My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1442 Destined (1/2)

But I saw Brother Liu with red eyes.

The body's direct law of inertia comes to a sudden halt.

Looking at the man with an angelic face, his right eye was scarlet and the corner of his mouth curled up into an evil smile.

The man with the angelic face trembled all over!

"What are you going to do!"

"You killed my entire Guardian Alliance team!"

"No matter what the reason is, you must stop your actions now and accept the sanctions you deserve!"

Immediately, he took out his beam pistol and pointed it at Brother Liu tremblingly.

"Don't think you can conquer everything!"

"The Star Guardian Alliance is an extremely powerful force. You will harm your partners, your race, and your planet. Even if you can escape, even if you kill me, the Alliance will launch an endless search for you. You bear it. There are no consequences like this!”

The red-eyed Brother Liu chuckled, "This method is exactly the same as the official threat on Earth. It sounds really scary. It's a pity...I have a split personality now and I can't understand what you are talking about."

I saw.

At this time, Liu Di's scarlet right eye suddenly flashed a purple light, but it only lasted for a moment, and the purple light disappeared.

Red-eyed Brother Liu suddenly jumped up!

The angelic man felt cold in his heart and closed his eyes as if resigned to his fate!

But he saw Brother Liu rushing directly towards the three stellar starships behind him!

In the process of charging.

The red-eyed Brother Liu flicked one hand, and four small balls flew out of his hand. The small balls dispersed instantly and turned into a square covering 800 kilometers!

The space inside this square was flashing with an all-devouring gray light, swallowing up the two star-class starships of the Interstellar Alliance!

There is no sound the whole time!

The 500-kilometer-long starship just disappeared, as if another world had arrived and was silently annexed!

The angel-faced man was speechless, "Is this... an eight-dimensional space?! Can this ability really exist in a single creature? No! Not only can he control time? What dimension does that guy belong to!"

But he saw Brother Liu shoot through the stellar starship like a steel nail again!

Come directly to the bridge!

General Drew was horrified and shouted: "Stop! Do you know who you are facing!"


I saw that General Drew's body grew and grew at a speed visible to the naked eye. His body changed from the size of an ordinary person to nearly 5 meters. Hundreds of compound eyes roamed around his body, all over his body, and he seemed to be able to observe every corner!

Creatures like General Drew have the ability to become mad, which can increase their physical fitness by nearly 20 times in an instant!

"I'll give you one last chance, back off immediately!"

General Drew shouted angrily.

But he saw that the red light in Liu Di's right eye almost filled his entire body.

Without any expression, he jumped up high and hit Drew's head into his chest with an elbow!



In the ear-piercing sound of bone cracking, Commander Drew's brain bones, neck bones, and chest bones were shattered into pieces at the same time!


Brother Liu raised his leg and kicked Drew's dead body away, crashing through the starship's partitions!

"What a weak general!"

Then Brother Liu's body flashed.

Arriving at a secret room in this stellar starship.

On one of the alloy crosses, a human figure was tied.

This humanoid looks about the same size as a human on Earth, but its body is covered with a layer of cloth made of a special material, like a tarpaulin, with a light silver color.

There are various circuits connected to the surface of these fabrics, and there is a precision instrument on one side that is constantly supplying energy to these materials.

There are special creatures imprisoned in the quest!

Brother Liu had no expression on his face. He took a step forward and ripped open the special fabric with a click!

But what he saw was a human astronaut among them!

And they are Chinese!

However, this man's body was extremely illusory, kept flickering, and seemed to be about to disappear.

The man's physiological functions seemed not to be affected at all. He slowly got up and said with some horror: "Who are saved me?"

The red-eyed Brother Liu smiled evilly, "If you think about it, I haven't gone back for thousands of years. I didn't expect that the technology in T2 City has developed to such an extent that it has begun to develop aerospace industry?"

The astronaut was extremely shocked, " know T2? Who are you?"

The red-eyed Brother Liu smiled again, "In your world, my name is Diba, and some people call me the Lord of the Brain Realm."

"Lord of the Brain Realm!!!"

The astronaut’s eyes are wide open!

But he saw the red-eyed Brother Liu waving his arm, "Go back, I will visit you when I have time!"

The astronaut's body was as ethereal as smoke, rising slowly into the air, and then a gap seemed to open in the space, and the astronaut's figure disappeared into it.

This astronaut.

They are members of T2, a modern urban area in the brain world!

During the period when Brother Liu was away, the flow of time there was different from reality, and technology developed rapidly!

Brain Realm is 24 light years away from Earth.

Liu Zhengqing said that the world of consciousness particles has gradually turned into a real object!

