My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1444 Cardboard Team (1/2)

Brother Liu was a bit unexpected.

But thousands of Kaban scientists were kneeling on the ground at this time, with incomparable enthusiasm and sincerity in their eyes.

They think they can dedicate everything to science.

What does your own skin count for?

Children and grandchildren should be buried next to the test bed!

They take it for granted that Brother Liu should do the same!

Brother Liu pondered for a moment, "Okay."

Thousands of Kaban scientists cheered.


after an hour.

The Tianjue slowly took off.

Brother Liu and others stood on the bridge, observing the Kaban scientists who had just settled in their new home through the monitor inside the ship.

Some of them gathered in the canteen.

Some gathered in the ecological garden.

Some of them soaked in the swimming pool.

Others were holding magnifying glasses and studying the biological skin of Tianjue.

And more Kaban scientists were flipping and jumping on the beds in their rooms, and engaging in pillow fights with feathers flying.

In the ventilation duct above them, Thief Ba plugged his ears with two fingers, his expression ferocious.

Liu Xiaodi grinned and looked at the surveillance screen, "Violent bears, are they really the top scientists in the universe? Why do they look like a group of monkeys?"

Liu Di blinked his eyes, pursed his lips and said, "Every living thing has its own primitive nature."

But at this time.

The leader of this group of scientists, a scientist named Lu Ban, took off a pillow feather from his white coat.

It cleared its throat, raised its head and said to the surveillance camera: "My master and my team members have perfectly adapted to the environment of the Tianjue. Now, we can start working. May I ask, what inventions do you have?" Leave the task to us?"


The scientists behind Lu Ban completed the last critical attack with the pillows in their hands, straightened their white coats, straightened their chests, and looked at the surveillance camera together.

But Brother Liu remained silent.

Liu Xiaodi asked curiously: "Violent bears, they are calling their masters."

Brother Liu chuckled, "Yes, why don't you answer quickly?"

Liu Xiaodi was immediately confused, "What... do you mean?"

Brother Liu said calmly: "You can't help your father. The universe is so big. Who knows if you will fly solo one day? These Kaban scientists are much more powerful than you think. From now on, they will be managed by you. I will also take this opportunity to help you." For your future journey in the universe, add a powerful technological shield.”

Liu Xiaodi frowned slightly, "I'm flying solo? How can I?"

The next moment, the little boy suddenly reacted and said worriedly: "Violent Bear, are you...going to leave?!"

Liu Di was silent for a moment and avoided answering: "I hope you will make full use of the wisdom of Kaban scientists and make every step you take brave and confident."

At this time, Brother Liu's eyes flashed and he thought to himself.

Of course I won't leave you unless I have to.

"This lord."

But Lu Ban looked at Liu Xiaodi from a distance and said very sincerely: "According to the observation of our team, the mechanical force field on your chest has capabilities limited to level 6 civilization. It is an honor that our team's research field is already close." Level 8 civilization, I think we can upgrade your mechanical stance. After completion, its efficiency will be increased by at least 500%, and the force field coverage will be expanded by at least 8,000 kilometers."

Liu Xiaodi was stunned, touched the Utah array on his chest, and said with some surprise: "Close to level 8 civilization...Are you so powerful?"

Lu Ban bowed slowly and said: "Humility is the traditional virtue of our Kaban civilization."

"Tsk tsk..."

"Still humble."

Little Brother Liu grinned.

But it was the female warrior Spann who took a step forward and grabbed her lightsaber with only one hilt left. Her weapon had been bitten into pieces and swallowed by Bo Ming's lieutenant before!

Spann hesitated: "Can this weapon of mine be repaired?"

"Of course! My beautiful lord."

Luban still bowed deeply, "Not only can we repair your weapon, but we can also increase its electromagnetic power and light particle ejection power by 1600%. In this way, the strength and sharpness of this weapon will be increased by 420.5 times. ”

"In addition, we can also build you a Guangwu shield and Guangwu armor."

"According to our immature conjecture, after you put on this set of equipment, nuclear weapons below level 3 civilization will feel like an itch to you, while beam weapons below level 5 civilization can stay in it for 4-6 minutes without stopping. Getting hurt."

Spann was slightly startled, "Is it so...strong?"

"Humility is the traditional virtue of our Kaban civilization."

at this time.

Kun Sang carried his baseball bat and slowly stepped forward, "Sir Kun Sang, there is another task here! But for you now, it is very difficult and should be impossible to accomplish!"

Lu Ban was slightly startled and said with sincerity: "My lord, please forgive our incompetence, but I still want to confirm the details of your mission with you, and then you give our team some time. We will continue to concentrate on it in 30 or 50 years." Research, I believe that we will realize your scientific and technological goals one day!”


Kun Sang raised his head, "My mission is very simple. It is to increase my terrifying combat power by another 1%! I know that this kind of thing that breaks through the human ceiling is very difficult even for your team of Kaban scientists." Arrived!”


Lu Ban pondered for a moment, "Sir... I haven't organized the right words to answer your question yet, but based on our team's observations, I can only say... your potential for improvement is even greater than the universe. In addition, I suggest that you learn more traditional virtues from our Kaban civilization."


Kun Sang laughed and looked around proudly, "Look, Lu Ban said that my potential is greater than the universe. Wait... what does potential mean? Do you mean I'm weak now?!!"

Lu Ban bowed deeply again, "Also, Sir, I think it's not a wise choice for you to hang Zerg limbs on your weapons... Zerg's sense of smell is very sharp."

Kun Sang looked back.

At this time, on his baseball bat, there was the antennae that he had broken off from the mouth of the giant beetle that parasitized Sim Wheel!

Kun Sang said proudly, "Would I be afraid of those little bugs?"

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