My right eye is a god-level computer

141. Teng Hualong's attitude

The next two days.

All major news revolves around the founder.

‘Repeatedly create miracles and crush penguins! ''Two products, Twin Stage and Twin Music, can be called technological innovations for mankind! ''A super Internet platform with 1 billion users is born, and the future is limitless! ''Singer signed by Gemini Music exceeded 200,000 yuan, and the huge dividend was as high as 5 billion! Good news from the original singer! ''Penguin's market share plummeted and its stock price plummeted! You messed with the wrong people! ’ ‘Who is the founder Di San, a master of technology? Business genius? ''Bold guess: Di San may be from the future! ''The mysterious Emperor San, no one knows who he is, the founder is tight-lipped, and the rival Penguin has no time to reveal it! ''Is 3:0 the end of the corporate war? 'm Hundreds of millions of people are looking forward to the creator winning, and he is ready to enter the Gemini live broadcast at any time because he wants to watch Diyi's concert! 'The news content is all kinds of weird! Comprehensive analysis from every angle and every perspective.

However, what is revealed between the lines is more mystery! The mysterious Emperor San.

The creator of mystery.

Mysterious next move! It touches the hearts of countless people.

With such attention.

Even if Gemini Live doesn't have any amazing features, I'm afraid there will definitely be no shortage of users! ...Penguin Group.

Boss Teng Hualong has returned.

Due to the super strength of the creator.

Teng Hualong, who has not been involved in the company's operations for 3 years, is taking charge again! However.

In the past two days, Teng Hualong had no time to think about countermeasures.

He was facing nearly a hundred shareholders of Penguin! Worried! The stock price shrank significantly, and the value of many people plummeted instantly.

The investors were scolding, and the shareholders were condemning! He wants to comfort them one by one! at this time.

Teng Hualong is sitting in the office.

Looking out the window at a group of dejected employees.

The mood was extremely depressing.

Irritated! depressed! Did i do something wrong? Shouldn't I accept Gemini's declaration of war? But.

My majestic penguin! I am Teng Hualong! Am I wrong for not taking small companies like Founder seriously? Dang Dang Dang.

The secretary knocked on the door and gently put down a stack of documents, "Mr. Teng, 60 people in the Penguin Live broadcast department have resigned. They said they were under too much pressure..." "Get out.

"Teng Hualong closed his eyes and frowned.

I was wrong! You really shouldn’t declare war with Gemini! That boy Di San.

He also said that he is his younger brother's younger brother...he is the uncle! He is much more powerful than I imagined! Keep eating like this.

My penguin business will be defeated by him and smashed to pieces! 2:0.

Brother Liu, Brother Liu, how much more do you want to increase the score? Dang... someone knocks on the door again.

Li Dede, who looked decadent, walked into the house angrily.

He just sat on the sofa casually.

He actually smoked a cigar! Teng Hualong frowned again.

Li Daode has been like this since he came back the day before yesterday! A dead pig is not afraid of being scalded by boiling water! I saw Li Daode smoking a cigarette and said casually: "Mr. Teng, you can punish me however you want! I don't care about anything now!" "Daode, this time it's not entirely your fault, the creator is too strong!" Teng Hualong Narrowing his eyes, he said, "You do something for me..." "It depends on your mood..." Li Dede puffed out smoke rings leisurely, and then coughed violently! He doesn't know how to smoke at all, he just learned it yesterday! Teng Hualong was furious and shouted: "What is your attitude!" Li Daode shrugged.

Immediately, Teng Hualong suppressed the anger in his heart and said in a low voice: "Give you a chance to make up for your past mistakes. On behalf of me, on behalf of our Penguin Group, you admit defeat to the founder!" These words.

How difficult it is to say it from the mouth of the boss Teng Hualong! but.

It’s impossible not to admit defeat! If the creator continues like this, Penguin will collapse completely! despite this.

Teng Hualong still wanted to save his face and sent Vice President Li Daode to come forward and admit his defeat! "Go and tell him that as long as he stops cannibalizing our business, I can cooperate with him!" Teng Hualong gritted his teeth.

"Tch..." "I'm not going!" "Cooperate? He wants to make it easier for me to be like this, no way!" "To tell you the truth, that bastard Emperor San won't live for a few more days! Haha !" Li Daode laughed more and more crazily! "Li Daode, don't talk nonsense!" "I think you have a mental problem!" "Come here, send him back to rest!" Teng Hualong waved his sleeves, and someone came directly from the office and dragged Li Daode away. Walk! then.

Teng Hualong sat alone in the office.

Carefully ponder Li Daode's words.

His expression flashed.

Could it be.

What extraordinary measures is he going to use? But the strange thing is.

Teng Hualong, who was fairly upright, unexpectedly chose to remain silent! ...Experimental Cemetery.

Brother Liu, who had been staying at home for two days, was shirtless at this time.

A layer of sweat.

The muscles all over his body are like knives and axes, and he is extremely handsome! He was holding a maintenance wrench in one hand and holding a huge metal component in the other hand.

If anyone sees it.

Your jaw will definitely drop.

The part in Liu Di's hand looks like the hands and feet of some kind of robot. It is two meters away and weighs at least 500 kilograms! Liu Di, on the other hand, seemed to be holding a feather, calm and composed, not affecting his actions at all! The experimental cemetery at this time.

It had been 3 days of rush work before.

Not only is there dense security surveillance all around.

The appearance of the house has also changed drastically! Countless shelves were rearranged around Liu Di's living center.

The entire second half of the cemetery is now three mechanical production lines tens of meters long! They are operating autonomously, with constant mechanical sounds.

The arc of electric welding flashes alternately! The three-dimensional projector projects precise mechanical drawings.

Countless drones are circling in the sky.

On the ground, various small machines shuttle back and forth.

It's like a future technology city! Brother Liu is the only worker! Immersed in the creation! In just 2 days.

Various technologies and techniques in the experimental cemetery.

Most of them were restored by him! At this time, the experimental cemetery is like the most advanced place in the world!

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