My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1443 Scientific Pursuit (1/2)

Brother Liu is walking on the ground.

The red light in his right eye gradually dissipated and turned into a restrained purple color.

His expression also changed from crazy and angry to calm and wise.

Does he have a split personality?

There is no answer.


The girl Taozi lay quietly on the ground, falling into a coma. Her red hair had disappeared and turned into pure white.

Brother Liu raised his head slightly and saw the twin stars on Kepler-16b alternating again.

Everything will come back again and again.

The ghosts had also fallen into a coma before, but now their bodies shrank and their violent aura disappeared.


The white-haired Taozi murmured, then woke up faintly, with a cute and confused expression on her face.

"Brother Liu, I seem to have fallen asleep."

White-haired Taozi looked around sleepily, "Have you seen Eliza?"


Brother Liu looked at the white-haired Taozi and smiled.

before in the conscious world.

Stellar Eliza used her last bit of ‘consciousness’ to send Brother Liu out of the cage.

But Brother Liu held her hand.

At that time, Brother Liu had a thorough understanding of the connection between brain waves and mental power.

He has experienced the mental world, and although the mental power in his body is not commonly used, it is not a display.

The last moment.

Brother Liu pulled Stellar Eliza out of the cage.

Then, Liu Di's consciousness returned to his original body. The body that originally woke up on its own due to split personality gained a trace of wisdom.

I personally created the universe version of Duan Hua.

at this time.

Brother Liu looked at the white-haired Taozi.

Krona's electromagnetic matrix can be said to be specially developed for the conscious body. It is really a slap in the face. During the previous capture process, the thoughts belonging to the star Elisa have been exhausted.

The thought is gone.

She is dead.

Liu Di mourned for a moment and said slowly: "Taozi, Eliza is a very, very powerful existence. You did not kill her. She just fell asleep. She will only wake up when she wants to."

Taozi's eyes lit up, "Is that so?"

Brother Liu nodded, "Yes, she is so powerful that she completely ignores our existence, so you don't have to blame yourself at all."

The white-haired Taozi exhaled slowly, as if a heavy burden had been lifted.

"But then again."

Taozi glanced at the charred land, piles of ashes, and corpses half kneeling on the ground, and shuddered.

She said: "Split personality is really scary. I really don't want to experience this again."

Liu Xiaodi and Kun Sang, who were not far away, suddenly woke up and regained their original personalities.

Taozi hugged Little Brother Liu in her arms, "It's better for you, you will never have split personality, and Brother Liu won't either."

The little boy paused, "Of course! My will is super strong!"

Kunsang: "Taozi, let's give a hug too! Haha, hey, who threw my baseball bat so far!"

This moment.

Liu Di suddenly saw that on the back of white-haired Taozi's head, among the smooth white hair, was a single, abrupt, conspicuous, bright red hair.

Brother Liu was slightly stunned, silent for a moment, and then chuckled without paying any attention to it.

Brother Liu turned around.

Behind him were thousands of Kaban scientists who gathered like goblins and wore white coats.

They looked at Brother Liu blankly, with confusion, confusion, and a hint of fear in their eyes.

They have no idea what's going on.


I was treating patients in the starship, why did I suddenly appear on the ground with a blur in my eyes?

This is not the scope of the technology field!

I searched tens of thousands of laws of physics and chemistry in my mind, but found no matching items!

They are indeed scientists.

After watching Liu Di for just one minute, 32 experimental plans and 11 anatomical plans for this magical creature appeared in my mind.

Brother Liu's body flashed.

In 3 seconds, he took thousands of Kaban scientists through the long river of time and witnessed the various crimes of the giant civilization Krona, as well as the bloody road to the top.


Thousands of Kaban scientists appeared stunned and completely petrified.

"turn out to be!"

"Commander Kraang, bah! That guy with a beastly face and a heart like Kraang, he saved us and included us in his scientific research team, not for the sake of scientific and technological progress, not for the benefit of the universe!"

"Jean is just doing it for his own selfish desires!"

"It's so evil!"


"What did we go through just now!"

"We reviewed the timeline?"

"Breaking the time barrier?"

"Because of..."

"Light distortion?"

"Flight faster than light?"

"Or have you witnessed the existence of the curvature of time?"

"Our consciousness is out of body?!"

"How did you do it?"

"After my calculations, in just a moment, at least 4,500 unknown scientific fields appeared in front of us!"

It was as if countless thunderbolts struck their bare heads.

"follow me."

The voice of the man in the white shirt sounded slowly.

The Kaban scientist was directly struck by the largest lightning bolt.

Brother Liu looked at the creatures in front of him quietly.

Their brain capacity is 235% larger than that of humans, and there are 17 areas in the brain that can work together at the same time.

The human conscious mind can only mobilize one working area of ​​the brain at the same time, either balance, movement, or imagination.

Other brain areas can only be controlled by the unpredictable subconscious.

In other words.

The brain efficiency of these Kaban scientists may be 17 times the square of humans, or even 17 times the 17th power.

This does not mean that their IQ is super high.

But the workarounds in their brains and the speed of solving problems will be more than a hundred times that of humans.

Kaban civilization.

It is a natural super scientist and super inventor.

Liu Di lightly tapped, and a liquid metal the size of an egg emerged from the water drop pendant on his chest.

At the same time, nanoworms like black mist gathered in front of Liu Di from all directions.

A blue operating interface appeared in the void, and codes continued to emerge.

Then the liquid metal changed its shape and merged with the nanoworms.

In a flash.

A small particle collider was formed out of thin air.

Then, the machine changed its shape again and became a miniature controlled nuclear fusion reaction furnace.

Then, the furnace changed its shape again and formed an observation telescope for cosmic microwave background radiation.

Then, it changed into a mini Dyson sphere.

Thousands of Kaban scientists opened their mouths wide and their jaws almost dropped to the ground.

Liu Di said calmly: "I can open this piece of liquid metal and the control permission of 4 units of nanoworms for you. Through code editing, it can become all the equipment you want."

Liu Di looked up.

The Tianjue, which was already 120 kilometers long, slowly descended.

"And, there is enough space in my Tianjue for you to live and conduct scientific experiments."

Thousands of Kaban scientists were stunned for a full minute.

Then they all knelt.

They all looked at Liu Di and raised their hands to the sky above their heads.

"Your ability astounds us!"

"We are willing to follow you!"

"We believe you are just!"

"You will be our only master in the future!"

"We will serve you wholeheartedly and create all the technology you want!"

"Even our offspring can continue to serve you! Forever!"


"Our Kaban civilization was born to pursue the ultimate in science!"

"We know that you are most likely the legendary high-dimensional existence."

"We beg you to...dissect your body after we have made countless satisfactory results for you, which may be 20 years, or 100 years later..."

"When that time comes."

"We beg dissect your body!"

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