This 'astronaut' is the first member to drive a spacecraft from the brain world into space.

But I didn't expect it.

This astronaut's spacecraft was captured by Krona!

It also used this to open the door to 'brain wave creatures'!

Krone believed that this would be an opportunity to subvert existing technology. As soon as he captured the astronaut, he dedicated the astronaut to Drew, who was in the same snake and mouse nest with him!


Krona came to Kepler-16b again in an attempt to capture the star Elisa.

Brother Liu has understood everything, so he came here to release this 'subject'!


at this time.

Brother Liu did not destroy this last stellar starship.

Instead, he returned to the outside and appeared next to the man with the angelic face.

The white-haired man was shaking violently, "You killed the current supreme commander of the Star Guardian Alliance!"

The red-eyed Brother Liu chuckled, "In your heart, it has died long ago. The reason why it is in the position it is in today is because it conspired with the giant civilization Krona to kill your teacher."

The angelic man paused slightly, " do you know!"

The red-eyed Brother Liu was inexplicably calm, "Not only do I know this, I also know that you are the only high-ranking person in the entire Star Guardian who upholds the original intention and has justice in his heart."

The angelic man's body was still trembling, "What do you mean by this?"

Liu Di's red right eye flashed and he said slowly: "You have seen that I can travel through time. Not long ago, I discovered a future from my spaceship partner..."

"Soon, I will leave them for some unknown reason, and they will choose to continue traveling the universe."


Liu Di looked at Liu Xiaodi, Kun Sang and others who fell asleep due to the alternation of the two stars.

Brother Liu said slowly: "I need someone to protect them."

The angelic man still couldn't understand, his pupils trembled and he said, "What on earth do you mean?"

"I know them."

The rage of the red-eyed Brother Liu seemed to be perfectly suppressed, and he showed an inexplicable smile, "They will definitely cause some troubles, big and small, in the future journey, so with official protection like you, they will be much more relaxed." ”

The angelic man was extremely shocked, "What are you talking about? How could I protect your crew! You have violated the alliance treaty, and the entire alliance will want you, and follow-up reinforcements are on the way!"

Brother Liu didn't speak.

But seeing the angelic man calm down a little, he said: "The giant Krona and General Drew really deserved their punishment. If it weren't for you, I, who succumbed to the alliance treaty, would never have been able to bring them to justice."


"It is precisely because of the existence of the alliance treaty that it is impossible for you to act arbitrarily, and it is even less possible for me! There are 7 top officials above me, and I am just the vice chairman!"

Liu Di's red eyes flashed again and he said calmly: "Those seven are not good people. They are all selfish, their hands are full of blood, and they are guilty."

"Just now."

"I killed them all."

This calm sentence was like a thunder!

The angelic man’s voice was almost distorted, “What did you say!!!”

"This is called a causal weapon."

"Kill them all, cleanly, no one is left, the sky is clear."

Brother Liu slowly turned around, "Vice Chairman, I, Brother Liu, solemnly congratulate you. You are now the supreme commander of the entire Star Guardian Alliance."


The angelic man's pupils were shaking.

Liu Di added: "You know very well that this time, the cancer of the Star Guardian Alliance has been eliminated, with no harm at all. I also believe that only under your command can this army of justice truly benefit the universe! You, Don’t let down your upright teacher.”

The angelic man froze, "I..."

But Brother Liu said quietly: "Those Kaban scientists were rescued by me, so they belong to me, and I specially kept that stellar-class starship so that you can use it when you return."

"no need to thank me."

"You just need to protect my friends from now on."

The angelic man was stunned for a full 30 seconds, with various thoughts circulating in his mind, but he knew very clearly that the man in front of him was an existence that he, and even the entire Star Guardian Alliance, could not shake.

for a long time.

The angelic man suddenly asked: "You seem crazy and crazy, but in fact every step you take is calculated. Do you... really have a split personality?"

The red-eyed Brother Liu nodded slowly, "Really."


A long time passed.

The angelic man asked silently: "How outstanding your ability is, why... chose me?"

Brother Liu chuckled: "What's your name?"

The angel man hesitated for a moment, "I come from the Bai civilization, and my name is... Duan Aohua."

"You see, it's all fate."

Brother Liu smiled and said, "From now on, please ask Commander Duan to take care of you."

The angelic man was slightly startled, "What do you mean?!"


Another long time.

A question came from the angelic man's communicator.

"Chairman Duan, how is the battle situation on your side? We have detected that the signals of two main starships have disappeared!"

"Well... the enemy is very strong, and the enemy has escaped, so reinforcements are not necessary. I can handle the situation here."

The man looked at the ground, where Liu Di was pacing slowly, and silently turned off the communicator.

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