all over the world! Fake identities, fake passports, cash, weapons and equipment, etc.! "Mr. Weir, where are we going?" The driver turned around and asked.

"Take me to find women, high-quality women from your China!" "Women who can let me ravage them for money!" Spade 9 said viciously.

He has a habit of ravaging local women before killing people! Perverted venting! The driver frowned slightly! Somewhat disgusted! But he could only start the car silently!

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