My right eye is a god-level computer

$140. An unusual girlfriend

10 minutes later.

Ruan Liangji and Xiaotang finally separated reluctantly.

But Xiaotang came to Liu Di and said nervously: "Boss Di San, I want to have a few words with you alone.

Brother Liu was stunned and looked at Ruan Liangji.

Ruan Liangji laughed innocently and looked at Brother Liu pleadingly.

It is estimated that the girlfriend wants to explain something to her boss.

Take care of yourself at work and so on... come to a secluded place.

Brother Liu looked at Xiaotang with interest.

He is 1.6 meters tall and has a well-proportioned figure.

Her face was not beautiful, but she exuded a delicate temperament.

She belongs to the type that can inexplicably arouse pity from men.

I saw Xiaotang rummaging in his handbag and took out a business card.

"Mr. Disan, this is my phone number.

"Xiaotang said calmly.

Brother Liu was slightly startled, "What are you doing?" He saw that Xiaotang's weak temperament disappeared instantly, "For the sake of taking care of Liangji, I will give you a suggestion.

“In the next three days, tighten all security measures around you.

Xiaotang paused and said in a cold voice: "It's best not to go out."

"Huh?! These words were really beyond Liu Di's expectation! Ruan Liangji's girlfriend, this weak girl, originally thought it was a chance encounter! Liu Di didn't pay attention! But what she said... the next three days.

Isn't it the time when a killer wants to assassinate me? Brother Liu had a thought in his mind.

Xiaotang's information instantly appeared in his mind.

‘Su Xiaotang, female, 26 years old.

Haishi local, ordinary family, parents are ordinary workers.

Three years ago, I graduated from Binneburg Medical School in Europe and returned to China.

Liu Di, who is now a neurologist at Haishi Hospital, narrowed his eyes slightly.

Binneburg Medical School.

This name appears three times! The place where the eldest daughter of the Yan family, Yan Yiwen, studied abroad! The place where killer 9 of spades cures bone cancer! Now it’s the place where Su Xiaotang graduated! hehe.

Binniburg is probably a foreign base for human transformation! It is very likely to be related to the mysterious poker meeting.

And Su Xiaotang must be related to the poker club! Brother Liu once again called up the information about Binneburg Medical College.


everything is normal.

A medical school with a century-old history that teaches and educates people! Well disguised! Brother Liu nodded slightly. It seemed that it was necessary to go for a walk later! "hehe.

Brother Liu smiled slightly and pushed back Su Xiaotang's business card, "Liangji is a good man, don't hurt him."

"Liangji?" "Su Xiaotang frowned slightly, "Shouldn't you be worried about your own safety? ""safety? "It's just a nine of spades. Even if you come with a whole set of playing cards, don't even think about going back complete!" "After Brother Liu said that, he looked at Su Xiaotang sharply.

This is his deliberate temptation! When Su Xiaotang heard this, his eyelids jumped sharply.

This tiny expression was instantly captured by the devil boy: "9 of spades, poker club, when you mentioned these two words, her eyelids jumped. According to subconscious psychological analysis, she was familiar with these two words and was extremely shocked. , you guessed it right, she is related to the poker club!" Su Xiaotang was stunned for a full minute! Who is this Di San? 9 of spades, poker session, casually speaking? Could it be that he knew about the assassination? Somewhat scary! Looking at Brother Liu's eyes that seemed to be able to swallow everything, Su Xiaotang knew.

The person in front of me is by no means as simple as an ordinary Internet company boss! Su Xiaotang said with some fear: "I am not the person you imagined!" Then, she thrust the business card into Liu Di's hand, "With your status, you will soon understand what I do.

"Su Xiaotang took a few steps back in awe.

Then he said: "Also, you have misunderstood my relationship with Liangji. I really love him!" Liu Di smiled softly and said with his hands behind his back, "Of course I know. Fortunately, you are just a doctor. Otherwise, I I'll make you evaporate tomorrow!" Su Xiaotang shuddered instantly! He glanced at Brother Liu in horror, turned around and left! Looking at Su Xiaotang's back.

Brother Liu crumpled the business card in his hand into a ball.

He had already figured it out.

Su Xiaotang must be serving some human body modification organization.

Be a transformation doctor! And his background is related to poker! It seems.

The matter of human body modification has really been secreted and penetrated into real life! Inexplicable.

Liu Di doesn't have a good impression of people like Su Xiaotang who are engaged in human body modification.

Especially the unofficial ones! "Demon boy, follow her closely, I want to find the organization behind her.


"...sent away the Su family mother and daughter.

Brother Liu and Ruan Liangji walked side by side as if nothing had happened.

Brother Liu sighed slightly, "Liangji, your girlfriend is extraordinary.

"Of course, she is my goddess!" Ruan Liangji's face was full of happiness! "By the way, Boss Di San, do you want me to be responsible for the development of the live broadcast function?" Liu Di pouted, "Of course, villas are very expensive!" "Boss, don't worry. I promise to complete the task. As for the villa and so on, I can give it to me only when you are satisfied!" Ruan Liangji said, patting his chest.

Brother Liu smiled slightly, "What's the matter? If you go back on your word, I'm afraid your Xiaotang will ask your friends to come and settle accounts with me!" "Haha, boss, please stop joking.

"Xiaotang is very gentle!" Ruan Liangji said with a serious face: "By the way, boss, you make me responsible for everything, what are you going to do?" "Brother Liu thought for a while.

He tilted his head and said, "Me, I'll be responsible for the promotion of the live broadcast!" Ruan Liangji was puzzled.

publicity? How to promote it? ...then.

The founder company used the celebration meeting.

The plan for the live broadcast platform was announced directly to employees! Gemini Live! Two major differences from ordinary live broadcasts! First, the recommended blessing of the super algorithm! Different people recommend different live content.

And after analysis by ‘Video Master’, the higher the quality of the content, the more recommendations it will have! The second move is the key to the creator's victory.

subsidy! As long as the live broadcast content reaches the premium level, Gemini officials will provide subsidies according to the live broadcast duration.

Calculated by the minute, you can get up to 100 yuan per minute! In other words, even if no one tips, the anchor can still make a profit! There is no way, now Gemini is very wealthy! It seems like a waste of money.

But it’s anything but superficial! As long as there is a god-level rating system like the ‘Video Master’.

Every penny is not wasted! It will only attract more anchors to come! Encourage anchors to make their content better and stronger! Provide better content to your audience! This initiative takes that sentence to its extreme – content is king! The founders and employees are very tired.

But after hearing Brother Liu’s plan.

The blood is boiling again! There is no doubt that this will be an innovative and epoch-making product! It will definitely take the live streaming market by storm again! The opponent is in a mess! What surprised Ajia.

After Brother Liu finished arranging his work, he actually told everyone that he would disappear for three days.

Because I have to go home to receive guests!

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